Individual Details

John Buster

(Abt 1755 - 12 Dec 1820)

John married Jane Beattie who died 21 Aug 1814, Scott Co VA.

He is said to have been a private in the Revolution.

22 Mar 1785 John Buster received a land grant from the state of Virginia for 379 acres, both sides of Sinking Creek, waters of the Clinch River adj David Cathorn. This was in Washington Co, soon to become Russell Co. GB P, p.325

Russell Co VA DB 1, p.70-71
16 Dec 1789 John Buster & wife Jane to William Buster. 189 acres being one half of a larger tract of 379 acres granted John Buster by patent 22 Mar 1785. Begin on north side of original tract. Signed: John Buster, Jane Buster.

Russell Co VA DB 2
p.543 20 Jul 1796 William Buster & wife Mary to Jacob Waggoner, 40 acres. Begin on line of land occupied by William & John Buster. Signed by William & Mary Buster.

Russell Co VA, DB 2, p.147
20 Jul 1796 John Buster & wife Jane to John Harman. 40 acres at the head of the hollow above the spring where John now Harman now lives and down the spring branch to John Buster's pasture fence....conditional line between John & William Buster, to the tract of land occupied by John & William Buster. Signed: John Buster, Jane Buster.

Note: Jacob Waggoner & John Harmon were married to sisters of William's wife Mary Byrd.

Russell Co VA DB 3
27 May 1800. William & Jean Kilgore to John Buster. 100 acres both sides of Copper Creek, branch of Clinch River, granted to Kilgore by patent 20 Feb 1797. Signed William Kilgore, Jean Kilgore
22 Jul 1800. John & Jean Buster to Abraham Crabtree, both sides of Sinking Creek, a branch of Clinch River.....corner to William Buster, corner to John Herman. Part of a tract granted to John Buster, assignee of Joseph Horn, assignee of Charles Debrex 22 Mar 1785. 120 acres. Signed: John Buster, Jean Buster.
24 Sep 1805 John Buster & Jane to Abraham Crabtree of Wayne Co KY. 135 acres, both sides of Sinking Creek, waters of Clinch River. corner to Alexander McFarlane, corner to Harry Smith, Corner to Smith & John Harman, by Harmans Spring branch. Part of a 379 acre tract granted John Buster by patent 22 Mar 1785 being the same 135 decreed to Abraham Crabtree from John Buster by a Chancery Case in Aug 1805, Crabtree pltf & John Buster, def. Signed: John Buster, Jane Buster.
Russell County, Virginia
Deed Book 3, Pages 675-676
Executed 24 Sep 1805
THIS INDENTURE made the Twenty forth day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and five, between John Buster and JANE his wife of Russell County and State of Virginia of the one part and Abraham Crabtree of Wayne County and State of Kentucky of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Buster and Jane his wife for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred and seventy dollars law-ful money of the United States to them in hand paid by the said Abraham Crabtree at or before the ensealing and delivery of these present the receipt whereof acknowledged. Have bargained and sold and by these present do and each of them doth bargain and sell unto the said Abraham Crabtree his heirs and assignees a certain tract or parcel of land containing One hundred and thirty five acres lying and being in the county Russell on both sides of the Sinking Creek the waters of Clinch River and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at two white oaks on the end of the spur of Mockerson Ridge corner to Alexander McFarlane and with his lines North 19 degrees West 78 poles to a white oak on the top of the ridge North one degree West eighty poles to a stake, then leaving said McFarlane's lines N57 degrees E eighty one poles to a white oak and Dogwood N 34 degrees E 30 poles to a Dogwood Sapling corners to Harry Smith and with his lines S 28 degrees E 80 poles to a stake S 68 degrees E 55 poles to a bunch of Elms corners to said Smith and John Harmon and with Harmon lines S 22 dgrees W 30 poles to a stake S 36 degrees W 30 poles to a Spanish Oak by said Harman's Spring Branch then up the branch and binding therein according to its several meanders forty-four poles to a black haw bush South sixty-four degrees west one hundred and thirty five poles to the beginning. To gather with all the ---------------------- same belonging to have and to hold the said tract of land and appurtenances unto the said Abraham Crabtree his heirs and assigns forever. The said tract of land being part of a 379 acre tract granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the said John Buster by patent bearing date the 22nd day of March 1785 and being the same one hundred and thirty five acres which was decreed to the said Abraham Crabtree from the said John Buster by the Worshipful court of Russell county at the August term 1805 in a suit in Chancery wherein the said Abraham Crabtree was plt. and the said John Buster and his heirs the Deffts. and the said John Buster and Jane his wife for themselves and their heirs do hereby Covenant and grant to and with the said Abraham Crabtree his heirs and assigns the tract of land aforesaid free from claim or claims of them the said John Buster and Jane his wife or either of them their or either of their heirs and of ---------person or persons whatever shall will and be warrant and forever defend by their present. In witness whereof the said John Buster and Jane his wife have herunto set their hands and seals this day and year above
John Buster seal

Jane Buster seal
at October Court 1805
This Indenture of bargain and sale from John Buster and Jane his wife to Abraham Crabtree was acknowledged in court by said John and Jane his wife being privily examined as the law derects(sic) was thereupon Ordered to be recorded.

5 Nov 1805 Abraham & Mary Crabtree of Wayne Co KY to Harry Smith, 135 acres both sides of Sinking Creek [same as above]. Signed by Abraham Crabtree and Mary Crabtree.

Russell Co VA DB 4
28 Jan 1813 John & Jean Buster to Charles Eddington. 100 acres both sides of Copper Creek, branch of Clinch River, granted by patent 20 Feb 1797. [land bought in 1800 from William Kilgore]


BirthAbt 1755
Death12 Dec 1820Scott County, Virginia


FatherWilliam Buster (1729 - 1793)
MotherJane Woods ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Buster (1751 - 1814)
SiblingWilliam Buster ( - )
SiblingMichael Buster (1757 - 1839)
SiblingDavid Buster ( - 1806)
SiblingClaudius Buster (1763 - 1826)
SiblingCharles Buster (1765 - 1802)
SiblingSarah Buster (1768 - 1836)
SiblingMary Jane Buster (1770 - 1855)