Individual Details

Nicholas Perkins

(1647 - 1712)

CAVALIERS & PIONEERS; Vol II, p.154: 26 Sep 1674 537 acres in Henrico Co, North side of James, adj Richard Parke for Transportation of 11 persons.
p.308 20 Apr 1687 Michael Turpin patent for 215 acres in Henrico Co, Virina Parish, North side of James. Begin at Thomas Tayler; to maine branch of the Roundabout, in the fork; to Nicholas Perkins.

In 1674, Nicholas Perkins & Philemon Childers entered into a land deal in Henrico County,

On January 31, 1680, NICHOLAS PERKINS deeded the upper half (268 1/2 acres of this 537 acre tract they patented together in 1674 to Philemon Childers. He signed this deed with his mark ("N") just as he signed the deed of 1703 and his will in 1712 with his mark. This deed of 1680 was witnessed by George Lynn and Hugh Davis and was recorded April 1, 1681, p. 161 Part I Henrico Records 1677-1692. It reads:
Know all men by these presents that I NICHOLAS PERKINS of the County of Henrico, Planter, due hereby for me, my heirs, exerts., administrators bargain, sell, alien, enforce and confirme unto Philemon Childers of the said County, planter, the one moyety or halfe part of a dividends of land lying on the north side of James River in the county aforesaid containing by estimation 537 acres three rood and twenty poles which was jointly taken up by and pattened between us ye PERKINS and Childerss as by the patent dated in years of our Lord God 1674, my more plainly appear and in consideration of the equal cost of charges sustained by the said Childers aforesaid firmly, freely and absolutely transferred, confirmed and conveyed 268 1/2 acres, one rood and ten pole of the said dividend (as the one half part thereof) be the same more or less which shall be esbemed and accounted ye upper half of the said dividend of land bordering upon a branch in the said patent expresst. To have and hold the said one half parte of ye first above mentioned dividend to him the said Philomen Childers, his heirs and assigns for ever in as full and ample manner to all intents and purposes as ye other half may be enjoyed by me or my heirs by virtue of the first purchases hereby obliging me and ye said NICHOLAS PERKINS, my exerts., ye admts., to keep said premises free and clear from all former gifts, grants, divers, looses, or defendants or other incumbrance what so ever to the performance where of both ye parties doe bind themselves, their heirs, exorts., admts., each to other in the annual sum of ten thousand pounds of good tobacco, ye witness his hand and seale this 31st day of January 1680.
In presence of us Geo Lynn Hugh Davis
Pecoquiet in the Court Henrico primo d e Apriles Anno Domo 1681
Test Wm. Randolph
ye Marke of NICHOLAS PERKINS (Seale)

In 1686, Nicholas Perkins and Abraham Childers made depositions in court charging a John Pledge with stealing pigs. Nicholas stated he was aged about 40 years.

NICHOLAS PERKINS, Philemon Childers, Abraham Childers, and Thomas Holmes appraised the estate of Samuel Polley, Oct. 1, 1692 (p. 342 Henrico Records 1688-1697). He was a member of the coroner's jury inquiring into the death of William Arlington, and signed the report with his mark "N" Dec. 8. 1639 (p. 454 ibid.).

Along with John Pledge and John Redford, NICHOLAS PERKINS was named "overseer" in the will of John Cannon who named his wife executrix, Feb 1, 1696 (p. 677 Henrico Records 1688-1697).

In a deed dated Nov. 1, 1703 and recorded Feb 1, 1703, "I NICHO PERKINS SENR of the Conty of Henco plantr for the Love and Tender affection that I have for my son Constantine Perkins have...given...unto him the sd Constant tract or parcel of land..." on the north side of James River consisting of 100 acres and being that land he purchased of John Davis. The deed was signed with his mark "N" and was witnessed by Jacob Ware, All. Clerke, and Richard Parker

By deed dated and recorded Sept. 1, 1709, John Pledge of Henrico County, planter for L 25 conveyed to NICHO PERKINS SR., planter, of same county, a tract of 100 acres on the upper side of Four Mile Creek adjoining sd. PERKINS and John Cannon. Dorothy, wife of John Pledge, relinquished her dower right. The deed was witnessed by William Frogmorton, Nowell Burton, and John Pleasants (p. 181 Henrico Records 1706-1709).

