Individual Details

Anthony D. Haden

(Ca 1763 - 23 May 1829)

Which Anthony Haden?
The date and location would seem to preclude Anthony, son of John & Jean Moseley who has many records in Campbell Co at this time - was this the Anthony who appears in Arkansas Territory 1805 or the Anthony D. Haden who was in Charlotte Co in 1790 and in Pittsylvania Co by 1807? I suspect the latter.
Fincastle Weekly Advertiser, 26 Jun 1801
NOTICE. All those in arrears of Land Tax for the year 1783, in the County of Botetourt, or as the county then was, are requested to hold themselves in readiness to make immediate payment on application, as no indulgence can be given, in consequence of the bounds being so very large; if indelgence is given it will be out of my power to make my collection in time, and if I do not the consequences will be serious.
Anthony Haden, C.B.C. [probably Clerk of Botetourt Court]
Botetourt, May 29, 1801

I found the following record - could it be this Anthony Haden? James Simpson was the founder of the Town of Salem, in what is now Roanoke Co VA. He had bought land from Gen. Andrew Lewis whose plantation was known as "Richfield". Simpson began selling lots on 4 Jun 1802 - he sold four lots on the north side of Roanoke Street to an Anthony Haden.
Found on Kegley's Virginia Frontier, the Beginning of the Southwest, by. F. B. Kegley, 1938, p.567/629

Charlotte County, VA, Personal Property Tax Lists
1784 John Hayden 1 tithe (John Haden was born in 1769, he would have only been 15 yrs old?)
1790 John Hadon 1 tithe
1790 Anthony D. Haydon 1 tithe
1791 John Hayden 1 tithe, 1 horse (This was the year John m Susannah Roach b New Kent, VA, her father John Roach Sr. was granted 218 acres in Charlotte in 1767)
1792 John Hayden 1 tithe, 1 horse
1793 John Hayden 1 tithe, (no horse)
1794 John Hayden 1 tithe
1795 John Hayden 1 tithe
1796 John Heaton 1 tithe (listed where "John Hayden" was usually
Listed and there was no John Hayden on the list. ]
So what could be the coincidence here? I think they have to be related...just how???
Best regards, Staci Haden

Then I found a few records in Halifax Co. The first would suggest the Deed books might have more about the land he purchased and perhaps sold.
Halifax Co VA Plea Book 21
p.290 January Court 1803. Indenture from Anthony D. Haden to Richard Anderson was acknowledge by Haden as his act and deed.
Halifax Co VA Plea Book 22
p.13 Sept Court 1803 Indenture between Daniel Chumbly and Anthony D. Haden acknowledged by said Chumbly and Leanner Chumbly the wife was privily examined and relinquished dower. Ordered recorded
p.51 Oct Court 1803 Anthony D. Haden for the benefit of Harris& Stokes, Plaintiff, vs. Benjamin Rodgers & John Hill, Defendants - Upon a motion in a delivery bond. This day came the plaintiff by his attorney, by the oath of Layton Young the defendants have had 10 days previous notice, but came not. The plaintiff awarded 61#'s 8sh 5p, then penalty in the said bond,together with their costs. This judgment to be discharged by payment of 30# 14 sh 2p with interest at 6% from 24 Sep 1803 until payment.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 16
p.6 19 Jun 1807 Joseph Barnett of Caswell Co NC to Thomas Barnett of Danville. For $1000. 211 acres being land deeded to said Joseph Burnett by Thomas Barnett. Signed: Joseph Barnett
Wit: James Gatewood, John Harrison, Jas. D. Patton
April 16 1808 Reacknowledged before us: A. D. Haden, Thomas Stewart
18 Apr 1808 Proved by three of the witnesses.

