Individual Details

Abraham Iverson

( - )

VA Land Patent Book 4, p.34
16 Mar 1656
Granted unto Abraham Iveson JR. 100 acres of land on NW side of North River of Mockjack Bay. Begin marked tree on the river side to marked trees which divide the land from the land of Abraham Iveson. Land formerly granted by patent to Lt. Col Anthony Elliot on 21 Mar 1652 and assigned by the said Lt. Col Elliot to the said Abraham Iveson. A note in the margin is difficult to read but seems to be a renewal 18 Mar 1662.

p.132 23 Oct 1673
Mr. Wm Elliot, son of Lt. Col. Anthony Elliot, dec'd. 340 acs Gloucester Co, N side of North River mill run; near head of sd run belonging also to Mr. Peter Starling dec'd, adj. Mr. Richd. Bailie. On a br of Hoccaday's Cr, along Thos. Guant. Near Mr. Iveson's Quarter. Trans of 7 pers. PB 6, p.475

p.148 8 Apr 1674
Alexander Snelling, son of Wm. Snelling dec'd. 43 acs. Glocester Co, 1 1/2 mi from the North River side, head of land of Tho Chapman dec'd, adj. Abraham Ivison. Granted sd Wm on 11 Oct 1659, due sd Alexander his son. PB 6, p.515

p.249 22 Dec 1682
Mr. John Buckner & Major Henry Whiteing. 2673 acs. Gloster Co. Beg on S side of a crk parting land of Mr. Abraham Iveson & Henry Rawlins; to Jno Reade's old field; through Cow Crk Swamp; mouth of back crk. 2400 acs granted Mr. Edward Dawber 28 Nov 1642 & conveyed to Mr. Young & due the abovenamed as purchasers of Mr. Saml Young, his heir at law. 273 acs. found within dur for trans of 6 pers. PB 7, p.212

p.380 29 Apr 1693
Robert Couch. 77 acs, Gloster Co adj Abraham Ivesonn for transport of 2 persons.
PB 8, p.258

Abraham Iverson/Iveson is found in Ware Parish, Glouscester Co VA as a vestryman, serving in 1704. As late as 1783-84 an Abraham Iveson was still living in Kingston Parish of Gloucester. "Faithful Iverson Lewis; A Modern Apostle Paul" by Roane Hunt gives the premise that Sarah was the daughter of Abraham Iverson Sr.


ChildSarah Iverson (1710 - )
FatherAbraham Iverson ( - 1671)