Individual Details

Priscilla Farrar

( - )

From: Caswell Co Historical Assn mail list, Oct 2010.
Name: Priscilla FARRAR
Sex: F
Birth: ABT 1698 in Farrar's Island, Henrico Co., Virginia
Death: ABT 1774 in Orange Co., North Carolina
In the Name of God Amen I Priscilla Burton of Orange County in the Province of [North Carolina] Being Sick & Weak in Body but of Sound and Perfect mind & Memory thanks be to God for the Same do make and ordain this my Last will & Testament in Manner & form following [?] first of all I recommend my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God and my Body to the Earth to be Buried at the Discretion of my Executors in Sure & Certain hopes of a resurrection after Death. [Imprd?] I give & bequeath unto my Grandaughter Sarah Burton Daughter of Robert Burton all my wearing apparel Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Priscilla Burton Daughter of Robert Burton one Black leather Trunk Item I give & Bequeath unto my Grandaughter Judah Coleman one feather Bead [sic] & furniture to her and her heirs for Ever Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Son Robert Burton One Negroe man named James to him & his heirs for Ever also I give unto my Son Robert Burton all the Remainder of my Estate of what kind [?] to him & his Heirs for Ever and I do now appoint my Beloved Son Robert Burton my Executor to this my Last will & Testament Revoking all other wills by me formly [sic] Made in witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand Seal this 29th day of May [no year in original]
Priscilla ( her X mark) Burton
Signed Sealed & published in Presence Of us Abram Perkins Thos Dudly Charles Burton
Orange County [N.C.], May Court 1774, The Execution of the [?] Will was duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of Charles Burton one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto & Ordered to be Registered.Test. T. Nash


SpouseRobert Burton (1687 - 1748)
ChildRobert Burton (1718 - 1774)
ChildWilliam Burton (1720 - 1778)
ChildPriscilla Burton (1723 - )
ChildAnne Burton (1725 - )
ChildJudith Burton (1727 - )
ChildNoel Burton (1729 - 1769)
ChildObedience Burton ( - )
ChildElizabeth Burton (1738 - )