Individual Details

Abraham Echols

( - )

Abraham is most often considered as a child of Joseph & Elizabeth Street, but I am not at all sure why. He did not need a guardian when Joseph died. And he was sued by Rebecca and Sarah in chancery, in 1794, apparently to force division of the lands of their father. If he was a son of the second wife, he was surely their eldest child.

ECHALDS Family, Halifax Co., Ct. of Q.S., 25 March 1794, in chanc:
Rebecca Echalds and Sarah Echalds daus of Joseph Echalds dec'd (compls.)
against Abraham Echalds and Drucillia Echalds
Hawkins Landrum, gdn. of David Echalds, Mary Echalds, and Tabitha Echalds, orphans of Joseph Echalds, dec'd.
Leonard Baker gdn. of Moses Echalds, Obediah Echalds, Rhoda Echalds, and Joel Echalds, also orphans of Joseph Echalds, dec.
and John Dillon gdn. of John Echalds only child and heir at law of Jeremiah Echalds dec.

Nov Court 1794 - Halifax Co. Plea Book 16, p.602 Virginia
In obedience to the Order of the Court. we the Commissioners have proceeded to make the following division of the lands of Joseph Echols, dec’d, Viz: We have allotted to each of them 150 A. of land on the Staunton River & Buffalo Creek, and to make them equal, we have allotted each of them additional land as follows:
Lot 8 - Abraham Echols - 150 A. plus 79 A.

Abraham was living in Monongalia Co in 1797 when he appointed James Echols to serve as his attorney and then sold his inheritance from his father to James Echols of Bedford Co.
(Bk 10, p.314) 6 Mar 1797 - Abram Echols to James Echols - to settle interest in estate of Abram’s father. Abraham Echols of Monongalia Co., Va., appoints James Echols of Bedford Co. his Attorney in Fact to act in the settlement.
(Bk 10, p.315) 6 Mar 1797 - Abraham Echols of Monongalia Co. deeds to James Echols of Bedford for £110 - 150 A. in Halifax Co. - land formerly belonging to Joseph Echols, father of Abraham.
[Note - this James in Bedford Co may have been the son of the Obadiah Echols who settled the estate of Abraham's father, Joseph and was Joseph's first cousin.]

In May of 1805, John Maddox brought suit against the heirs of Joseph Echols ...Abraham was not mentioned.

(Bk 18, p.210) 15 Feb 1813 Abraham Echols of Ohio Co., VA appoints Joseph Echols of Campbell Co., VA, his attorney to act in his behalf concerning all estate to which he is entitled by the death of his late father Joseph Echols of Halifax Co.
(S) Abraham Echols
Wit: Geo. Miller, acting Justice of the Peace, Ohio Co., VA.
Test: Wm Chaplin, Jr., C.O.C. Recorded 16 Mar 1813.
[Note: probably his half-brother, Joseph Echols.]

OHIO CO. 1830 (Now West Virginia)
p.213 - Abraham Echols 1 m 15-20; 2 m 20-30; 1 m 30-40; 1 m 70-80;
1 f 15-20; 1 f 40-50.


FatherJoseph Echols (1734 - 1789)
MotherElizabeth King ( - 1770)
SiblingJeremiah Echols ( - 1792)
SiblingSarah Echols ( - )
SiblingRebecca Echols ( - )
SiblingDrusilla Echols ( - )
SiblingJudith Echols ( - 1794)