Individual Details

Daniel Slayden

( - Bef May 1806)

This surname is seen as Slayden, Slaton, and Slayton.

Daniel Slayden was a son of Arthur Slayden of Goochland Co VA. Arthur's will is in Goochland WB 14, p.436. Dated 27 Oct 1785; Probate on 18 Jun 1787.
He named his well beloved wife Rachel and seven children: Sarah Walker, John Slayden, Daniel Slayden, Arthur Slayden, William Slayden, Martha Davis, and Joseph Slayden. Sons Arthur, Daniel & Joseph were Executors along with friend John Henderson. Signed: Arthur (X) Slayden. Teste: Thomas P. Isbell, Zachariah Isbell, Nancy Sayre.
Strangely enough, after leaving his burial to the discretion of his wife, the first bequest of Arthur was to give immediately to Barbara Bevir the feather bed known as Barbara's bed. Daughter Sarah Walker, a gold ring. Personal estate not yet given to well beloved wife Rachel - if she marries, she may not claim 1 shilling. Immediately after the death or remarriage of wife, real & personal property to be sold and divided equally among seven children: John Slayden, Daniel Slayden, Arther Slayden, William Slayden, Sarah Walker, Martha Davis & Joseph Slayden. Executors to be three sons Arthur, Daniel & Joseph and trusty friend John Henderson.
18 Jun 1787 Goochland County Court. Will was proved by oaths of Zachariah Isbell, Nancy Sayre.
Athur Slayton said born 28 Mar 1704, St Paul's Parish, New Kent Co VA. Rachel's surname is unproved, though speculated to have been a Rachel Murfield, b. 12 Nov 1710, St. Paul's Parish.

Goochland DB 14
p.453 20 Jul 1787 William Isbell and Arthur Slayden, Daniel Slayden & Joseph Slayden, Executors of Arthur Slayden dec'd. Isbell paid 160 #'s for tract on waters of Lickinghole Creek. 182 acres. Bounded by David Grantum, Davis Shelton, Henry Layne, John Henderson, Collam Bailey, Zachariah Haiden, John Slayden & the said William Isbell. Signed: Arthur Sladyen, Daniel Sladyen, Joseph Sladyen.
Wit: John Henderson, Anthony Layne, George Underwood
17 Sep 1787 Presented in court; proved by witnesses
p.477 Inventory & Appraisement of Arthur Slayden presented in court 17 Sep 1787
Totaled just over 158 #'s

Goochland DB 15
p.206 Collections for Stephen Sampson Shff. By Wm Sampson. For year 1786
March Court 1789
Includes Wm Brill, Jno Brill, Jno Clements, Walter Clopton, Thos. Meriwther, Arthur Slayden

There is no marriage record to Anne Waller, although wife Anne did give dower release in Charlotte Co VA, DB 4, p.18. Children possibly born Cubb Creek area in Lunenburg Co VA which later became part of Charlotte Co.

Henning's Statutes, v. 7, p.224 states that Daniel Slayden served in the Colonial Militia of Lunenburg Co under Maj William Caldwell, as a private, in 1758. He was paid 6#'s, 12 sh.

Pittsylvania Co Land Tax Lists, 1782 Daniel Slayton listed with 400 acres.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 6
p.302 13 May 1782 Thomas Walters to Daniel Slaydon. 150#'s Ten and one half acres. Begin pointers in sd Daniel Slaydens line between said Slaydon and Walters, Madings So corner, new line, inclosing a mill on the Double Creek now in sd Slaydon's possession. Signed: Thomas (T) Walters
Wit: Robert Walters, John Walters, John All
Rec'd of Daniel Slaydon 13 May 1782, 150#'s current money of VA. Signed: Thomas (T) Walters
Wit: Robt. Walters
16 apr 1782 Ack by Thomas Walters
p.305 13 apr 1782 John Watkins to Daniel Slayden. 60#'s. 180 acres on branch of Double Creek being the land whereon the said Daniel Slayden now lives. Corner white oak in James McMurdy's line, on his line, Thomas Walters line, pine in said Slayden's former line. Signed: John Watkins
Wit: John Hall, John Walters, Robert Walters16 Apr 1782 proved by oaths of witnesses

Pittsylvania DB 7
p.234 27 Mar 1784 Daniel Slayden to Jesse Mann. 50#'s. 150 acres on waters of lower double creek. Begin said Slaydens line, to his corner. Signed: Daniel Slayden Wit: George Dodson, Thomas Chalton, Charles Collie, William Slayden 19 Apr 1784 Proved by three of witnesses
p.238 27 Mar 1784 Daniel Slayden to Charles Colley. 50#'s 100 acres on waters of lower double creek. Begin sd Slaydens line. Signed: Daniel Slaten
Wit: George Dodson, Thomas Chilton, William Slayden, Jesse Mann
19 Apr 1784 Proved by three of witnesses
p.240 27 Mar 1784 Daniel Slayden to William Slayden. 50#'s. 150 acres. Begin sd Slayden's line, with his line. Signed: Daniel Slaten
Wit: George Dodson, Thomas Chelton, Charles Collie, Jesse Mann
19 Apr 1784 Proved by three of witnesses
[Collie & Mann were sons-in-law]

