Individual Details
Thomas FOX
(Abt 1705 - Abt 1792)
Thomas married Philadelphia Claiborne/Clairborne, daugher of William and Elizabeth Whitehead Claiborne. One son is known to have been Nathaniel Fox, b. 1748 in King William Co, d. 21 Oct 1819 in Stafford Co VA. Thomas said to have died 1792, Spotsylvania Co.
Said to have married 2nd to Philadelphia Herndon [1745-1816] daughter of Joseph & Mary Boswell Herndon.
Thomas left many records of his presence in Spotsylvania County.
SPOTSLYVANIA COUNTY RECORDS 1721-1800, William Armstrong Crozier
5 Feb 1764 Thomas Ballard Smith of Louisa Co to grandsons Thos. Ballard Wyatt, Francis Wyatt & John Wyatt, sons of John Wyatt of St. Geo. Parish in Spotsylvania. 330 acres. Wit: Thomas Fox, Thos. Hughes junr, Sarah Fox. Rec. 5 Mar 1764 DB F
[Sarah Fox not identified; Thomas was not known to have either a wife or daughter Sarah.]
27 Jan 1765 Thomas Fox of St. Geo Parish to Oliver Towles Junr, attorney-at-law. In Trust for natural love and affection to his sons and daughters: Nathaniel, Thomas Junr, William, Joseph, Philadelphia, Ann, and Polly. All of sd Fox's land in King William being 500 acres on the Mattapony and also 672 acres in Spotsylvania Co purchased of George Seaton, also 27 slaves, etc. Wit: John Stewart, Francis Tyler, Jno Battaley, Wm Reid. Rec. 5 Mar 1765
[This deed of trust may have taken place just prior to his second marriage. His will later nullifies this trust. The land in King William Co on the Mattapony may have descended to him from his father or grandfather, or both.]
19 Aug 1765 Bernard Moore of St. Jno Parish, King William Co and Anna Catharine his wife, to John Clark of Caroline Co. 508 acres in Spotsylvania Co. Wit: Benjn Pendleton, Thomas Fox, Frans. Thorton, Chas. Washington Rec. 7 Oct 1765 DB F
2 Oct 1769 Thomas Fox & the Rev. John Dixon were securites for Roger Dixon, guardian to John & Mary Spotswood, orphans of John Spotswood. Administration Bonds, WB B
22 Feb 1770 Alexander Spotswood to Thomas Fox. 300 acres, land and houses where Mr. Benger formerly lived. Wit: Wm Marshall, James Tutt, Benjn Tutt Rec. 5 Mar 1770. DB G
27 Mar 1770 Will of Larkin Chew of Spotsylvanis Co. Mr. Chew named his friends Col Fielding Lewis, Mr. Roger Dixon and Mr. Thomas Fox, gentlemen of great probity and integrity, to settle any disputes or controversies among his executors.
Thomas Fox was involved with many of the transactions of Alexander Spotswood:
____ 1771 John Campbell & Mary his wife and Alexander Spotswood to John Ellis. 135 acres. Wit: Jno Brock, Thos. Fox, Wm Clayton, Wm Ellis, Sherod Horn, Jas. Gordon. Rec. 18 Jun 1772 DB H
21 Nov 1771 John Campbell & Mary his wife & Alexander to Benjamin Burbridge. 45 acres. John Wiglesworth and Philadelphis his wife and Mary Fox. Wit: Js. Lewis, Thos Fox, Alford Williams. Not recorded until 21 Sep 1775 DB J
[Philadelphia was a daughters of Thomas Fox; probably the daughter Mary, too.[
25 Dec 1771 Alexander Spotswood to Joseph Brock. 360 acres, St. Geo Parish, Joseph Brock's three sons, John, Joseph & William. Wit: Jno Brock, Wm Clayton, Thos Fox. 19 Jun 1772 DB H
