Individual Details

John Epperson

( - )

The Guilford Co NC Militia [in which many of the Pittslyvania and related men served) lists a John Epperson, private.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 12
p.346 17 Jul 1800 John Epperson & Sarah his wife to William Tulloh. 7#'s. 30 acres on waters of Cain Crk. Begin at Spring known as Holways Spring, ridge path, John Thomas's old line. Signed: Jno. Epperson, Sarah Epperson. Wit: Francis Epperson, Fanny (x) Wafe, Roger (x) Wafe. 20 Jul 1801. Ack by John Epperson.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 13
p.95 14 Jun 1802 Thomas & Robert Atkerson of Dinwiddie to Francis Epperson of Person Co NC. 50#'s 15sh. Tract on S Side of Cain Creek. Begin at path leading from Island ford of Dann River to Dixes Ferry, Nathl Thomas deceast line. Signed Thomas Atkinson for self & attorney in fact for Robert Atkinson. Wit: John Epperson, Jesse Harper, William Tulloh. 20 Sep 1802 Proved by witnesses
[William Tulloch was Bondsman for the marriage of John Epperson to Sarah Price Thomas in 1800.]

p.530 I Elliott Coleman for love & good will for my beloved daughter Alethe Moon Coleman grant all part of the estate of her Grandfather John Epperson which shall or may be coming to me as a Legatee of the said John Epperson, dec'd at the Division of the said Estate & at the death of her Grandmother Eliza. Epperson. 11 Jan 1804. Signed: Eliott Coleman.
Wit: Francis Epperson, Jesse Harper, Jno. Epperson. Coleman Ack. 16 Jan 1804.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.111 17 Sep 1803 John Epperson for the sum of $300 paid by Durett Richards for Jeffreys & Richards and for Richards & Samuels. Sell to the said Durrett Richards: Negro boy named Frank, girl named Jinny, three feather beds, bay mare, black walnut chest, two black walnut bedsteads, two black walnut tables, crop of corn and tobacco on the plantation.
Conditions of the Bill of sale is that if John Epperson shall pay all the money which he is in debt to the said Jeffries & Richard & Samuels & Richard for 24 #'s.. [This is a Mortgage Deed]
Signed: Jno Stanfield, Jeffreys & Richards, Richards & Samuels, John Epperson. Wit: Jesse Harper, William Johnston, Alex x Going
17 Sep 1804, Bill of Sale from John Epperson to Durrett Richards was presented & proved by witnesses.

p.271 John Epperson for $40 paid by Jesse Harper, do sell all parts of my mother's in the estate of John Epperson Dec'd that would have fallen to me at her death, my part of her one-thirds of the estate of the said John Epperson Dec'd. 22 ??? 1804. Signed: Jno Epperson
Wit: Jno Stamps, Robert Oliver, John Herring. 22 May 1805, Bill of sale presented and ack by John Epperson.

p.375 23 Aug ___ John Epperson to William Tulloh. Said Tulloh has become security to said Epperson in a bond executed by John & Francis Epperson, called an Injunction bond given in Pittsylvania Co Court in order to obtain an Injunction against the said Francis Epperson. 5sh. Tract of land now in possession of Samuel Dabney, 50 acres to be laid off & surveyed. Lower corner of the tract. Signed: John Epperson, William Tulloh.
Quarterly Court 23 Aug 1805, mortgage was presented & Ack by John Epperson.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
Not only did John & Sarah sell his inheritance, they also seem to have sold Sally's dower lands.
p.33-34 31 Dec 1805 John Epperson and Sally his wife to James Robinson of Halifax. 50#'s James & Sally have sold to said James Robertson his heirs & assigns during the natural life of the said Sally Epperson. Tract in Pittsylvania. Begin at white oak - lands of John Thomas dec'd…..50 acres. Signed: John Epperson, Salley (x) Epperson. Wit: Hollaway Pass, Alex Going (x). Jess Going (x) 21 Apr 1806 ack by Epperson

p.387 27 Apr 1807 John Epperson and Sarah his wife for 60#'s paid by William Tulloh, do sell unto William Tulloh a tract of land in Pittsylvania Co, both sides of Cane Creek near the Carolina line, 60 acres more or less. Begin Reynolds line, along the creek, red oak corner, large beach, to the ridge path, white oak in Hudsons line, down the branch to Jessee Harpers corner, Harpers line, the old spring, crossing the creek, then to Reynolds' line, dogwood on the Danville road, down the said road. Also two feather beds & furniture, two black walnut bedsteads and chest, sorrel horse called Jack, one blaze face cow & yearling, pots, flat irons, grind stone, large bell and also sll the crop of corn, wheat & tobacco to be made the present year. Signed: John Epperson, Sarah Epperson. Wit: Wm P. Harrison, Thos. B. Tunstall.
Sarah Epperson cannot conveniently travel to court. 27 Apr 1807. Justices ordered but no return.
18 Aug 1807. Ack. By John Epperson

1820 Census, Pittsylvania Co VA
Enumerated next to William Thomas [2m 16-26]
John Epperson, 1m 16-18, 2m 16-26 [William P. & Nathaniel P. Thomas, stepsons, would be ages 24 and 22, but they appeared to be living next door - perhaps they were counted twice.], 1m +45 [John]. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45.
[Sarah Price Thomas Epperson was married the first time in 1793 - her mother testified she was age 21 at the time. The lady with John Epperson in 1820 could be Sarah, but only if she cheated a bit on her age. He appears to have a younger wife in 1830.]

1830 Census, Pittsylvania Co VA
On the same page as Wm P. Thomas and Nat. P. Thomas
John Epperson: 1m -5, 2m 5-10, 1m 50-60 [b. bet 1770 & 1780]. 2f -5, 1f 30-40. [He appears to possibly have married a younger wife and started a new family.]


SpouseSARAH Price (1772 - )
FatherJohn Epperson ( - 1803)
MotherElizabeth [Epperson] ( - )
SiblingFrancis Epperson ( - )
SiblingMargaret Epperson ( - )