Individual Details

WILLIAM Chatterton

(Abt 1635 - Abt 1709)

William Chatterton was in the Census of New Haven, 1705. Families of Ancient New Haven, p. 1533, online at NEHGS

Hartford, Connectict - Probate Packet
Town of New Haven, 1709. #2555A, William Chatterton
Copied for W. L. Holman of Lexington, MA by D. L. Jacobus of New Haven, CT
1 Jan 1699/1700 [actually February]
William Chatterton being at this time in health of body, of good and perfect memory thanks be to Almighty God, but Caling to mind ye uncertaine estate of this life & ye certainty of death when it shall pleas God to Call, I do make, constitute, ordain & declare this my last will & testament in manner and form following, revoking and annulling by these presents all and every testament and Testaments, will or wills hertofore made by me and declared either by word of by writings, and this to be my last will and Testament and none other, And first begging of God that he would please to forgive all my sins and receipt of my person through ye verite of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have and Committ my Soule unto Almighty God my Savior and deare redeemer, for whose Sake I humbly hope a glorious Resurrection, and my body decently to be buried in the dust and for the Setling of my Temporall Estate and such goods Chattels and debts as it hath please God to bestow upon me, I do order Give & bestow ye same in manner following.
First that ll my Just debts be truly in Convenient time paid after my decease by my Executor.
Item. I give and bequeath to my deare and loving wife all the thirds of my reall and personall estate, but if any of her thirds Shall be left at her death it Shall be disposed of by her to my Children as she shall think fitt.
I give and bequeath to my sonn John Chatterton all that Farme he stands now possessed of the which I have Given him formerly By deed of gift and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging as sd deed doth express and for the fullfiling of the full of his portion I do Give him four acres of land at the north end of my lott at Westfield and Ten shillings to be payd. him by my Exrs.
Item. I Give to my sonn Samuell Chatterton two acres of land in Fords Quarter that I bought of Henry Gibbons and two acres of land in the Yorkshire quarter that I bought of Goodman Whitehead.
and as for the rest of my estate excepting my Wife's thirds my will is that it be equally divided to either of my five children namely to Samuell, To Sarah, To Mary and to Susanna [only four...-omitted John]
I Constitute and make Choice of B rother Samuell Clark and my wife to be my Executor and Executrix of my estate In testimony of and for the Confirmation of all the above written premisses I have unchangeably Sett to my hand and Seale dated in New Haven this first of February in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred ninety and nine.
William (his M mark) Chatterton
this signed and sealed in the presence of us: Isaac Jones, John Hanson
At a Court of probate held at Newhaven 1st Monday July 1709
[Both wit. acknowledged & made oath; will accepted and ordered entered.
Inventory taken 13 Jun 1709. £153.17.6. Taken by Samuel Clark & Mary Chatterton - said to have included one Gun & Sword.


BirthAbt 1635
MarriageAbt 1660New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut - MARY Clarke
DeathAbt 1709New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut


SpouseMARY Clarke (1645 - 1722)
ChildSARAH Chatterton (1661 - 1746)
ChildHannah Chatterton (1663 - 1663)
ChildMercy Chatterton (1664 - 1745)
ChildMary Chatterton (1666 - 1673)
ChildJohn Chatterton (1668 - 1701)
ChildSamuel Chatterton (1671 - 1733)
ChildMary Chatterton (1673 - 1741)
ChildJoseph Chatterton (1676 - 1699)
ChildSusannah Chatterton (1678 - 1766)
ChildHannah Chatterton (1680 - 1699)
