Individual Details

MARY Clarke

(6 Jan 1645 - 3 Feb 1722)

Mary was the daughter of James Clark and his first wife who is unidentified. She was baptized as an adult, 8 Apr 1688, First Congregational Church, New Haven - she was admitted to the church in June, 1688.

13 May 1721 Joshua Hotchkis and Susanna his wife of New Haven, Samll. Benton & Sarah his wife of Hartford, Marcy Francis of Wethersfield of Hartford, widow, to our brother John Hotchkis of Wallingford in New Haven for the tender love and affection he has shown to our aged mother Mary Chatterton whom he has supported for more than four years past. Quit claim to the said John Hotchkis a parcel of land of three acres in Coopers quarter in New Haven, bounded by James Heaton, Theophilus Munson, Bradly, and John Blackly. Signed: Samll. Benton, Sarah (x) Benton, Mercy (x) Frances, Joshua Hotchkiis, Susanna (x) Hotchkis. Wit: Thos. Richards, Stephen Brace, Samll Benton, Jacob Benton, Caleb Tuttle, Caleb Hotchkiss.
Samll Benton & Sarah acknowledged in Hartford on 6 Dec 1722. Marcy Frances acknowledged in Wethersfield 8 Dec 1722.
John Hotchkiss was married to Mary Chatterton; Mary, Susanna, Sarah, and Marcy, or Mercy, all daughters of William and Mary Chatterton.


Birth6 Jan 1645New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut
MarriageAbt 1660New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut - WILLIAM Chatterton
Christen (adult)8 Apr 1688New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut
Death3 Feb 1722Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut


SpouseWILLIAM Chatterton (1635 - 1709)
ChildSARAH Chatterton (1661 - 1746)
ChildHannah Chatterton (1663 - 1663)
ChildMercy Chatterton (1664 - 1745)
ChildMary Chatterton (1666 - 1673)
ChildJohn Chatterton (1668 - 1701)
ChildSamuel Chatterton (1671 - 1733)
ChildMary Chatterton (1673 - 1741)
ChildJoseph Chatterton (1676 - 1699)
ChildSusannah Chatterton (1678 - 1766)
ChildHannah Chatterton (1680 - 1699)
