Individual Details

Owen Lea

(11 Jun 1761 - 21 Jun 1817)

Married Elizabeth Wright b: 31 MAR 1765, circa 1782 in Caswell County, North Carolina

Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements
Pension application of Owen Lea (Lee) R6221 Elizabeth fn77NC
Transcribed by Will Graves

State of North Carolina, Cleveland County: Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions February Session 1846 On this 9th day of February 1846
personally appeared Elizabeth Lea a resident of North Carolina Cleveland
County aged 80 years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth
on her oath make the following declaration in Order to obtain the
benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July the 7th
1838, and March the 3rd 1843, and the 17th of June 1844, Granting
pensions to Certain Widows, that she is the widow of Owen Lee, who was a
private in the North Carolina Militia, and as such served the United
States against the Common enemy for the term of nine months at different
tours, and that he was a resident of North Carolina Caswell County at
the time he entered the service, and that he was in the battle at Gates
defeat and that he continued in this service to the close of the war she
further declares that she was married to the said Owen Lee some time in
the year 1782 and that her husband the said Owen Lee died on the 21st
day of June 1817, and that she was not married to him prior to his
leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first of
January 1794 (Viz.) at the time above stated.

Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year above written in open Court
before me.
S/ Elizabeth Lea, X her mark

Sworn to in open Ct. February 9, 1846
S/ R. Champion, Clk.

[documents in this file disclose the following: Owen Lea (Lee) married
Elizabeth or Betsy Wright in Caswell County, NC in 1782; she was born
March 31, 1765; that after the War, they moved to Chester District, SC,
then to that part of Rutherford County, NC that later became Cleveland
County, NC, where he died on June 21, 1817; she died August 3, 1854; her
claim was not allowed for failure to prove that her husband served at
least 6 months during the War. Owen and Elizabeth had the following

John born March 8, 1784
Richard born May 14, 1787
Phebe born January 31, 1790
Ivy born November 13, 179- [torn]
Richard born April 24, 179- [torn]
William born October 20, 1796
George born February 20, 1799
Nancy born September 30, 1801
Carter born March 23, 1804
Vincent Wright born October 15, 1807
Betsy or Elizabeth born December 27, 18--[torn]

Owen Lea's cousin John Lee resided in Caswell; Owen's sister Elizabeth
Carter, resided in Chester District in 1847; John Wright of Caswell
County was Elizabeth Wright Lea's brother; Elizabeth Wright Lea, the
widow, was survived by the following children: Ivy, William, Carter,
Vincent, Elizabeth and George Lea and Nancy Hardin.

State of South Carolina, Chester District

Personally appeared Elizabeth Carter Before the Subscriber one of the
Acting Justices of the peace in and for the District aforesaid and after
being first Duly sworn according to law Saith on her oath, that she is
the sister of Owen Lee, whose widow Elizabeth Lee of North Carolina in
the County of Cleveland is now applying for a pension, for the services
of her late husband, the aforesaid Owen Lee. This Deponent saith, that
she was living with her Brother at their father's own house at the time
of the Revolutionary War, and that she well knows that her Brother, Owen
Lee, was Drafted, and went into the Service and was absent from Home,
and said to be in the Camps for and about the term of nine months, and
that the Captain under whom her Brother Owen served was George Lee, his
own Cousin, until George Lee was appointed Colonel and then her Brother
served under Captain Sergeant – that her Brother was a resident of
Caswell County in the State of North Carolina at the time of his Service
– and that after the close of the war, he was married to Elizabeth
Wright, the above named Elizabeth Lee now the widow of the said Owen
Lee. Sworn to and subscribed the 6th day of February 1847 before me.

