Individual Details

Joshua Dennis

(1805 - )

In 1840 in Jackson Co:
Dist 9, a couple of pages away from the Dennis families of Miles, Andrew, Thomas G. & A. R. Dennis: Joshua Dennis 1m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 30-40. 4f -5, 1f 5-10, 1f 30-40

1850. Jackson Co TN, 11th District, p.319, Hh 1159.
Joshua Dennis age 45, b. NC. Anna, age 45, b. TN
William age 18, b. IL. Born in TN: Loucinda age 13, Caroline 11, Harrison 6, Samuel 4, and Logan 2.
Joshua was on the same page with Benjamin Chaffin, brother in law to William R. Dennis.
In 1850 also in Dist 11 can be found Miles "Davis" and John "Davis" - they were in Hh 737 and 738. John was not a son of Miles. They were living near John K., Barlett A., Henry, and Richard Fox - all brothers and living on Flynn's Creek. In 1840, William R. Dennis was in this neighborhood - he had a land entry on Flynn's Creek. Miles Davis' entry also mentions Flynn's Creek.
John Davis was age 21. Wife Elizabeth was also 21. Son Pinkney was age 1.

In 1860, the enumerator confused the given names. John is listed with Joshua's age, wife and family while Joshua is the head of John's household. Found next door to each other in District 12 of Jackson Co. [Sarah Dennis, widow of Miles, was also in District 12 - she was Hh 281]
Hh 308 "John" Dennis, age 55. Anne, age 50. John [probably John Harrison called Harrison in 1850] age 15. Samuel 14 and Logan age 12.
Hh 309 "Joshua" Dennis, age 30. Elizabeth age 31. Pinckney was age 10, Margaret 8, Newton 6, James 4, Sarah 2, and Cansaida age 3 months.

In 1870, John Dennis was again with wife Elizabeth and their children. I have not found Joshua and Anna in 1870, possibly they had died before 1870.


Birth1805North Carolina
MarriageAnna [Dennis]


SpouseAnna [Dennis] (1805 - )
ChildJohn Dennis (1829 - )
ChildWilliam R. Dennis (1832 - )
ChildLucinda Dennis (1837 - )
ChildCaroline Dennis (1839 - )
ChildJohn Harrison Dennis (1844 - )
ChildSamuel Dennis (1846 - )
ChildLogan Dennis (1848 - )
FatherAndrew Dennis (1785 - 1850)
MotherAlice [Dennis} (1780 - )
SiblingMILES DENNIS (1805 - 1858)
SiblingWilliam R. Dennis (1813 - 1853)
SiblingThomas E. Dennis (1815 - )
SiblingHewitt J. Dennis (1818 - )
SiblingAndrew R. Dennis (1820 - 1900)