Individual Details


(1747 - Abt 1798)

Some of the following are much too early for this Bartlett, there was obviously more than one Anderson with this given name - they are likely the records of his father, or an uncle. Some believe Bartlett to be the son of an older Bartlett - others declare his father was a John Anderson, b. about 1712 in New Kent, d. after 1760 in Louisa - a son of Robert Anderson & Mary Overton. Still another researcher has concluded that this Bartlett and a brother Charles were sons of Mathew Anderson.

Louisa Co VA Deeds
Book: A, Page: 131, Grantor: John Blalock Sen., Grantee: John Anderson, Date: 14-Nov-1743
John Blalock Sen. of St. Martins Par., Louisa co. Planter, to John Anderson of St. Pauls Par., Hanover co. Planter; £50; 206 acres on both sides of Harris fork of Cub Creek, St. Martins Par., part of 400 acres granted to William Harris by patent and conveyed to John Blalock by deed... Road running north, Harris fork of Cub creek ... John Blalock Jrs. line. Wit. Bartelott Anderson, John Longan, Jno. Pryor, Cha. Smith, 13 Feb 1743.
Book: A, Page: 479, Grantor: Francis Smithing, Grantee: David Anderson, Date: 24-Jun-1752
Francis Smithing of Fredericksville Par. Louisa Co. Planter and Sarah, his wife, to David Anderson of St. Martin's Par. Hanover Co. Merchant £50 for 100 acres in Fredericksville Par. part of a greater tract granted to sd. by patent at Williamsburg 17 Aug 1733 joining and contiguous to that Tract of land which John Smithing father of sd. Francis gave unto sd. Francis by Deed of gift 23 May in the year of our Lord mentioned and recorded in the Court of Hanover and sold by Francis Smithing unto sd. David Anderson, after having barred and cut off the sd. entail, as may appear by deed from sd. Francis and his wife, bearing date the day of these presents and recorded in the general Court.. Wit., Robert Harris, Bartelott Anderson, Robert Anderson, Jno. Chiles, James Lasley.
Book: C, Page: 0, Grantor: John Cosby, Grantee: John Cosby, Date: 26-May-1761
John Cosby of Louisa Co. Last will and testament: to son John Cosby 19 slaves and increase: Tom, Kate, Young Kate, York, George, Dick, Thebe, Sam, Aggy, Robin, Moll, Mingo, Jo., Dinah, Supio, Floro, Hannah, Lucy and Phillise; to my son William Cosby 22 slaves and increase: Old Will, mulatto Will, old Dinah, Matt, Bess, Sue, great Jenney, Dinah, Peter, young Tom, Abram, Jen, Adam, Aggy, Jemmy, Charles, Beck, Peter, Jolly, Bartlet, Milly and Cuzie. To daughter Elizabeth Snelson 8 slaves Sarah, Charles Rodal, Patt, Lot, Amey, Delcia and Pats child; to granddaughter Mary Anderson wife of Benjamin Anderson 2 slaves Ned and Emear; to grandson James Duke 1 Negro Sabry; to Grandson Cosby Duke 1 Negro Michael; to Grandson James Cosby son of James Cosby 1 Negro Pegg; to son John Cosby all my land in Hanover Co. being two plantations containing about 718 acres; To my son William Cosby 1200 acres to be laid off out of my tract of land in Louisa where I possess about 3,000 acres, the same 1200 acres is to be laid off where William now lives and where the quarter is that is called old Wills Quarter. The remainder of the above tract of 3,000 acres in Louisa after this 1200 acres is laid off for son William remainder 1800 acres to my two grandsons Charles Dickenson and Higgason Dickenson sons of Griffith Dickenson to be equally divided between them. to son John Cosby all my personal estate that lies in Hanover Co. To son William Cosby all my personal estate that lies in Louisa Co. to my daughter Elizabeth Snelson 1 Negro Betty. Appoint two friends Clevears Duke and Bartelot Andersons exors. 12 Sep 1760. Sig. John Cosby. Wit. Nathl. Talley, Israel Hood, Garland Anderson. Rec. 26 May 1761 proved by oaths of all the witnesses.
Cty. Lou, Book: 1, Page: 0, John Cosby, Type: Will, Date: 12-Sep-1760
Written 12 Sep 1760, Recorded 26 Mar 1761 Will of John Cosby lists sons John, Wm, Griffith (Griffith Dickinson). Dau. Elizabeth Snelson. Grandsons: Charles and Higgason Dickinson, sons of Griffith Dickinson, remaining tract of 1000 acres. To son John Cosby all my land in Hanover Co., being his plantation-about 718 acres. To son William Cosby 1200 acres of land in Louisa Co., whereon I posses about 3000 acres, the same 1200 acres, where Will lives called Will's Quarter. To grandsons: Charles Dickinson & Higgason Dickinson, sons of Griffith Dickinson remainder of tract of 1800 acres. Mentions Mary Anderson, wife of Benja. Anderson. Grandsons: James and Cosby Duke, grandsons James Cosby, son of James Cosby. Executors: Cleavers Duke and Bartlett Anderson

