Individual Details
Fortunatus Dodson
( - )
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 6
p.477 17 Jun 1782 John Hall to Fortunatus Dodson. 50#'s. Tract of 100 acres on Waters of the Double Creek. Joshua Hardey's line. Signed: John Hall. Wit: Thomas Bennett, John Winters, John Bennett
Ack. by Hall 21 Jan 1783
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 11
p.255 9 Dec 1979 James Henry to David Dodson. 90#'s Land on watercourse of Bear branch where Wm Ingram formerly dwell. Begin Rawleigh Dodsons line, Shaw line, Bear Creek at the Rocky ford - 100 a that side. 15 acres on NE side of said branch to include Ingrams clearing. 115a. Signed: James Henry Wit: Thos. Hill, Abel Newby, Fortun Dodson, John Fulks, Rawley Dotson 16 Apr 1798 proved by three witnesses
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 12
p.7 24 May 1799 James Haggard to Robert Clopton. 111#'s. tract on S side Sandy Creek. 111a. pointers Peter Terrys old line, Lewises line. Signed: James Haggard Wit: Fortun Dodson, Silvang Gardner, Larkin Ingram 16 Sep 1799 Proved by oaths of wit.
p.275 3 May 1800 Fortunatus Dodson to Thomas Chilton. 20#'s. Tract of 37 acres on waters of Double Creek. Begin pointers in Cheltons line, with his line, Raglands line, branch, meanders of the branch. Signed: Fortun Dodson. Wit: John Shelton, Elijah (x) Creel, John Shelton. 20 Oct 1800 proved by John Shelton & Elijah Creel. 16 Feb 1801, proved by 3rd witnesses.
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 13
p.255 17 Apr 1803 John Spencer, Fortin Dodson, Jno Clopton to Stokly Slayton. 50#'s. Begin Watsons Mill branch, along Watsons line, ridge path, new line to Raglands line, sheltons line 136 acres. Dodson to make 58 acres, Clopton 16 & the sd Spencer [page cut off]
Signed: John Clopton, John Spencer, Fortunatus Dodson. Wit: Thos. Shelton, George Hardy, Larkin Madding. 18 Apr 1803 Acknowledge in court.
p.385 19 Sep 1803. Silvang Gardner & Elizabeth his wife to Robert Clopton Junr. $300. 152 acres. Cloptons line, Rawley Dodsons line, William Lewis's line, Charles Lewis's Dec'd ole line, Signed: Silvang Gardner, Elisabeth Gardner. Wit: Tarpley Yeates, Fortun Dodson, Sarah Dodson. 19 Sep 2003 Proved by Gardner
Was Fortune's wife named Sarah?
Father | Samuel Dodson ( - 1788) |
Sibling | William Dodson ( - 1830) |
Sibling | Micajah Dodson ( - ) |