Individual Details

John "Lackland" Plantagenet King of England (1199-1216)

(27 Dec 1166 - 19 Oct 1216)

John was first married to Isabel of Gloucester, 29 August 1189, but had no children by her.
He became king by appointment after the death of his brother Richard.

An alliance of barons took advantage of John's defeat at the Battle of Bouvines in France and John was forced to agree to the humiliating agreement at Runnymede on 19 Jun 1215 - now known as the Magna Carta.

Died of dysentery, 29 Oct 1216, at age 49, apparently brought on by eating peaches and drinking wine.


Birth27 Dec 1166Oxfordshire, England
King of England27 May 1199 - 1216
Marriage24 Aug 1200Bordeaux, France - Isabella of Angouleme
Death19 Oct 1216Newark, England