Book: D1/2, Page: 169, Grantor: Charles Cosby Junr. and Rebecca his wife, Grantee: Robert Goodwin, Date: 09-Mar-1769
Charles Cosby, Jr. and Rebecca his wife of St. Martins Par. Louisa Co. to Robert Goodwin of Trinity Par. Louisa Co. £8 for 104 acres in Trinity Par. adj. Nicholas Gentry, Wm. Hogan, Bartelott Anderson. Sig. Charles Cosby, Jr., and Rebecca Cosby. wit. Anthony Winston, David Hix, Thomas Poindexter, James Terry. ack. 9 Oct 1769 ack. by Chas. Cosby, Jr. and Rebecca his wife.

March 13, 1769 - Louisa Co., VA: This Court dowth by a certain indenture put and bind John Dickinson, orphan, to Bartlett Anderson, shop and house joiner, to learn his art & trade which indenture was executed and acknowledged by the said Bartelott in open Court and ordered to be certified. (Louisa County Order Book, page 261)

There may have been two Bartlett Andersons, father and son.
From a message board post:
Anderson - Overton, A Continuation of Anderson Family Records (1936) & Early Descendants fo William Overton & Elizabeth Waters of Virginia & Allied Families, by William Pope Anderson, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1945.
there is a presentation of precessioning records from St. Paul's parish in Hanover County which indicates that another Bartlett began precessioning for the land of Bartlett Sr after the elder's death in 1761.
This is the best evidence to date that I have seen that says he was the son.
Bartlett Anderson Hanover Co. 1763 150

Also the early Bartlett may have been married to Mary Cosby. He lived in Hanover Co and is thought to have been a son of Robert Anderson and Mary Overton of New Kent Co. Mary Cosby, thought to have been a daughter of John Cosby and wife Martha Garland - this is the John Cosby who married Anne Meriweather Johnson as her second husband.
If this linkage is correct, then Barlett Anderson and his wife Frances Dickerson were first cousins.

Louisa Co. Va. Marriage Bonds
April 10, 1770
Bartlelott Anderson Husband and Frances Dickinson Wife
father Griffith Dickason
John Watson
Hickason Cosby Dickason
Robert Dickason
John Hawkins, Jr.

