Individual Details


(1752 - 1801)

Winifred was not listed in the first Holtzclaw book but added to "Nassau-Siegen Immigrants" by B. C. Holtzclaw. Proof is sketchy.
Winney Holtzclaw was baptized in 1772 at the Broad Run Baptist Church in VA and after her name written at a later time is the word "gone". On 20 Jul 1780, Winney Harding asked for a letter of dismisssal which was granted. This is the only person named Winney on these lists. The Henry Holtzclaw family lived very near the Broad Run Baptist Church and have other records at this church and is the only Holtzclaw family in the area; neither does Winney fit in with any other known Holtzclaw family. The Hardin family has long had a tradition of the wife of William Hardin named as Winifred Holtzclaw. This Holtzclaw family and the Hardins lived in close proximity in Virginia.

DAR Application gives marriage at Cove Run, VA. [I have based the date of marriage on the fact that Winney was baptized as Winney Holtzclaw in 1772.] Winifred and William were likely first cousins.


Birth1752Prince William County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1773Virginia - Capt. WILLIAM HARDIN
Death1801Breckinridge County, Kentucky


SpouseCapt. WILLIAM HARDIN (1745 - 1821)
ChildJohn E. Hardin (1774 - 1850)
ChildWINNY ANN HARDIN (1775 - 1818)
ChildElijah HARDIN (1776 - 1805)
ChildHenry Hardin (1778 - 1855)
ChildMelinda Ann Hardin (1780 - 1829)
ChildWilliam Hardin Jr. (1781 - 1850)
ChildAmelia Hardin ( - )
ChildJehu HARDIN ( - )
ChildCelia Hardin (1794 - 1854)
ChildMary "Polly" HARDIN (1770 - 1839)
ChildDaniel HARDIN (1770 - 1828)
MotherANNE "Nancy" HARDIN (1728 - 1777)
SiblingJacob Holtzclaw (1743 - 1809)
SiblingDuanna Holtzclaw (1744 - )
SiblingJames Holtzclaw (1745 - 1821)
SiblingNancy Holtzclaw (1749 - )
SiblingNathan Holtzclaw (1754 - )
SiblingTimothy Holtzclaw (1756 - 1816)
SiblingDinah Holtzclaw (1760 - 1822)