p.101 30 Apr 1808 Thomas Barnett of Town of Danville to Anthony D. Hayden of same county and state. $100. To Anthony D. Haydin, one certain lot or half acre of ground in the said town of Danville and designed in the plan of the Town by Number One and adjoining lot of Edmond Mitchell now occupied by Colquhoun and Gatewood.. Signed: Thos. Barnett. Witness: James Gatewood, Thomas Stewart, Thomas Sutherlin, John Nobles. 18 Jul 1808 proved by oaths of three of the witnesses.
p.185 To Nathaniel Wilson & Jamaes D. Patton, Gent Jusitces. Thomas Barnett sold 30 Apr 1808 one lot of half acre in the Town of Danville to Anthony D. Hayden. Frances Barnett, wife cannot conveniently travel.
Obtained dower release at her home on 27 Aug 1808. Recorded 17 Oct 1808.

p.525 13 Oct 1809 Anthony D. Haden and Patsey his wife to Selby Benson, all of Pittsylvania Co. $244. one certain 1/2 acre lot, Number One, in town of Danville. Signed: A. D. Haden, Patsey Haden.
Wit: John Noble, Will. H. Shelton, Thomas Stewart
Note in Margin: Patsy Haden relinquishment admitted to record ….1817
15 Jan 1810. Acknowledged by said Anthony.

p.536 ___day of ____ 1810 John Noble and Frances his wife of town of Danville to Anthony D. Hayden of said town. $134 Tract in Pittsylvania Co. Glasscocks Branch [metes & bounds]. 67 acres. Signed: John Noble, Frances Noble.
19 Feb 1810. Presented in Court; ack by John Noble.

Pittsylvania Co Order Book 11, p.477
March 1813 James Morgan, assignee of Anthony D. Haden, plaintiff, vs. William H. Haden & John Haden, Sr., defendants. Case dismissed by plaintiff.
[John Haden, b. prob 29 Nov 1769, died after 1824 in Pittsylvania Co]
Pittsylvania Deed Book 19, p.145
19 Feb 1814 Anthony D. Haden & wife Patsy of Town of Competition sell to John Haden Sr. $200 for 47 1/2 acres bounded by Anthony D. Haden's line, David Parsons' line, Allen & Clark's lines. Part of tract conveyed from Samuel Parsons to Anthony D. Haden
Signed: Anthony Haden, Patsy Haden
Wit: William Hold, Samuel Setts, Thomas O. Meux
Pittsylvania Co Order Book 16, p.272
15 Aug 1814 Richard Johnson & William Terry vs. William Haden, surviving obligor of William H. Sims & William Haden. John Haden comes into and gives bond for the defendant. William agreed that the case was just; he owed £8 4sh and agreed to pay the same day. John Haden also gave bond for Anthony D. Haden.
Pittsylvania Deed Book 19, p.305
21 Nov 1815 Henry Sanders of Pittsylvania to John Haden for $200. 50 acres South side Whitehorn Crk; Payne's & Johnson's lines, Vincent Shelton's lines, Stephen Shelton's line, to Payne's line. Wit: William Ferguson, Anthony D. Haden, Josiah White
John then sold the same 50 acres to William Payne Sr for $200 on 7 Dec 1816 [DB 21, p.74]

Anthony D. Haden (Haydon) m. Martha "Patsy" Vaughan Halifax Co VA 5 Sep 1792 or 11 Oct 1792

1820 Census: Pittsylvania Co VA
Anthony D. Haden was in Pittsylvania Co in 1820 [Anthony died in 1829]: 1m -10, 1m 16-18, 2m 16-26, 1m over 45. 1f -10, 2f 10-26, 1f 16-26, 2f over age 45.
Would seem to be two families living together. A John Haden and his son William were also counted in Pittsylvania Co that year.

Pittsylvania Co VA Marriage Records:
27 Mar 1826 Anthony D. Haden married Rebecca Ferguson
Found in FERGUSON-L mail list.

Covington Ferguson, father, gave permission for Rebeckah to marry. Edmund Ferguson was bondsman.