S/ Elizabeth Carter, X her mark

S/ John Davis, MGCD

State of North Carolina, Cleveland County

Be it known, that before me the undersigned, an acting Justice of the
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said County and State aforesaid,
this day personally appeared old Mrs. Elizabeth Lee who being first Duly
sworn according to law, depose as follows to wit – that she is the
widow of Owen Lee, who was a soldier in the North Carolina militia in
the war of the Revolution that he served in the said militia service six
or nine months, under Captain George Lee and Captain Sergeant after
Captain Lee was promoted to the office of Colonel, that her said husband
Owen Lee was a resident of Caswell County in the State of North
Carolina, at the time of his said service, that he was in the Battle of
Guilford Court House

– Declarant, further declares, that sometime in the years 1845 or
1846, she made a former Declaration before the Court of Cleveland County
in the State of North Carolina claiming pension for her said husband's
service in the Revolutionary war under the Act of Congress of the 7 of
July 1838 to which Declaration now on file, in the pension office, at
Washington City, she refers to for evidence, of her marriage, to her
said Husband heretofore offered and that she has Remained his widow ever
since his death, and that her name was Elizabeth Wright before her
marriage, to her said Husband Owen Lee – and that she now makes this
her additional Declaration in order to have her claim for a pension
under said act of Congress Reconsidered to which Claim she knows she is
justly entitled – the services of her said Husband under Captain Lee
and Captain Sergeant she well recollects, that of his marching off, and
of seeing him in actual service in the line of march and also of his
returning home.

She further Declares that her said Husband at the time of his going into
the service was a near neighbor of hers and very intimate together; and
that her brother John Wright also went into service at the same time in
the same Company with her said Husband Owen Lee and that shortly after
the Close of the war, her and her said Husband was married in Caswell
County State of North Carolina that they did not live in said County of
Caswell long but moved in a short time to Chester District in the State
of South Carolina, and stayed there a few years and moved to Rutherford
County, the part of which is now Cleveland County in the State of North
Carolina – where Declarant now Resides.

Sworn to and subscribed this 12th day of February 1851 Before me

S/ Elizabeth Lee, X her mark
Attest: S/ Coalman Doggett, Esqr.

State of North Carolina, Cleveland County

Personally appeared Major MaCombs before the Subscriber one of the
Acting Justices of the peace in and for said County and after being
first Duly sworn according to law, sayeth on his oath, that he first
became acquainted with Owen Lee more than 50 years ago, that at the time
he first was acquainted with Owen Lee he the said Lee lived in Chester
District South Carolina, that he the said Lee moved to that District
from Caswell County North Carolina, that he Deponent often heard Owen
Lee speak of having been in the Service in the war of the Revolution,
that he said he was Drafted and spent two or three different tours, and
that he said his Cousin George Lee was his Captain, his Major's name was
Sharpe, and that he was in the Battle at Guilford Court House and
several other scrimmages; and this Deponent further Saith that some few
years after he first became acquainted with the said Owen Lee in Chester
District S. C. that he Deponent went in to Caswell County N. C. and then
and there he was made acquainted with John Lee, the Cousin of Owen Lee
and John Wright, Deponent was also made acquainted with who was the
Brother of Owen Lee's wife and the said John Lee and John Wright told
Deponent that they and Owen Lee were Soldiers together in the
Revolutionary war and Owen was a faithful Soldier and true patriot.
Deponent well knows that these statements or Declarations was made in
his presence by John Lee & John Wright some 45 or 50 years ago. This
Deponent further saith that the said Owen Lee lived a few years in
Chester District S. C. & then moved to Cleveland County N. C. where his
widow now lives, and that he Deponent also moved to Cleveland County
about the same time, and settled and lived a near neighbor to the said
Owen Lee and that he was well acquainted with him until his death which
was about the year 1817,and that he heard the said Lee after he moved to
Cleveland County in N. C. speak of his having been in the war: and that
the said Owen Lee was always Reputed and Recognized in the Settlements
where he lived to have been a Soldier of the Revolutionary war and that
the same belief prevails at this time and of which he Deponent has no
Doubt for from his long acquaintance with the said Lee he believes him
to have been a man of as good veracity as ever lived and that he
Deponent is well acquainted with Elizabeth Lee, the widow of the said
Owen Lee and that she is a venerable old Lady of good Repute;

Sworn to and Subscribed this 19th day of June 1847 before me.

S/ Major McCombs
S/ James Roberts, JP


Birth11 Jun 1761
Death21 Jun 1817


FatherJohn Lea [Richland] ( - 1781)
SiblingElliott Lea ( - )
SiblingEdmond Lea ( - )
SiblingCarter Lea ( - )
SiblingPhebe Lea ( - )
SiblingMillie Lea ( - )
SiblingBetty Lea ( - )