Individual Details
William Lax II
(Ca 1722 - Bef Apr 1783)
Will of William Lax, 1778
Halifax County Virginia, Will Book No. 1, Inventories,Accounts, etc., 1773-1782, page 432.
In the Name of God Amen, I William Lax of Halifax County Va. being this the abundant mercy and goodness of God tho weak in body yet of a sound and perfect memory and understanding, do constitute this my last will and Testament, and do desire it to be received by all as such. Imprimis, I most humbly bequeath my Soul to God my maker beseeching his most Gracious Acceptance of it. this the all sufficient merits and meditation of my most Compasionate Redeemer Jesus Christ who gave himself to be an attonement for my sins and is to save to the uttemost all that come into God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them and who I trust will not reject me a returning penitent sinner when I come to him for mercy in this hope and confidence. I render up my soul to God with comfort humbly beseeching the most mercifull and Gracious God to prepare me for the time of my Dessolution, and then to take me to himself into peace and rest and incomparible felicity which he has prepared for those that love him and fear his Holy Name Amen. Blessed be God. Imprimis I give my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken in full assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the last day, as for my Burial I desire it may be decent without pomp or state, at the Discretion of my dear wife and my Executors hereafter named who I doubt not will manage it with all requisite prudence. As to my worldly estate I will and positively order that all my Debts be paid __, Item I give unto my Only son John Lax his Heirs and assigns forever one hundred acres of land lying and being on the waters of Difficult Creek, Item I give and bequeath unto my Son William Lax his Heirs and assigns forever one hundred acres of land being of the same tract, Item I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Lax his heirs and assigns two hundred acres of land being part of the same tract, Item I give and bequeath unto my two only sons Timothy Lax and Joel, and to each of their heirs and assigns one hundred fifty acres of land whereon I now dwell, to be equally between them and if either of them should die without an heir the one living shall take full possession to have and to hold forever, Also I give and bequeath unto my son Timothy Lax two cows.Item I give and bequeath unto my only Friend John Lewis one horse and cow for him to receive by my executors. Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Robert Lax one pound current money of Virginia. Item I give and bequeath unto my only daughter Elisabeth Lewis one pound current of Virginia. Item I give and bequeath unto my only daughter Susannah Childress one pound current money of Virginia to be paid by my executors. Item, I give and bequeath unto my only two Daughters, and Son, Obediance Lax, and Tabitha Lax and Joel Lax all my living that remains at my Death and my only wife Death (this is what says), then to be divided equally between them, Hereon I have set my hand and affixed my seal this Twenty First day of July One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Eight.
William (his x mark) Lax
Signd of Seald an Deliverd
In the Presents of us
Wm Keeling, John (his x mark) Piles
Timothy Chandler, Peter Crews
I appoint John Lax & Benjamin Lax and Susannah Lax, my wife. Executors of this my Will and Testament
At about held for Halifax County the 13 (18?) day of April1783. This last will & Testament of William Lax deceased was Exhibited into Court by John Lax, one of the Executors herein named, and the same was proved by the oaths of two of the subscribing witnesses hereto, and ordered to be recorded and Benjamin Lax one other of the Executors herein named came into Court & refused to take on him the burden of the Execution, hereof, and on the motion of the said John Lax who made oath hereto according to Law Certificate was granted him for obtaining Probate here of in due form beginning Security whereupon he together with William Chandler & Benjamin Lax his Securities entered into and acknowledged bond for the same according to Law.
Teste(?) Geo. Carrington, ___
truly recorded test. Geo. Carrington
Birth | Ca 1722 | Virginia | |||
Marriage | Ca 1756 | Lunenburg County, Virginia - Susannah Chandler | |||
Death | Bef Apr 1783 | Halifax County, Virginia |
Spouse | Susannah Chandler ( - ) |
Child | William Lax III (1760 - ) |
Child | Robert Lax (1763 - 1818) |