Caswell Co NC was just over the state line.
Caswell DB X, p.256-7
25 Feb 1828 Anthony "B." Hayden and Silas Hayden of Milton [in debt to Willson & Baskerville of Danville VA for $133.75] to Samuel A. Douglass, trustee of Milton, household furniture, livestock. Wit: Tho. L Stephens, Levin Downs

Virginia Ancestors & Adventurers, Charles Hughes Hamlin, 1946, reprinted GPC, 3 Volumes in 1; Baltimore, 1975. Available at WorldVitalRecords by subscription.
Vol 1, p.17, listing of the Noncommissioned Officers & Privates at Cumberland Courthouse. Said to have been taken from Accesion #24296, Revolutionary Army Register, at the Virginia State Library.
Anthony Haden, age 16, tailor by trade, residence Hanover Co, born Hanover Co.
Unfortunately there is no year. Since later testimony suggests he enlisted in 1779, if we subtract 16, then this Anthony was born circa 1763.

Non-Commissioned Officers & Privates at Cumberland Courthouse, p.17
Anthony Haden, age 16, Tailor, Hanover County

Strangely enough there is also a Hanover tax list for 1785. In the household of James Parker is Curtis Haynes, adult, and minors, Anthony Haden, Samuel White, Francis Muncus.. Even if this is a tax in arrears - for 1784 - it would seem that this Anthony was of age. It seems unlikely there were two Anthonys.
Hanover County Taxpayers, Saint Paul's Parish, William Ronald Cocke, Columbia, 1956,p . 95
An Isaiah Haden (signed his own name) was in St. Martin's, 1782, with 14 slaves, 6 horses, and 17 head of cattle and is there through 1790. A Thomas "Haidon" is listed but has nothing to declare and likely just turned of age. [Hanover County Taxpers, Sanit Paul's Parish, 1782-1815, William Ronald Cock, III, p. 55 & 95]

A Sketch of the Early History of Hanover County Virginia and Its Large and Important Contributions to The American Revolution, Robert Bolling Lancaster, p.33. "Among the Hanover soldiers who names are recorded among the petitions, or on the rolls of the Auditor of Public Accounts, or on those of the Secretary of War ...Anthony Haden."

Virginia Publick Claims. Hanover County. compiled & transcribed by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten. Iberian Publishing Co, Athens, GA
p.53 "At a court continued and held for Hanover County 2 May 1783 to receive claims for certificates dated Jan. 1781 to May 2, 1783.
... Chs. Crenshaw & assigned to Anthony Haden cert. by Wm Waddy QM for service of horse 2 days 6s."

Note found Library of Virginia:
Winchester Barrack, 1 Jun 1783
I do certify that Anthony Hadon inlisted in the Virga. Continental line 27th Feb 1779 for the War and is now in Actual service. Given under my hand the date and place above.
J. Brown, Lt
Muhlenburg BG
A description of the history of the Fifth Virginia Regiment indicates that it was part of Muhlenburg's Brigade and that both Col. Joseph Parker and Col. Abraham Buford were officers. A reorganization in 1778, redisignated this regiment as the Third. This agrees with testimony in the following pension file.

LDS Microfilm #0971151
Pension File of Anthony D. Haden. S. 18103 BLW 2158-100

Testimony of Anderson Brightwell, Pittsylvania County, VA, 4 Oct 1834
Anderson Brightwell appeared before Danl. Verser, JP and declased that he was a Continental Soldier in the Revolution and was in Service until the Close of the War. He was well acquainted with Anthony Hadon, sometimes called Anthony D. Haden, then of King William Co, VA. The said Anthony Haden enlisted in 1778 with Capt Thomas Bell and served in the 3rd VA Regt under Col. Richard Parker, Buford, etc. until the close of the War. They were both in the same Company and discharged at the same time. Since the War Anthony Haden lived many years in Pittsylvania Co and often heard him say that he never recieved the Warrant for Bounty Land promised him at the time of his enlistment. Anthony Haden departed this life in May 1829 and left a Widow, Rebecah Haden. She has since married Poindexter Alderson and is living with him in Pittsylvania Co.
[There is no mention of the fact that Rebecah was not Anthony's wife prior to 1826. I don't know if this would have affected the pension.]

