Individual Details

William M. F. Caldwell

(1815 - 1889)

There are 5 names on the tombstone of William M. F. Caldwell. Susan Harrison Caldwell, 1820-1878, wife; Margaret F. Caldwell, 1841-1888; Andrew Caldwell 1842-1861 and Willie Caldwell, 1856-1857.

1850 Census. W. M. Caldwell, age 35, Merchant. Susan C. age 30. William T. age 9, And age 7 [male], Carter age 6, and Susan age 4. These children don't really agree with the ages of the children as recorded on the stone.


MarriageSusan Harrison


SpouseSusan Harrison (1820 - 1878)
ChildMargaret F. Caldwell (1841 - 1888)
ChildAndrew Caldwell (1842 - 1861)
ChildWillie Caldwell (1856 - 1857)
FatherAndrew Caldwell ( - 1847)
MotherFrances Terrill "Fannie" Morton (1788 - 1862)
SiblingNancy Caldwell (1809 - 1834)
SiblingElizabeth Smith Morton Caldwell (1811 - 1880)
SiblingDaniel Duverney Caldwell (1817 - 1820)
SiblingGeorgie Ann Caldwell (1819 - 1835)
SiblingFrances Ellen Caldwell (1822 - 1835)
SiblingJohn Andrew Caldwell (1825 - 1826)
SiblingAndrew Peter Acres Caldwell (1826 - 1835)
