Individual Details

Francis Epperson

( - )

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 13
p.95 14 Jun 1802 Thomas & Robert Atkerson of Dinwiddie to Francis Epperson of Person Co NC. 50#'s 15sh. Tract on S Side of Cain Creek. Begin at path leading from Island ford of Dann River to Dixes Ferry, Nathl Thomas deceast line. Signed Thomas Atkinson for self & attorney in fact for Robert Atkinson. Wit: John Epperson, Jesse Harper, William Tulloh. 20 Sep 1802 Proved by witnesses

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.375 23 Aug ___ John Epperson to William Tulloh. Said Tulloh has become security to said Epperson in a bond executed by John & Francis Epperson, called an Injunction bond given in Pittsylvania Co Court in order to obtain an Injunction against the said Francis Epperson. 5sh. Tract of land now in possession of Samuel Dabney, 50 acres to be laid off & surveyed. Lower corner of the tract. Signed: John Epperson, William Tulloh.
Quarterly Court 23 Aug 1805, mortgage was presented & Ack by John Epperson.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
p.408 9 Sep 1807 John Lewis to Joice Thomas. For 1sh to Joice Thomas her heirs and assigns forever, two small tracts of land in Pittsylvania Co on the north side of the Dan River in the Plantation on which the said Joice Thomas lives, the family graveyard in which William Thomas & some of his sons were buried, 1/4 of an acre or forty square poles. Begin at a stake a convenient distance from the graves thence North 8 poles to a stake, thence East five poles to stake, thence north 8 poles, thence west 5 poles to the beginning. The other is said Joice Thomas's Garden containing by estimate 145 square feet enclosing grave of the infant son Ichabod Thomas. Signed: John Lewis
Wit: T. Wilkinsin Jr. Danl. S. Farley, Francis Dabney, John Walters, Francis Epperson. 19 Oct 1807, proved by oaths of three of the witnesses.

p.494 17 Dec 1807 John Lewis to Charles Lewis of Caswell Co, NC. 200#'s 13sh. Land in Pittsylvania on the north of the said Charles Lewis. Begin pointers in William Thomas's line, running with the said line, Nathaniel Thomas's line and along the same. 142 and 1/8 acres one half of tract sold by John Thomas's Executors to the said John Lewis. Signed: John Lewis.
Wit: Wm. L. Williams, Asa Thomas, Geo. Dabney, Francis Dabney, Francis Epperson, John Walters 15 Feb 1808. Proved by three of the witnesses.

Caswell Co NC DB Q, p.574
6 Apr 1812 William Tulloh of Caswell to Francis Epperson of Pittsylvania Co VA for $400, Negro woman & child, each named Rachel. Wit: John Hubbard, Jno Stanfield.
[William Tulloch was Bondsman for the marriage of John Epperson to Sarah Price Thomas.]


FatherJohn Epperson ( - 1803)
MotherElizabeth [Epperson] ( - )
SiblingJohn Epperson ( - )
SiblingMargaret Epperson ( - )