Individual Details
Abraham Iverson
( - Bef Mar 1671)
Abraham Iverson is said to have had a daughter Elizabeth who married Charles Green. I have no proof.
VA Land Patent Book 2, p.327
10 Jun 1651
Abraham Iveson granted 650 acres on SW side of North River in Mockjack Bay [no county given but Mockjack Bay is in Gloucester Co] Marked white oak land of Thomas Chapman; to the river; land of George Lovitt dec'd; up the river. 250 acres part of patent 15 Aug 1642 assignment from Lund Bayley & Thomas Wright. 200 acres date 12 Aug 1640 due for transportation of four person. 205 acres being due the said Abram Iveson for the transportation of five persons.
VA Land Patent Book 4, p.34
16 Mar 1656
Granted unto Abraham Iveson JR. 100 acres of land on NW side of North River of Mockjack Bay. Begin marked tree on the river side to marked trees which divide the land from the land of Abraham Iveson. Land formerly granted by patent to Lt. Col Anthony Elliot on 21 Mar 1652 and assigned by the said Lt. Col Elliot to the said Abraham Iveson. A note in the margin is difficult to read but seems to be a renewal 18 Mar 1662.
It's questionable whether or not the following are references to the same Abraham Iverson. Many names were used frauduently and repeated during the land patent process.
p.2 26 Oct 1666
Major Jno Weire, 3000 acres. S side Rappa. River, SE point of a great island; part of 2000 acs granted Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson; land of Col. Jno. Catlett. Transport of 60 persons to include Charles Greene, Abr. Iveson PB 6, p.4
p.5 6 Nov 1666
Major John Weire. 1800 acres Rappa. Co on S side of River. Beg at SE point of great Island, 2000 acs. granted Ephaphroditus Lawson, 304 acs. granted Col. Jno Catlett. Transport of 36 pers to include Charles Greene, Abram Iveson PB 6, p.14
p.6 19 Mar 1666/67
Moyses Davies, Gent. 1450 acres, New Kent Co, S side of York River. Mouth of Tottpottomoyes Cr, Capt Anthony Langstone's plantation, crossing the road, below the mountains, Robt Anderson's land. Transport of 29 persons to include Charles Greene, Abram Iveson. PB 6, p.19
p.13 17 Apr 1667
Thomas Woodward Junr. 1100 acs. Isle of Wight or Nansimond Co. Upon black water toward the head of Chawon Riv, including an old Indian field called Mountsack. Transport of 22 person to include Abram Iveson. PB 6, p.45
It is without doubt that names were used repeatedly to claim land. This last is the first to omit Charles Greene who may have been Iverson's son-in-law.
This land of Abraham Iverson's does not appear to be in the same location as that on Mockjack Back, Gloucester Co. and may be indeed a different person.
p.90 29 Mar 1671
Richard Iveson, sonne of Abraham Iveson, dec'd. 2200 acs. Stafford Co upon the main run of Quantiqunt Crk adj Christopher Lund. Granted Wm Beach & Richard Hattoll on 22 Mar 1665, assigned to Richard Normansell, who assigned to sd Abraham & by Abraham his son given to sd Richard his brother. PB 6, p.348
p.193 10 Oct 1678
Major Andrew Gilson. 6710 acs, Stafford Co. Beg on SSW side of Iverson's land, adj Henry Walker; David Jones; Disey Ward; SSW side of Powell's run. PB 6, p.667
Death | Bef Mar 1671 |
Child | Abraham Iverson ( - ) |