Individual Details


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CAVALIERS & PIONEERS; Vol II, p.219 Elizabeth Otey, 91 acres, New Kent Co on the South side of the York River. 23 Apr 1681. By James Wilson's, Mr. John Davis's. "Said land belonging to Elizabeth Sherly, dec'd. by vertue of the will of her father, Richard Sherley, & dew Elizabeth Otey as being heire of the whole blood to said Eliz. Sherly, Junr.

From the St. Peter's Parish Records.
1736: Nell negro girl belonging to Elizabeth Otey, born Apr 23
1738: Sarah Negro Girl belonging to Mrs. Elizabeth Otey born Jun 5.


SpouseJOHN OTEY ( - 1730)
ChildJohn Otey (1713 - )
ChildMARY OTEY (1715 - )
ChildMartha Otey (1717 - 1721)
ChildWilliam Otey (1719 - 1721)