Individual Details

Dr. Allen Monroe Appling

(1 Jan 1818 - 1 Feb 1867)

Allen was son of Joel F. Appling and Sarah B. Breedlove. Joel is said to have died in Simpson Co KY, 2 Oct 1845. They are both said born in Albemarle Co VA - so this would be another family that had come from that part of Virginia to Logan Co KY. Some of Allen's younger siblings are said born in Simpson Co, partially formed from Logan Co in 1819.


Birth1 Jan 1818Logan County, Kentucky
MarriageCa 1845prob Simpson County, Kentucky - Lucy Catherine Haden
Death1 Feb 1867Laclede County, Missouri


SpouseLucy Catherine Haden (1824 - 1880)
ChildRebecca Frances Appling (1846 - )
ChildJoel Samuel Appling (1847 - )
ChildNancy M. Appling (1849 - )
ChildRobert Bruce Appling (1852 - 1921)
ChildMary Isabel Appling (1854 - )
ChildEugene Appling (1858 - 1860)
ChildConstantine Appling (1860 - )
ChildAda E. Appling (1862 - )
ChildIrvin M./W. Appling (1866 - 1888)