Book: D1/2, Page: 211, Grantor: John Anderson, Grantee: Bartelott Anderson, Date:
[blank] 1770 John Anderson of Trinity Par., Louisa co. to Bartelott Anderson of sd. Par. and Co. £50 for 193 acres.
1770 John Anderson to Bartelott Anderson. 193 Acres. Both of Trinity Parish, Lousia Co VA. For 50£. Tract is adjacent Armstrong's corner, Dabney's corner.
One database online says this John Anderson is Bartlett's father and that he gave half of this land to another son Benjamin. If the younger Barlett is not a son of the elder, then perhaps John had a brother named Barlett.
14 Jun 1773 Bartlett Anderson and wife Frances to John Watson. The same 193 acres. 50£. Frances relinquished dower.
Neither of these deeds states a specific relationship between John and Bartlett Anderson - John sold the land to Bartlett, it wasn't a gift as he turned around and sold it for the same amount.
John Anderson deed to Bartelott Anderson, 193 acres, adj. Armstrong & Dabney
D.B. D1/2, 211. 1770
This Indenture made the Day of in the year of our or Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy. Between John Anderson of the Parish of Trinity in the County of Louisa of the one part and Bartolett Anderson of said Parish and County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Anderson for many good Persons, but more Especially for consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds Currt. money of Virginia to him in had paid by the said Bart'l Anderson before the Sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the John Anderson doth hereby Confess and Acknowledge. Hath Granted, Bargained, Sold, Released, Declined, Excepted, and Confirmed unto the said Bart'l Anderson his Heirs and assigns forever. One certain tract or parcel of land containing One Hundred and Ninety three acres be the sum more of less and Bounded as follows to wit. Beginning at a corner large white Oak, thence South Twenty degrees. East One Hundred and Forty Eight Poles to a corner pine, thence South Seventy Two, West Seventy Two poles to several saplins, thence south sixty two West One Hundred and Sixty Poles to Armstrong's corner white Oak, thence South Forthy six West sixty one poles to a corner stooping white oak, thence North twenty, West ninety nine poles to Dabney's corner Shrubby white oak, thence North Forty nine & a half East one hundred and twelve poles to a corner white oak, thence North Fifty two West Twenty five to a corner of a black gum and pine sapplen thence a mem. Dividing line North fifty eight, and East One hundred and sixty six poles to the beginning, with the Previsions and Revisions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents and Services, ? and all the Estate Rights, Title and Interest, Claim and demand whatsoever of him the said John Anderson his Heirs, Excur's Admrsts, or any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming the same by, from or under him, them or any of them. And the said John Anderson for himself and his heirs doth covenant and grant to and with the said Bart'l Anderson his heirs and assigns in the manner following, that is to say, that the said John Anderson now is lawfully ? in his own right, of a good, firm perfect abosolute and indefeasable Estate of Inheritance in The Simple of N all & singular' the premises with the appurtenances N with as good right to convey the same as by these presents the are convey'd, and also that the said Bart'l Anderson his heirs & assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably possess Enjoy the said land and premisses without the ? Hinderances or Molestation of him the said John Anderson his Heirs & Asg. And the said John Anderson for himself and his heirs unto this Bartlett Anderson his heir and assigns the said Land and premisses, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Wittness whereof the said John Anderson has here unto set his hand and seal the Day and Year above written.
John Anderson (Seal)
I John Anderson do herby deliver unto Bart'l Anderson possession of the within mentioned Land and premisses to hold to him and his heirs and assigns forever, recording to the true intent and meaning of this Deed, And Wittness my Hand the Day and year first with in written.
John Anderson
Bartlett Anderson and wife Frances, deed to John Watson 193 acres, adj, Armstrong and Dabney. D.B. D1/2, 509, 1773
This Indenture made this Fourteenth Day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy three. Between Bartelett Anderson & Frances his wife of the one part and John Watson of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Bartelott Anderson & Frances his wife for an in (Consideration of the Sum of Fifty Pounds currt. money of Virginia) to them or Either of them in Hand paid by the said John Watson on or before the sealing and Delivery Of thereof (con't?) the Receipt whereof & hereby Acknowledge. Have Given Granted Bargained and Sold and by these Presents they the said Bartolett Anderson and Frances his wife as give Grant Bargain and Sell unto the said John Watson his Heirs and assigns forever and certain Tract or parcel of Land Situated Lying and being in the County of Louisa containing by Estimation One Hundred & Ninety three Acres be the same more of less and Bounded as Followth to (viz?) Beginning at a corner Large White Oak, Thence. South Twenty Degrees. East one Hundred and Fourty Eight Poles to A corner Pine thence South Seventy two, West Seventy Two poles to several sapling. thence South sixty two west one Hundred and sixty poles to Armstrongs corner White Oak thence South Forty six West Sixty one poles to A Corner Stooping White Oak thence North Twenty West Ninety Nine Poles To Dabney's Corner Shrubby White Oak thence North Forty nine and a half East one Hundred & Twelve Poles to a corner white Oak thence North Fifty Two West Twenty Five Poles to A Corner Black Gum and pine sapling then & ten Dividing Line North Fifty Eight East One Hundred & Sixty Six poles to the Begining with the Rer?sion and Reversion And Reversions Remainder and Remainders & Rents and Levies thereof And all the Estate Right Tittle Interest Claim And Demand, Whatsoever; of them the said Bartolett Anderson And Frances his wife their Heir Exors & Admn's or any other person or persons whatsoever Lawfully claiming the same by from or under them Or any of them and the said Bartlott Anderson & Frances his wife for themselves and their heirs Doth Covenant Grant to and with the said John Watson in Manner Following that is to Say that they the said Bartolett Anderson & Frances his wife now is Lawfully Seized in their owner Right of a Good & are and indefeaseable Estate of Inheiritance in The Simple of and in all and Singular the Premisses above- Mentioned and hath as Good Right and Authority to convey the Same; as by these Presents they are Conveyed: and Also that the John Watson his Heirs and Assigns Hereafter peaceably possess And Enjoy this Land and Premisses without the Less Hinrance or Molestation of them this Bartelott Anderson and Frances his wife their Heirs & And this Bartelott Anderson for himself his Heirs & this Land and Premisses with the Appurterances unto this John Watson his Heirs & assigns Shall And Will Warrent and Forever Defend by these Presents and Witnessed (?) this Bartelott Anderson and Frances his wife hath Hereunto Set their-- Hands and Affixes their Seals this Day & year first Above Written Bartolett Anderson
Sign & Seal & Deliver
In pressence of Frances Anderson
Rec'd of John Watson the Consideration Money with in Mentioned.
Bartolett Anderson
At a Court held for Louisa Co. June the 11th 1773, This Deed was this day in Open Court Acknowledge by Bartelott Anderson & Frances his wife & their Act
and Deed this Frances being first privately Examined as the Law Directs and
by the Court Ordered to be Recorded.
Test John Nelson Clerk

