Individual Details

William Cash

(1653 - Abt 1708)

Father of Howard Cash believed to be William Cash, possibly born in Scotland, died about 1708 in Westmoreland Co VA. His wife was Elizabeth, surname unproved, although it often appears as "Skinner".

There is a British tax record of 1677, that lists William Cash as seated in Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co.

A deed from Charles County, Marland, Liber 4, p.432, plainly names a very different wife for William Cash who had apparently died sometime after 1692. [FHL film #007737871, frame #674]
1 Jul 1692. William Cash and Rebeckah his of wife of Westmoreland Co, VA sold 25 acres to Henry Key of Charles County, MD. It was part of one hundred acres of land in possiession of Thomas Maris at his decease and now belongs to the four daughters of Thomas Maris. (Rebeckah was surely one of these daughters.) signed William Cash, by his "W" mark; Rebeckah Cas by her "X" mark. witnesses were Thomas "T" Liloard and Mary "M" Boughton.
William Cash & his wife Rebeckah appointed William Stone to be their lawful attorney to acknowledge this deed.
Witnesses attested to deed on 9 Aug 1692.

In the name of God Amen! I, WILLIAM CASH, being sick and weak of body but of perfect sense and memory praise be God, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament Revoking all other wills heretofore made save only this in manner and form followeth: I give my soul to God which gave it and my body to the Earth there to be decently buried according to the discretion of my executor in sure and certain hopes of Resurrection and that I shall see my Savior at the last day. Item. I do make my loving wife ELIZABETH CASH my Executrix and PETER SKINNER my Executor. Item. I give unto my loving wife my plantation with a third part of my land during her life.Item. I give one hundred acres of land being at the head of my land westward from my plantation to my son WILL: CASH and to him and his heirs and if he dieth without male heirs then tis my will that my son THOMAS CASH shall have it and his male heirs, and if my son THOMAS CASH dieth without male heirs then it is my will that it should fall to my son JOHN CASH and to his male heirs.Item. I give the remaining part of my land, it being one hundred twenty four acres to my son JAMES CASH and to his male heirs and if he die without male heirs, then it is my will that my son HOWARD CASH shall have it and if he dieth without male heirs, it is my will it should fall to my son JOSEPH CASH and his male heirs, and if he dieth without male heirs it is my will that my son PETER CASH and to him and his heirs forever.Item. I give all my personal to my loving wife after my debts is paid. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of Febr'y 1707/8To my son WILLIAM CASH underlined between the seventeen & eighteen lines before signed.WILL: CASH sig. (seal) Testes: JOHN SKINNER, JNO. THOMAS, MARY HORTON
I having a fatherly care of my children do order them my son WILLIAM CASH to live dutifully with his mother until he be of age of one and twenty and likewise my son THOMAS CASH and my daughter ANIS CASH until she be eighteen years Of age and if she or either of them will not be governed by their mother then it is my desire that my friend and Executor PETER SKINNER shall have full power over them or either of them that will not be obedient unto their mother to take them to himself for the full time aforesaid. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. WILL: CASH sig.[Will Bk 4:141-142}In the name of God Amen! I, WILLIAM CASH, being sick and weak of body but of perfect sense and memory praise be God, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament Revoking all other wills heretofore made save only this in manner and form followeth: I give my soul to God which gave it and my body to the Earth there to be decently buried according to the discretion of my executor in sure and certain hopes of Resurrection and that I shall see my Savior at the last day. Item. I do make my loving wife ELIZABETH CASH my Executrix and PETER SKINNER my Executor. Item. I give unto my loving wife my plantation with a third part of my land during her life.Item. I give one hundred acres of land being at the head of my land westward from my plantation to my son WILL: CASH and to him and his heirs and if he dieth without male heirs then tis my will that my son THOMAS CASH shall have it and his male heirs, and if my son THOMAS CASH dieth without male heirs then it is my will that it should fall to my son JOHN CASH and to his male heirs.Item. I give the remaining part of my land, it being one hundred twenty four acres to my son JAMES CASH and to his male heirs and if he die without male heirs, then it is my will that my son HOWARD CASH shall have it and if he dieth without male heirs, it is my will it should fall to my son JOSEPH CASH and his male heirs, and if he dieth without male heirs it is my will that my son PETER CASH and to him and his heirs forever.Item. I give all my personal to my loving wife after my debts is paid. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of Febr'y 1707/8To my son WILLIAM CASH underlined between the seventeen & eighteen lines before signed.WILL: CASH sig. (seal) Testes: JOHN SKINNER, JNO. THOMAS, MARY HORTON I having a fatherly care of my children do order them my son WILLIAM CASH to live dutifully with his mother until he be of age of one and twenty and likewise my son THOMAS CASH and my daughter ANIS CASH until she be eighteen years Of age and if she or either of them will not be governed by their mother then it is my desire that my friend and Executor PETER SKINNER shall have full power over them or either of them that will not be obedient unto their mother to take them to himself for the full time aforesaid. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. WILL: CASH sig.
William Cash, age 19 yr, 5 Mar 1707/8. Thomas Cash, age 11, 2 Aug 1708. Anish Cash age 15, 31st day of July 1708. Wit: John Skinner, John (x) Thomas

Westmoreland Co. Va. At a Court held for the said County the Last Will and Testament of WILLIAM CASH was proved by the oathes of the witnesses thereunto as also the codicil above written and ordered to be recorded 25th August 1708. Recorded 30 August Test: JA: WESTCOMB, Clerk


DeathAbt 1708Westmoreland County, Virginia
MarriageElizabeth Skinner


SpouseElizabeth Skinner ( - )
SpouseRebeckah Maris ( - 1692)
ChildRobert Howard Cash (1687 - 1772)