Individual Details

Jeremiah Echols

( - Bef 27 Feb 1792)

Jeremiah Echols [838.2.1.14] (-1791), who delivered the inventory and appraisement of his father’s estate 22 November 1790, married Elizabeth Dillon [Dillard] in Halifax County 29 December (bond) 1787. He left a will in Halifax County remembering wife, Betsy, and son, John (will dated 3 Nov. 1791, recorded 27 Feb. 1792). By 1794 John Echols was under the guardianship of John Dillon.

Halifax County - Will Book 2, p.485
WILL OF JEREMIAH ECHOLS - Dated: 3 Nov 1791; Pr: 27 Feb 1792 "Being reduced by affliction to a very low state in body tho, Blessed be the Lord. I enjoy my Perfect Reason. I think it cannot be that I shall live long and having an Idea of the Disadvantage of those whom I may leave behind were my Earthly affairs left Unsettled I desire to regulate them before my Departure and for that purpose I do constitute and declare this my last Will and Testament. I resign my spirit to the great Author thereof with comfortable hope that I, a feeble and unworthy creature shall be excepted thru the all sufficient atonement of our blessed Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. "
To my dear wife Betsy all household furniture, stock, etc. also the money that may acrue from my father’s estate. I lend to my wife Betsy my right of my father’s lands -- & then to go to my son John -- to him & his heirs forever..
Execs: Wm McAllister, Henry Dillon, James Hurt and John Craddock, Sr to act in matters of my estate and my Executorship of the Estate of Joseph Echols, dec’d.
Wit: Serinia Jones, Susanna Dillon, Jonadac George, Samuel Hubbard. Signed: Jeremiah Echols.

Nov Court 1794 - Halifax Co. Plea Book 16, p.602 Virginia
In obedience to the Order of the Court. we the Commissioners have proceeded to make the following division of the lands of Joseph Echols, dec’d, Viz: We have allotted to each of them 150 A. of land on the Staunton River & Buffalo Creek, and to make them equal, we have allotted each of them additional land as follows:
Lot 3 - John Echols, son of Jeremiah Echols, dec’d, 150 A. plus 36 A.

ECHALDS Family, Halifax Co., Court of Quarter Sessions, 25 March 1794, in chancery.
Rebecca and Sarah Echalds, daughters of Joseph Echalds, dec'd vs. Abraham and Drucilla Echalds.
Hawkins Landrum, gdn. of David Echalds, Mary Echalds, and Tabitha Echalds, orphans of Joseph Echalds, dec'd.
Leonard Baker gdn. of Moses Echalds, Obediah Echalds, Rhoda Echalds, and Joel [sic-Joseph] Echalds, also orphans of Joseph Echalds, dec.
John Dillon appointed guardian of John Echalds only child and heir at law of Jeremiah Echalds dec.

Halifax WB 6
July Court 1802   1796  Mr. Henry Dillard in a/c with John Echols orphan of Jeremiah Eckhols, dec'd.   Rent of land 1796-1800.  Jan 11792 – 4 years boarding & clothing till 1796 – 5 years boarding, clothing,schooling to 1 Jan 1801.     26 Mar 1802.  Signed by Commissioners, Jno Poindexter, Jno Black.   Ordered recorded.

Halifax Plea Book 21
p.39  May Court 1802   John Brown agst James Echolds, admin of Joseph Echolds dec'd not administered by Jeremiah Echolds, former admin.  Injunction in Chancery.   Plaintiff won his suit.
Note: Joseph Echols didn't seem to have a son named James ...I'm not sure who this was administering the estate in 1802.
p.82 July Court 1802 Account current of Henry Dillard, Guardian of John Echols, orphan of Jeremiah Echols, dec'd, and report of commissioners presented in court and ordered recorded.

p.164   Dec Court 1803    John Echols, orphan of Jeremiah Echols, dec'd being of full age for that purpose came into Court and made choice of Edward Webb as his Guardian.  Edward Webb with Joshua & William Lister Security, $2,000. [John as turned 14 - he must have been born circa 1789.]
p.165 Ordered John Poindexter, John Black, Charles Slaughter, John Marshall & Daniel Marshall or any three to examine account current of Henry Dillon, late guardian of John Echols, orphan of Jeremiah Echols with the said orphans'estate and make report.

Plea Book 23
p.463  May Court 1805   John Maddox in Chancery against George Maddox, John Echols, son of Jeremiah Echols dec'd an infant under age 21, David Echols, Moses Echols, Obadiah Echols, Daniller Echols, Rebecah Echols, Sally Echols, Bailey Street & Polly his wife, Elijah Long & Tabitha hiswife, and Joseph Echols and Rhoda Echols, infants under the age of 21.  By direction of plaintiffs attorney - it is ordered that this writ be dismissed.


DeathBef 27 Feb 1792Halifax County, Virginia


FatherJoseph Echols (1734 - 1789)
MotherElizabeth King ( - 1770)
SiblingSarah Echols ( - )
SiblingRebecca Echols ( - )
SiblingDrusilla Echols ( - )
SiblingJudith Echols ( - 1794)
SiblingAbraham Echols ( - )