Testimony of Mrs. Frances Ferguson, Pittsylvania Co VA, 13 Jun 1835
Mrs. Frances Ferguson appeared before Stokley Turner, JP. She was well acquainted with Anthony Haden who lived for many years in Pittsylvania Co. He was generally reputed & believed to have been a Soldier in the War of Revolution. He departed this life in May of 1829; she was present and with him when he died. He left a Widow Rebecah Haden who was now married to Poindexter Alderson.

Testimony & Power of Attorney of Silas Haden, Pittsylvania Co VA, 19 Aug 1835
Silas Haden, son & one of the heirs at law of Anthony D. Haden, dec'd. The said Anthony Haden did enlist in the War of the Revolution and served in the 3rd Regt under Col. Richard Parker of the VA Continental Line and he continued in Service until the close of the War. I have never received a Warrant for the Bounty land promised to said Anthony Haden nor do I believe that he ever received it or transferred his claim in any manner. I do appoint Thomas Williams of Pittsylvania Co to be my lawful attorney for me to receive from the Secretary of War a Warrant for the Quantity of land due to me. Signed: Silas Haden
Wit:. Tho. G. Tunstall, Thomas Carter
Silas Haden appeared before Jeduthan Carter, JP, and made oath.

Power of Attorney of Poindexter & Rebeckah Alderson, Pittsylvania Co VA, 2 Sep 1835
Poindexter Alderson and Rebecah Alderson formerly Rebeckah Hadon, widow of Anthony Hadon, dec'd of Pittsylania Co VA to appoint Thomas Williams our lawful attorney to receive from the Government of the United States all the money that may be due to us as a Pension which was due to the said Anthony Haden at the time of his death agreeable to the Act of Congress 15 May 1828. Signed: Poindexter Alderson, Rebeckah (X) Alderson
Wit: Albert Newby, Asa R. Newby
Personally appeared Poindextion Alderson & Rebeckah Alderson his wife and acknowledged the Power of Attorney to be their Act and Deed. Sto. Turner, JP

Testimony of Anderson Brightwell, Pittsylvania Co VA, 19 May 1836
Anderson Brightwell appeared before Stephen C. Townes, JP and made oath he was a Continental Soldier in the War of the Revolution. He was well acquainted with Anthony Haden called Anthony D. Haden, then of Hanover Co, state of Virginia. Anthony Haden enlisted in the year 1778 with Capt. Thomas Boyer, or Bell, for the term of the War and served in the 3rd VA Regt under Col. Richard Parker, afterwards he served under Col. Abraham Buford, etc. They were in the same company & served together and the said Haden was in service until the end of the War after which he moved to Pittsylvania Co. He ofted heard him sayd that he never did receive a Warrant for the Bounty Land promised to him at the time of his enlistment. Anthony Haden departed this life in May 1829 and left a widow and several children, Silas, Joseph, John, and others.

Secretary of War, War Dept 17 Sep 1837
I certify That in conformity with the Law of the U.S. of the 15th May 1828, Anthony Haden, dec'd, who was a revolutionary Soldier, was entitled to pay at the rate of $80 per annum from the third day of March 1826 to the third day of May 1829, when he died; and that the amount is due to Rebeccah Alderson, who was the widow of said Anthony Haden.
Given at the War Office of the United States this 27th day of Sept 1837.
Secretary of War
Examined and countersigned
Commissioner to Pensions.

Apparently Rebeckah Haden Alderson did receive her widow's pension. The Bounty Land Warrent #2158 must also have been issued for 100 acres given what is printed on the cover of the file. There were no further papers.

Found in Federal Land Series, Vol 2, 1799-1835; Revolutionary War Bounty Land Warrants, U.S. Military District of Ohio.
Pvt. Anthony Haden, Warrant #2158, exchanged for Scrip, Issued to John Haden, et al, for 100 acres.

