Individual Details

Lenora McAlister Miller

(4 Jan 1854 - 10 Apr 1925)

Obituaries, Death Notices & News Items Extracted from the Van Buren Press Argus 1925
Vol 10, Fran Alverson Warren, p.4-6
17 Apr 1925
Lenora McAlister Miller was born in Van Buren the 4th of January 1854, and died at her son's home in the Rena Community April 10, 1925. At the time of her death she was 71 years, 3 months, 6 days old. When just a child the deceased moved with her parents to the Miller farm two miles north of Van Buren. [George D. and Mary Sherman Miller were her parents.] In 1870, she was married to Mr. J. M. Killgore. To this union three children were born, only one is living - Harry Kilgore. Some time after the death of her first husband, Mrs. Kilgore married Mr. S. W. Sherrill who died in 1912. Since that time the mother made her home with her son on the Kilgore farmstead two and on-half miles north of Van Buren. "Grandma" as we loved to call her became an invalid about two and one-half years ago until her death she has received the constant attention and loving care of immediate relatives and close friends. ...This good woman was one of the pioneer citizens of Crawford County, having spent practically all her life within a few miles of Van Buren.
...The funeral was held from the Harry Kilgore home Saturday morning. Rev. G. G. Alexander, pastor of the Rena Christian church gave the funeral sermon. ...The body was laid to rest in the Miller Burying plot reserved on the original Miller farm north of Van Buren.


Birth4 Jan 1854Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas
Marriage1870John M. Kilgore
Marriage1 Jun 1899Crawford County, Arkansas - Samuel W. Sherrill
Death10 Apr 1925Crawford County, Arkansas


SpouseJohn M. Kilgore ( - )
ChildWilliam Harry Kilgore (1875 - 1940)
ChildMaggie Kilgore (1871 - 1925)
SpouseSamuel W. Sherrill (1836 - 1912)