Will dated 13 Jun 1711, presented for probate in Henrico Co VA 2 Feb 1712. Names sons: Philemon, Nicholas, deceased, Richard, Abram, Constantine; daughters: Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary Lead, wife of Amos Lead. Beloved wife sole executor. 2 Feb 1712, Sarah Perkins presented this will, establishing herself as the widow of Nicholas Perkins.

His will reads as follows (p. 185 Part I Henrico Records 1710-1714):
In the name of God amen. I NICHOLAS PERKINS being sick and weak of body but of a sound mind and perfect sense and understanding thanks be to Almighty God for the same, therefore have thought fit to make ordain and constitute this my last will and testament in manner and form following--
First I give and bequeath my soul unto the Mercifull hands of allmighty God that gave it and my body to the Earth to be decently buried according to discretion of my Executor hereafter Mentioned and as for the Worldly goods as it hath pleased allmighty God to bestow upon I have thought fit to bestow them as followeth.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Phill Perkins all that my land between the Springey Branch and Abraham Childers line, to him and his heirs forever, and my will is that he the sd Phill:Perkins do pay unto my granddaughter Eliz:Perkins daughter of my son Nicho:Perkins decd: five pounds of currt Mony of Virga in Consideration of part of the sd land being Designed for her father whereon he once dwelth before his decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Perkins the plantation whereon I now live to him and his heirs forever allsoe one fether bed and furniture two breeding sows one iron pot on gun one chest two puter dishes.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Abram Perkins that plantation I bought of Jno Pledge by estimation one hundred acres allsoe that pece of Land I have Lying between the sd plantation I bought of Jno Pledge and springey brainch by Estimation fifty acres by the s....other wet tracts I give and bequeath unto him and his fether bed and furniture two breeding sows one Iron pot one (gun one chest and) two puter dishes.
Item I give and bequeath unto my (daughter Sarah Perkins) one fether bed and furniture allsoe two puter dishes.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Eliz: Perkins one fether bed and furniture allso two puter dishes.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Ladd wife of Amos Ladd two Ewes one brass Kettle gt about 10 gall: after my Wives decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Constantine Perkins five shillings in curt money of Virga.
My will and pleasure is that all my cattle be Equally divided between my Wife my two sons Richd and Abraham and my daughter Eliza and my will is that Each of my children shall have their shear when they arrive to Lawful age or the day of Marrage of my daughter of what Cattle shall be then Livering.
All the rest of my personall Estate I give and bequeath unto my dear and loving wife whom I make ordaine constitute and appoint my whole and sole Executor of this my Last will and testamt hereby revoking and disanulling all former will or testaments of any kind or Nature whatsoever In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this 13th day June Ano Dom: 1711 his
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged as his last NICHOLAS (N) PERKINS
will in presence of;
Joseph Pleasants, Tho: Childers
Abra: Childers, Jr.
At a Court held at Varina for the County of Henrico the 2d day of Febry 1712--SARAH PERKINS presented this will upon Oath and Same being proved by the Witness thereto it is admitted to record.

His widow, SARAH PERKINS, also left a will which was presented to the Henrico court in January 1722 The Will of SARAH PERKINS presented by Abraham Perkins, her executor & proved by Edward Enroughty & Thomas Childers, a Quaker; Thomas Childers & Constant Perkins, security.


Birth1647Charles City County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1674Sarah Childers
Death1712Henrico County, Virginia


SpouseSarah Childers ( - )
ChildNicholas Perkins ( - 1711)
ChildSarah Perkins ( - )
ChildAbram Perkins ( - 1742)
ChildElizabeth Perkins ( - )
ChildPhilemon Perkins (1680 - 1769)
ChildConstantine Perkins (1682 - 1770)
ChildRichard Perkins (1691 - )
FatherNicholas Perkins (1613 - 1655)
MotherMary Burton ( - )
SiblingLydia Perkins ( - )