Book: D, Page: 102, Grantor: John Harris, Grantee: Samuel McGehee, Date: 22-Nov-1773
John Harris of Louisa Co. and Hannah, his wife, to Samuel McGehee of same county for £171 for 200 acres in St. Martins Parish on Rockey creek adj. by Samuel McGehee, William Clift, Cosby Duke, John Marshall and Matthew Anderson. wit. Bartelott Anderson, James Smith, Wm. McGehee, John McGehee, and John Crank.

24 Jan 1780
Louisa Co VA DB E, p.361 Barlott Anderson of Louisa Co VA, St. Martin's Parish, for love & regard to step-mother Mrs. Rachel Dickinson. All my slaves, my household furniture, my livestock. Signed: Bartlot Anderson
Wit: Charles Cosby, Wm Hicks, Griffith Dickason. 12 Mar 1780. Proved by Cosby & Hix. Rachel voluntarily relinquished her claim.
This is a puzzling deed. Bartlett did have a mother-in-law Dickerson and it's possible that Griffith Dickerson remarried in old age - his will does not indicate that he did - but that would not have been a step-mother to Bartlett. The old usage of the term "in law" did often mean a step relationship but this seems rather late and the usage seems backward. Bartlett did have a sister-in-law named Rachel Dickerson, wife of Frances' deceased brother, Griffith Jr. The elder Bartlett was married to a Mary, not Rachel. John Anderson's wife was a Sarah so this would shed some doubt on the possibility of John having been his father.
The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 30, p.108; 1986
"Local Notices from The Virginia Gazaette" Richmond, 1784, 5 Apr
Thomas Jefferson, Sheriff, advertises for sale at Louisa court house, land to satisfy the tax due thereon:
Garland Anderson, 100 acres
Bartelott Anderson, 100 acres
Capt. John Anderson, Hanover, 200 acres