Pittsylvania DB 10
p.26 10 Jun 1795 Daniel Slaydon to Thomas Walters. 10#'s. Tract of 10 acres. Begin at a pine in said Walters line & in the fork of Said Slaydons and Walters Spring Branch, thence up the Branch as it meanders to a white oak, thence SW course to a pine, thence to the mill road, thene along as it meanders to the said Slaydons line for quantity. Signed: Daniel Slaten
Wit: Wm Dix, William Payne Jr, Robert Walters16 Jun 1794 Ack. by Daniel Slaten

Pittsylvania Co DB 11
p.105 15 Jul 1997 Daniel Slaydon Senr to John Madding 25#'s Tract branches of the lower Double Creek. Post oak in Daniel Slayden & John Spencer's line, along Slaydens dividing line to John Maddings line, John Spencers lin. Tract of land that John Watkins to Hugh Kelly & Kelly to John Madding. 100a
Signed: Daniel Slaten
Wit: Jackson Walters, Archer Walters, William Walters
17 Jul 1797 Ack by Daniel Slayden

Pittsylvania Co DB 12
p.528 10 Apr 1802 John Hunt Kendrick & John Hubbart to Daniel Slaydon. 66#'s. 66 acres. Birches Creek. Begin said Kendrick corner, to Sheltons corner, Dooleys line, Kendricks line. Signed: John H. Kendrick, John (x) Hubbart. Wit: William Shelton, James (x) Glasby, Martin Kendrick, John ?Quelon. 19 Apr 1802 proved by witnesses

Pittsylvania Co DB 13
p.456 2 Mar 1803 John Hubbard to Daniel Slaydon. 85#'s. Waters of Birches Creek. Metes & bounds. 180 acres. Signed: John Hubbard. Wit: William Shelton, William (x) Herring, John (x) Dobley, John (x) Hendrick. 18 Jul 1805, proved by two of witnesses. 17 Oct 1803, proved by third.

Pittsylvania Co DB 14
p.38 10 Apr 1804 William Johnson to Daniel Slaydon. 12#'s. 41 acres on the lower double Creek. Begin said Slaydons corner, George Dodsons line. Signed: William (x) Johnson
Wit: William Slaydon, John Dodson, John/Jesse Mann 16 Apr 1804, proved by witnesses

Pittsylvania Co DB 15
p.271 7 May 1806 Milly Slayden Widow of Daniel Slayden Dec'd, together with William Slayden, Daniel Slayden, John Slayden, Arthur Slayden, Jess Mann, Archiball Walters, Robert Walters in behalf of Clement Walters, Charles Colley & Christopher Conway legatees of sd Daniel Slayden dec'd. to Beverly Barksdale. 185#'s. Tract of 275 acres. Possessed by sd Daniel Slayden dec'd in Pittsylvania Co on the Lower Double Creek. Bounded: begin George Dodsons corner whiteOak near the North fork of the Lwer Double Creek, thence Dodsons line to corner pine in Abraham Walters line, thence his line crossing the sd creek & passing corner to Joseph Slaydens line, red oak in Jesse Manns line, John Madden dec'd's line, John Dodson's line, up sd creek as it meanders to William Johnsons line, pointers in Geo. Dodsons line.
Signed: Milley (x) Slayden, William (x) Slayden, Daniel (x) Slayden, John Slayden, Arthur Slayden, Jessee Mann, Archer Walters, Robert Walters, Charles Collie, Christopher Conway. Wit: Francis Duley, Martin Daniel, Beverly Gunnell, Epm. White, Thos. Shelton Junr, Abraham Walters
21 Jul 1806. proved by oath of one witness. 16 Feb 1807, again proved by two of the others.

p.273. We the subscribers, Milley Slayden widow of Daniel Slayden decd and William Slayden, Daniel Slayden, John Slayden, Arthur Slayden, Jessee Mann, Archibald Walters, Robert Walters for Clemment Walters, Charles Colley and Christopher Conway, legatees of said Daniel Slayden dec'd cerity themselves, agree with and do desire Robert Walters Administrator on the estate of said Daniel. That the said Robert Walters should immediately advertise and make sale of the Estate of said Daniel Slayden Dec'd both real and person, Reserving the said Widows right of Dower and to divide the same amongst use as the law decrees. Our agreement should be recorded in court. 5 May 1806. Signed: Milly (x) Slayden, William (x) Slayden, Daniel (x) Slayden, John Slayden, Arthur Slayden, Jessee Mann, Archer Walters, Robt Walters, Christopher Conway, Charles Collie.
Wit: Achilles Whitlock for Milly & Wm Slaydon & Daniel Slayden & Jno Slaydon & Arter Slayden, Jesse Mann, Archibald & Robt Walters.
Creed Tanner to the above.
Martin Daniel, James Woody, Samuel Walker, Creed Tanner for the last two
Samuel Walker
Martin Daniel
16 Feb 1807, the above was presented in court & proved by oaths of two fo witnesses and ordered to be recorded.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
p.482 1 Jul 1807 Arther Slayden to Robert Walters. In consideration of a debt due Daniel Slayden from Arther Slayden for 39.11.6, payable 25 Dec next and for $1 paid by said Walters to the said Arther. To Walters one Negro woman Anneka & her child Gabriel. In Trust. In case the said Arthur Slayden does not pay the said Bond off to the said Daniel Slayden, said Walters shall advertise the property for ten days and proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder. Signed: Arther Slayton, Robt. Walters. Wit: Ben. Watkins, J. P. Wilkinson
15 Feb 1808. Deed of Trust from Arthur Slayden to Robert Walters to secure payments of a debt due from said Arthur to Daniel Slayden was presented & proved by the oath of Benjamin Watkins. 20 Feb 1809, further proved by oath of the other witness.
Robert Walters was administrator of the estate of Arthur's father Daniel at this time.

