Individual Details

Uriah Newman

(Bet 1800 and 1810 - )

Uriah is placed here as a probable sibling in this family because of the land holdings he had jointly with Josiah Newman - 1829-1835 in Madison Co MS as well as a court case in the Superior Court of Chancery in Mississippi, Dec Term of 1843 when the two men were obviously in business together.

1830 Census. Jefferson Co, MS
Uriah Newman: 1m age 20-30. 2f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 50-60
[he might be the head of household that includes his mother and sisters]


BirthBet 1800 and 1810


FatherBenjamin Newman ( - 1818)
MotherOlive [Newman] ( - )
SiblingReuben B. Newman ( - )
SiblingMaria Newman ( - )
SiblingJosiah Newman (1800 - )