Individual Details

John Dennis

(1829 - )

Listed as John "Davis" in 1850 Census in Dist 11; Miles "Davis" lived next door - he was actually Miles Dennis. Wife Elizabeth, son Pinkney age 1. In the divorce case in 1857 of Sarah & Miles Dennis, John & Anny Dennis are called to testify. There is no other John Dennis of any age in the 1850 census so I believe this is actually John Dennis. Richard is stated as eldest son of Miles. John Dennis is likely a nephew or cousin - he appears to be the son of Joshua Dennis.

In 1860, the enumerator confused the given names. John is listed with Joshua's age, wife and family while Joshua is the head of John's household. Found next door to each other in Distrist 12 of Jackson Co. [Sarah Dennis, widow of Miles, was also in District 12 - she was Hh 281]
Hh 308 "John" Dennis, age 55. Anne, age 50. John [probably John Harrison called Harrison in 1850] age 15. Samuel 14 and Logan age 12.
Hh 309 "Joshua" Dennis, age 30. Elizabeth age 31. Pinckney was age 10, Margaret 8, Newton 6, James 4, Sarah 2, and Cansaida age 3 months.

1870, Jackson Co TN, Dist 1, Gainsboro P.O. p.128, Hh 55
John Dennis, 40, b. TN. Elizabeth 40, b. TN. Pinckney 21, Margaritt 18, Newton 16, James 14, Sarah 12, Canzady 10, Samuel 6.

It appears that by 1880, Elizabeth had died and John had taken a young wife. Possibly only the baby was hers.
1880, Jackson Co TN, Dist 10, p.171, Hh 22
John Denis age 50, b. TN as were his parents. Jane, age 22, wife.
Samuel age 14, son. Tennessee age 9, dau. K. age 6, son. Maggie age 4, daughter. Delia age 1, daughter.


MarriageElizabeth [Dennis]


SpouseElizabeth [Dennis] (1829 - )
ChildPinkney Dennis (1849 - )
ChildMargaret Dennis (1852 - )
ChildNewton Dennis (1854 - )
ChildJames Dennis (1856 - )
ChildSarah Dennis (1858 - )
ChildCansaida Dennis (1860 - )
ChildSamuel Dennis (1864 - )
FatherJoshua Dennis (1805 - )
MotherAnna [Dennis] (1805 - )
SiblingWilliam R. Dennis (1832 - )
SiblingLucinda Dennis (1837 - )
SiblingCaroline Dennis (1839 - )
SiblingJohn Harrison Dennis (1844 - )
SiblingSamuel Dennis (1846 - )
SiblingLogan Dennis (1848 - )
