Individual Details

William Comstock

(22 Dec 1780 - 6 Apr 1842)

1788, 12 Jul John, for love, deeded 1/2 of the home farm to sons William and Levi.

1792 Said to be a Levi Comstock who appeared in Oneida Co NY in 1792, cleared a farm and build a log cabin. If this is true, he cannot be the Levi Comstock born 1783, buried in Oneida Co. This data found in a bio of a grandson in a county history book - likely the statement is in error and he did not arrive in Oneida Co [which was not even a county until 1798] that early.

1799 The year William and Levi Comstock are reputed to have gone to Oneida Co, NY. They would have been young but their father was dead and their mother remarried. The 1800 census in Oneida suggests they may have gone there with the mother and stepfather and still be living in their household. It has been assumed that this William & Levi were the same as the sons of John who received a gift of land from their father in 1788 when they were quite small - perhaps his way of guaranteeing their future. They are not in the census of 1800 in Oneida Co. under their own names.

1805, 22 Feb William & Levi Comstock of Paris, Oneida Co NY, deed Stephen Charles Mowry 1/2 of a farm in Smithfield, RI, where our father John lived and died excepting the dower of Ruth Hamilton out of said deed.

According to the Comstock books,
William married (1) Martha Lau, and (2) Martha Eastman, 13 Mar 1806

This is an error as they were the same lady.
Consider Law was born New Lebanon, NY in 1756, died 4 Aug 1820 in Westmoreland, Oneida Co, NY He fought in the Revolution. His first wife was Martha Allen, who he married about 1782, but she lived only a short while. They had one child, a daughter Martha. He then married Sarah Grommon about 1786 who lived until 2 Mar 1840. Consider and Sarah had two sons, five daughters. One of his sons was also named Consider.
Consider Law's oldest daughter Martha, married first Luther Eastman, by whom she had a daughter Sophronia. Eastman died and Martha married second William Comstock. The Comstock children were Nancy who married Alcott/Olcott [in another place she was Mary], William, Luther, Martha who married Smith, Ruth who married a Beckwith, John, Nathan, and Daniel.
From Capt Consider Law and His Descendants, as found online.

It appears from the Law family data, that William Comstock was also married twice and Martha Law Eastman was his second wife. The first wife was Lois Eastman, a sister of Luther Eastman, by whom he had a daughter Joanna. That daughter Joanna Comstock married first Consider Law Jr. and after his death she married Abner Waters. I found in a cemetery listing, Chuckery Cemetery, Kirkland, NY: Lois Comstock, died 30 Dec 1806, age 18 years [born 1788]. I would think this is William's first wife - perhaps she died in childbirth.

1810, 3 Sep William Comstock & Patty his wife, Karah Mills & Joanna his wife, all of Paris, Oneida Co NY. Oliver Gillette & Rhoda his wife of Hamilton, Oneida Co NY, are seized in fee of land late in posession of John Comstock, dec'd. The said William, Joanna, & Rhoda being natural heirs of Nancy Comstock, dec'd who was heir of John Comstock, they appoint Levi Comstock their attorney to lands of our sister Nancy, dec'd.

1810 Census for Oneida Co used only initials for given names. There were two W. Comstocks but only one of the right age. No L. for Levi but he might have been living with his brother, since this appears to be two couples.
W. Comstock: 2m under 10. 2m 26-45. 2f under 10. 2f 16-26.

1820 Census. Paris, Oneida Co, NY
William Comstock had 2m under 10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45 [himself]. 2f under 10, 3f 10-16, 1f 16-26, and 1f 26-45. He was enumerated near Kanah Mills, his brother-in-law.

1830 Census. Kirkland, Oneida Co, NY
William Comstock, enumerated near both Kanah Mills and Levi Comstock. He had 1m -5, 1m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30, and himself age 40-50. 1f 15-20, 1f 20-30, and a female age 40-50.

1840 Census. Rome, Oneida Co, NY
William Comstock: 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 50-60. 1f 15-20, 1f 50-60.

William's daughter Joanna was widowed in 1840.
Consider Law [Jr] of Westmoreland wrote his will 8 Jan 1840, probated 6 Apr 1840. Executors were his father-in-law William Comstock of Rome and brother George W. Law of Westmoreland. Wife was named as Joana Comstock. Sons: William C. & Abner W. Law. Daus: Sarah, Maria, Rosina & Caroline. Wit: Martin Clark, William P. Comstock, John Comstock [these last two were Consider's brothers-in-law]
The Law family data suggests that Sarah married Mills, Maria married Halleck, and Caroline married a Best, no married name for Rosina.

William Comstock of Rome, Oneida Co NY left a will dated 5 Feb 1842, probate 25 Aug 1842. Wife was Martha. Sons: Daniel A., William P., Luther, John, and Nathan. Daughters were Joanna Waters, Ruth Beckwith, Martha Smith. Granddaughter, Martha Ann Alcott, daughter of Nancy. Executors to be son John and George W. Law. Wit: Martin Clark of Rome, Alanson Lamphier of Westmoreland.

William and Martha are buried Bartlett Cemetery, Oneida Co, NY
William Comstock died 6 Apr 1842 at age 62
wife Martha d. 6 Oct 1845 at age 62


Birth22 Dec 1780
MarriageLois Eastman
Marriage13 Mar 1806Oneida County, New York - Martha Law
Death6 Apr 1842


SpouseLois Eastman (1788 - 1806)
ChildJoanna Comstock (1802 - )
SpouseMartha Law (1784 - 1845)
ChildMary Comstock (1807 - 1828)
ChildWilliam Pitt Comstock (1809 - 1892)
ChildLuther Comstock (1811 - 1860)
ChildMartha Comstock (1814 - )
ChildRuth Comstock (1816 - 1878)
ChildJohn T. Comstock (1819 - )
ChildNathan Comstock (1822 - 1884)
ChildDaniel Allen Comstock (1825 - )
FatherJohn Comstock (1724 - 1790)
MotherRuth Aldrich ( - )
SiblingLevi Comstock (1783 - 1859)
SiblingJoanna Comstock (1780 - 1843)
SiblingRhoda Comstock (1789 - 1852)