Individual Details

Moses Walters

(1788 - 1859)

1830 Census, Franklin Co GA, p.241 Moses Walters. 1m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 30-40 [Moses born bet 1780-1790], 1f 5-10, 1f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40 [Elizabeth]

1840 Census, Franklin Co GA, p.309 Moses Walters. 1m 5-10, 1m 50-60 [seems to have aged 20 years instead of 10], 1f 15-20, 2f 20-30, 1f 50-60 [she aged 20 years, too]

I found Moses in the 1850 census in Franklin Co GA and he was age 62 and living with a grandson. Two of Moses' unmarried daughters, Elizabeth & Lavina, were also in the household. p.312b; Household 7.

Franklin Co WB ?; p.189
Moses Walters
State of Georgia; Franklin County
In the name of God Amen, Knowing that all men is Mortal and that the tenure of life is uncertain, I Moses Walters of the County and State afforesaid being weak in body, but of Sound and disposing Mind and Memory do make and ordain the following instrument as my last will and testment: in premises it is my desire that after my death my body Should be layed in a plain decent and Christian like manner.
Item 2. It is my desire that So Soon after my deceased as convenient my Executors hereinafter named and appointed Shall pay all my Just debts or demands that may be outstanding against me, And as to Such Worldly Goods as it has pleased God to bless me with in this life, I bequeath and dispose them in the manner following, (Viz)
Item 3. I Give and bequeath unto my two daughters Elizabeth and Lovina Walters one bedstead and two feather beds, each with all the furniture belonging to them, or that they may have of their own make at my decease, also all the Stock of Cattle and hogs, and all grain and provision that be on my premises or in my possession at the time of my decease, also their Chests and Spinning Wheels and two Chairs each, also if there should be a Crop Growing on my farm at the time of my decease, it is my will and desire that my two Daughters before named Should have the Crop and all the advantages of it, the reason of the third item of this my last will and testament is for Special attention and Kindness towards me in my long afflictions by my two daughters above named. I desire that as their beds (Viz) one to each that they have raised and made Since they came of age Should be made secure to them at my death.
Item 4. I will that all the property that I die possessed of after those of my children that may owe me Either by note or account Shall pay the same or Secure the payment to my Executor hereinafter named, to be Sold and the proceeds equally divided among my Seven Children (Viz) Micajah Walters, Elizabeth Walters, Jesse Walters, Louvina Walters, Luthere Walters, Mary Camp and Anderson F. Walters. It is my desire that my Executor Should Sell Whatever property I may be possessed of as Soon as may be convenient and to the Interest of my Children and heirs above named after my death.
I do hereby appoint my Son Anderson F. Walters, Executor of this my last will and testament.
Whereby make null and declare void all other Wills heretofore made by me at any time, and I hereby declare the foregoing as my only true last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this the thirteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one.
Moses (X) Walters [Seal]
Signed, Sealed and acknowledged in presence of the undersigned Witnesses, who attested in the presence of the testater, the year and date above written. Wm. R. Poole, Wm Burroughs, Joel Ledbetter
Georgia, Franklin County: At Chambers
Before me on the 28th June 1859, at Chambers, for the purpose of proving the last will and testament of Moses Walters, one of the witnesses to said will, Viz, William R. Poole, and the Will having been brought before me for probate by the Executor Anderson F. Walters, him the Said Witness, depose of the Same that he Saw Moses Walters, sign and publish the same as his last will and testament on the day and year then Stated as Executed by him that he the said Witness, Witnessed the Same at the request of Said testater in his presence, and in the presence of the other Subscribing Witnesses, in Sum, Wm Burroughts & Joel Ledbetter, the other Subscribing Witnesses do so likewise, that the Sum was voluntarily executed by him, when he was of Sound mind and disposing memory,
Wm R. Poole
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 28th day of June 1859. John G. York Ordinary

I Anderson F. Walters do Solemnly Swear that this writing contains the true last will of the within named Moses Walters dec'd, So far as I know or believe, & that I will well & truly execute the Same by paying first the debts and then the legacies contained in the Said will, as far as his Goods & Chattels, will thereunto intend and that I will make a true & perfect inventory of all such Goods & Chattels, So help me God.
Anderson F. Walters
Sworn to & subscribed before me in open court.
July 4th, 1859
John G. York, Ordinary
Recorded 12 Jul 1859.

This date of death has been crossed out in the Walters Book. Evidently there is some question. His will is dated 13 Nov 1851, but it was proved 28 Jun 1859 so certainly he had died by 1859.


Death1859Franklin County, Georgia
MarriageElizabeth Pierce


SpouseElizabeth Pierce ( - )
ChildMicajah Walters ( - )
ChildElizabeth Walters (1810 - )
ChildJesse Walters (1813 - )
ChildLavina Walters (1814 - )
ChildLuther Walters (1815 - )
ChildMary Ann Walters ( - )
ChildAnderson F. Walters (1830 - )
FatherPeter Walters (1755 - )
MotherLydia Cawthon (1758 - )
SiblingThomas Walters (1783 - )
SiblingJohn C. Walters (1785 - 1858)
SiblingElijah Walters (1798 - )
SiblingPeter J. Walters ( - )
SiblingGriffin Walters ( - )