An additional paper is found in the Pension file on Heritage Quest:
Virginia, Pittsylvania County, August Court 1835.
Evidence produced to the Court to be certified that John Haden, Silas Haden, Sarah Haden, Joseph Haden, & Elizabeth Haden are the children and only heirs at Law of Anthony Haden Dec'd, late of the County of Pittsylvania who is reported to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that the said Anthony Haden died intestate and that the said children are over the age of twenty-one years.
Papers certified by Will.Tunstall, Clerk of the County Court, 12 Sep 1835.

Rebecca, 2nd wife of Anthony, was considerably younger.
1850 Census, Pittsylvania Co VA, Southern District, Hh 1255
Poindexter Alderson, age 50, Laborer, b. VA. Rebecca, age 50.
Thomas 18, Eliza 14, James 12, Fanny 10, Martha 8, and John 4.

I found the following marriages:
Claiborne Colly [Collie] married Sarah Haden, 22 Dec 1841, Halifax Co
Griffith Doss married Elizabeth Haden, 6 Nov 1841, Pittsylvania Co
Joseph A. Haden married Emily Shepard, 9 Jul 1838, Halifax Co

[There is another marriage of an Elizabeth Haden in Pittsylvania Co - to Joseph Motley - but she was the daughter of William Haden, a son of the John Haden in Pittsylvania. It was in 9 Dec 1835.]

I found a Silas Haden in Cherokee Co AL in 1840 - he was age 30-40 [b. 1800-1810] with a spouse 20-30 and 4 children under 15. In 1850, in the same place was an Elizabeth Hayden, age 43, b. SC and Silas, age 12, b. AL - their ages do match information from 1840.

1850 Halifax Co VA:
Clayborne Colley, age 33, wheelwright, b. VA. Sally age 35, b. VA [Sally/Sarah b. 1815] James 7, John 5, Amanda Richardson, 19.
[Information about the Collie family suggests that Sarah died before Clayborne married Pathenia Hall in 1856; then married 3rd to a Sarah Daniel. In 1860, the only Partheny Colley in Halifax Co was married to a Wm Colly - didn't find Clayborne. In 1870, Clayborne again appears in Halifax, wife Sallie is age 50, or born 1810; son James, age 27, and what appears to be his family live with them.]

1850 Rockcastle Co KY
Griffith Doss, age 27, b. VA . Elizabeth age 30, b. VA. Silas age 5. [Elizabeth b. 1820]
[No Griffith Doss found anywhere in 1860]

I found another record of a Haden possibly in King William County - he could have been close in age to the Anthony & the John found in Pittsylvania Co VA.
Some Wills from the Burned Counties of Virginia
William Lindsay Hopkins, Richmond VA, 1987
Will of George Turner of King William Co., dated 22 Mar 1772 and probate 17 Sep 1772. He had children by three wives - Jane Turner being a daughter of the third wife. Further data on this man includes: On 20 Nov 1815, Joseph Haden and his wife Jane Haden, formerly Jane Turner appeared in a Fluvanna Court. A new accounting of heirs is included dated Dec 1803 after several of the children had died. I can find no record of a possible Joseph & Jane Turner Haden who would have been living in Fluvanna at this time.


BirthCa 1763
Military1776Served under Col Richard Parker, 5th VA Regt, Revolutionary War
Marriage5 Sep 1792Halifax County, Virginia - Martha "Patsy" Vaughan
Marriage27 Mar 1826Pittsylvania County, Virginia - Rebeckah Ferguson
Death23 May 1829Pittsylvania County, Virginia


SpouseRebeckah Ferguson (1800 - )
SpouseMartha "Patsy" Vaughan (1771 - 1820)
ChildJohn Haden (1802 - 1883)
ChildSilas Haden (1800 - )
ChildSarah Haden (1814 - )
ChildJoseph Haden (1814 - )
ChildElizabeth Haden (1814 - )
FatherHaden ( - )
SiblingGeorge Haden (1750 - )
SiblingIsaiah Haden (1750 - )
SiblingJohn Haden (1767 - 1843)