There is a Pittsylvania Co marriage on 3 Oct 1805: Daniel Slaton to Milly Dalton. Thomas Hardey was bondsman. Seems to be a possibility Milly was a 2nd wife and that Milly was soon widowed. Several databases online suggest Daniel Slayden's first wife was Anne Waller, but do not give her relationship to the other Wallers of Pittsylvania Co.

Pittsylvania Co VA; Accounts Current, Book 4
AC Book 4, Page 36 Inventory of D. Slayden
In Obedience to the Worshipfull Court of Pittsylvania by an Order from them To us Given, we have convend together at the late dwelling house of Daniel Slayden Dec’d and appraised the Estate of the said Deceast as followth:
1806 May 5
One Beadstead and furniture, One Do, One feather bead & bolster, One Cotton wheel, One do do, One old flax wheel, One chest, One Case of Rasors & hone, One large Bottle & quart do
One Cubbard, Five old chairs, Five Bowls at g’d?, Some earthern ware, Some potters ware, One copper coffe pot, One spice Morter, 1 snuf bottle, One jug & one butter Pott, Three Basons, three dishes, eight plates & 7 spoons, One puter Tankard, Six knives & 12 forks, Fore pare shares, One sarch?, Two Small looking glasses, One pare sad irons, Parcel of lather, Two skillets, One dutch oven
Three pots, 2 pare of hooks, One frying pan, One hand Saw, One plow & colter One pare hames & traces One dutch plough and 2 hoes, One plough hoe, Two augurs & 2 Drawing knives, One chop ax , one Fro, Some old iron, Three Bells & 2 Collars, One claw Hammer & wedge, Two Mattocks, one grubbing hoe, two Broad hoes, Two hilling hoes & two old hoes, One pole ax, One water pail & piggin, One Fat Tub & cirn, One whip Saw, One pan handle
One jointer crow. & Foot Adds, 1 table & cloth, One pair of Stillards, Three raw hides, One cythe & cradle, One pare cards & one candle stick, Two be hives, One Saddle & two Bridles, One Horse, 1 Small Trunk
One old Hhd & some Casks, One mare, One cow & calf, One heffer, One pole ax, One pare horse Phlems
Armica a Woman Slave, Sillar a Girl Do, Polley a Do Do, Phillis a Woman Slave, Billey a Boy Do
The half of a Cart & Steers. May the 6th 1806, Five barrows, One Sow and Pigs, Six Gees, One Small Barrell
As Witness our hands:
Creed Tanner, Martin Daniel, Samuel Walker
Recorded: September 15, 1806

Pittsylvania Co VA Court Records: 7 May 1806 and 1 Jul 1806
From the Pittsylvania Co Deed Book, p.271-272. 7 May 1806. Milly Slaydon widow of Daniel Slaydon, dec'd, together with William Slaydon, Daniel Slaydon, John Slaydon, Arthur Slaydon, Jesse Mann, Archibald Walters, Robert Walters in behalf of Clement Walters, Charley Colley & Christopher Conway, all legatees of sd Daniel Slayton dec'd to Beverly Barksdale. £185. 294 acres. Tract possessed by sd Daniel Slaydon, dec'd in Pittsylvania Co on the lower Double Creek. Begin at George Dodsons corner near the Lower Double Creek, with his line to a corner pine in Abraham Walters line, with his line cossing sd branch; Joseph Slaydon's line; Jesse Mann's line, line of John Madden, dec'd; up sd Creek as it meanders; William Johnson's line, George Dodson's line to the beginning. Signed Milley (X) Slaydon, William (X) Slayden, Daniel (X) Slayden, John Slayden, Arthur Slayden, Jesse Mann, Archer Walters, Robert Walters, Charles Collie, Christopher Conway. Wit: Francis Duley, Martin Daniel, Beverly Gunnel, Eka. White, Thomas Shelton Junr & Abraham Walters.
Proved by one of the witnesses on 21 Jul 1806; by two of the others on 16 Feb 1807 and ordered recorded.


MarriageAnne Waller
Marriage3 Oct 1805Pittsylvania County, Virginia - Milly Dalton
DeathBef May 1806Pittsylvania County, Virginia

