Individual Details

Rebecca [Chamberlain]

(1625 - 26 Sep 1692)

Rebecca died in prison in Cambridge having been placed there on a charge of "mischief", a term which generally means harming someone's property, but could have been a euphemism for witchcraft since this happened in 1692.

Vital Records of Billerica does state that Rebecca, wife of William Chamberlain Sr., died 26 Sep 1692, in the prison at Cambridge.

The will of Sarah Shelley, signed 21 Apr 1686, offers proof that Sarah was a sister to Rebecca but gives no hints to their parentage. It is apparent from the will that Sarah had no children of her own, nor does she seemed to have been a landowner. She is referred to in records as both "Mrs." Sarah Shelley and "Spinster", either one of which could denote a respected single woman or a widow in this time period. The Will names Brother William Chamberlin, and "my sister his wife" were forgiven a debt of 6#'s.. Rebecca and her "three daughters" and cousin [nephew] John Chamberlin's wife, all wearing apparel & household goods except for three pewter dishes to cousin [niece] Sarah Shed's children. Remainder of estate to sister Chamberlin's eight sons except cousins [nephews] John & Clement Chamberlain to have 20sh over and above the others. Also to cousins John & Thomas Chamberlin and cousin Sarah Shed's children now living 10sh. Kinsman Isaac Addington to the sole Executor.


MarriageAbt 1648WILLIAM Chamberlain
Death26 Sep 1692Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts


SpouseWILLIAM Chamberlain (1619 - 1706)
ChildTimothy Chamberlain (1649 - )
ChildIsaac Chamberlain (1650 - 1681)
ChildWilliam Chamberlain Jr (1652 - 1734)
ChildJohn Chamberlain (1654 - 1712)
ChildSarah Chamberlain (1655 - )
ChildJacob Chamberlain (1657 - 1712)
ChildThomas Chamberlain (1659 - )
ChildEdmond Chamberlain (1660 - )
ChildRebecca Chamberlain (1662 - )
ChildAbraham Chamberlain (1664 - )
ChildAnn Chamberlain (1665 - 1726)
ChildCLEMENT Chamberlain (1669 - 1741)
ChildDaniel Chamberlain (1671 - )