Book: G, Page: 246, Grantor: Hughes, William, Grantee: Smith, John S., Date: 12-Nov-1792
William Hughes attorney in fact for John Watson of South Carolina to John Smith Sr. of Louisa, £86, 17s for 193 acres. Land John Watson purchased of Bartlett Anderson and Frances his wife [14 Jun 1773]. Beginning corner white oak S20E; 148P; corner pine; S72W; 72P; sapling; S62W; 160P; to Armstrong corner white oak; S46W; 61P; corner stooping white oak; N20W; 99P; to Dabney's corner white oak; N49.5E; 112P; corner white oak cynical N52W; 25P; corner black gum and pine, new dividing line; N58E; 166P; to beginning.

Book: M, Page: 633, Grantor: Nicholas J. Poindexter for John Downing sheriff, Grantee: Garland Anderson, Date: 11-Aug-1815
Nicholas J. Poindexter deputy sheriff for John Downing sheriff of Louisa co. to Garland Anderson 100 acres for $6.03 being all of tract belonging to Bartlett Anderson for delinquent taxes, sold at auction.

Hanover County Taxpayers, St Paul's Parish
Anderson, Barttelot - paid tax from 1781-1797. Tax was paid on his estate from 1798-1802

Which Bartlett might this be? (probably his son)
RICHMOND ENQUIRER Died, at his residence in Hanover Co on 2 May 1822, Mr. Barlett Anderson.

Children of Bartlett and Frances from online database:
55 i. Charles Anderson, born Abt. 1772.
56 ii. Benjamin Anderson, born Abt. 1774.
57 iii. Mary Anderson, born Abt. 1775.
58 iv. Elizabeth Anderson, born Abt. 1776; died Aft. 1846 in Jackson County, Tennessee. She married Benjamin Fox August 20, 1799 in Botetourt County, Virginia.
59 v. Martha Anderson, born Abt. 1777 in Louisa County, Virginia. She married Henry T. Trower July 09, 1798 in Louisa County, Virginia
Martha Anderson that married Henry Trower, She died in Ashley, Pike Co., MO.She was first buried in Ashley then moved to Smyrna Cemetery in Pike Co., MO. I live close to that cemetery and she has two stones there.I believe her will was in Pike co amd Mercer co. I got it off the Mercer co. page.but others have it from Pike co.
.....from the Pike Co, MO records, where she died. It was also recorded into the Mercer Co., KY records. Her name was Martha Anderson, who married Henry Trower. They migrated from Louisa Co, VA to Mercer Co., KY in 1812.
60 vi. Louisa Anderson, born Abt. 1779.
61 vii. Thomas Dickinson Anderson, born Abt. 1781.
62 viii. John Anderson, born Abt. 1783.
63 ix. Nathaniel Anderson, born Abt. 1784.

Other children in other databases include a daughter Ann and a son Bartlett.


Birth1747Hanover County, Virginia
Marriage10 Apr 1770Louisa County, Virginia - FRANCES DICKERSON
DeathAbt 1798Hanover County, Virginia


ChildBartlett Anderson (1771 - 1822)
ChildAnn Anderson (1772 - )
ChildJohn Anderson (1773 - 1791)
ChildCharles Anderson (1775 - )
ChildELIZABETH ANDERSON (1776 - 1846)
ChildMartha ANDERSON (1777 - 1845)
ChildMary Anderson (1779 - )
ChildBenjamin Anderson (1781 - 1868)
ChildThomas Dickerson Anderson (1782 - )
ChildWilliam Anderson (1783 - )
ChildLouisa Anderson (1785 - )
ChildNathaniel Anderson (1787 - )
FatherBartlett ANDERSON (1710 - 1761)
MotherMary Cosby ( - )
SiblingFrances Anderson (1729 - 1784)
SiblingMary Anderson ( - )
SiblingWilliam Anderson (1738 - )
SiblingGarland Anderson (1742 - 1811)