20 May 1772 Alexander Spotswood to John Brock. 216 ares St. Geo Parish. Sd Jno Brock, Joseph Brock, & William Brock. Wit: Wm Clayton, Thos. Fox, Jos. Brock. Proved Jul Court 1772. DB H
4 Apr 1772 John Campbell & Mary his wife and Alexander Spotswood, Esqr to Thomas Hutcherson. 200 acres, said Hutcherson, his son William and his daughter Sukey. Wit: Thos. Fox, James Allan, Philip Somerby, Ann Clark, Shadrack Moore, Nathl. Fox, John Taliaferro. Rec. 20 Aug 1772 DB H
[This seems to be the first appearance in a record of son Nathaniel Fox]
10 May 1772 Alexander Spotswood Esqr and Robert Chew, Gent to Robert Richards. 130 acres in St Geo Parish. sd. Robt Richards, John Richards, Willm. Richards and Lewis Terrill. Wit: Jno Brock, Wm Clayton Thos Fox, John Penn Jr. Rec 16 Jul 1773 DB H
27 May 1772 John Campbell & Mary his wife and Alexander Spotswood, Esqr to Thomas Fox. Tuball Plantation. Sd Thomas Fox, Joseph Fox, Betty Fox, Molly Fox. Wit: James Allan, Edwd. Vass, John Herndon, Ann Clark, Shadrack Moore, Nathl Fox, Thos Rogers. Rec. 20 Nov 1772 DB H
11 Sep 1775 Alexander Spotswood Esqr to Alford Williams. 100 acres. Sd Williams, his wife and his son John. Wit: Js. Lewis, Thos Fox, Benjn Burbridge. Rec. 21 Sep 1775 DB J.
24 Jul 1782 Thomas Allen and Mary to Thomas Jennings. 58 acres. Wit: Richd Young, Jno Herndon, Jos Brock Jno Wiglesworth, Wm Fox. Rec. 15 Aug 1782. DB J/K
[This seems to be the first appearance of son William Fox in a record.]
21 Nov 1782 Harry Chew to Jno Chew Senr. Mortgage deed for 160 acres. Wit: Thos Allen, Wm Fox, Thomas Waller Junr. Rec. 20 Mar 1783 DB K
29 Nov 1782 Jno Herndon & Mary his wife to Jno Wiglesworth and Philadelphia his wife and James Jarvis and Mary his wife, of Fredsbg, all to Samuel Roddy of Fredksbg. Herndon & wife sold to Wiglesworth 108 acres in St. Geo Parish, but no deed made; Wiglesworth sold the same to Jarvis and no deed made. Now all sell the same to sd Roddy. Wit: Saml Todd, Richd Garner, Jos. Fox, Benony Williams. Rec. 17 Jul 1783 DB K
[This seems to be the first record for Joseph Fox, son of Thomas]
20 Sep 1787 John Wiglesworth and Philadelphia his wife and Joseph Jones & Sarah his wife to David Blair of Fredksbg, Merchant. 154 acres except 8 half acres lots laid off for a town. Wit: Jos Brock, Thos Colson, Jose Fox, Jno Herndon, Ben Stubblefield, Thos Towles, Bevy. Stubblefield. Rec. 2 Oct 1787 DB L
These next deeds seem to be those of Thomas and his sons William & Joseph:
1 May 1787 Thomas Fox, Wm Fox and Joseph Fox, Gentlm to Hawes Coleman. 33 1/4 acres in Berkeley Parish, Spotsylvania Co. Wit: Jas Wiglesworth Jr, Jas Hollady, Osd Smith. Rec. 3 Jul 1787 DB L
6 Nov 1787 Thomas Fox, Wm Fox & Joseph Fox to James Holladay 31 3/4 acres. Wit: Austin Sandidge, Jno Smith, Jos Hollady Jr. Rec. 5 Feb 1788 DB L
1 Apr 1788 Thomas Fox and his two sons, Wm and Jos Fox to Osward Smith. 29 acres. Wit: Lewis Young, Robt Sale, Jno Parish Rec. 2 Dec 1788 DB M
4 Oct 1788 Thomas Fox and William Fox, Gentlemen to Hawes Coleman. 46 acres in Berkeley Parish. Wit: George Stubblefield, Benj Stubblefield, Beverly Stanard, John Frazer. Rec. 7 Apr 1789 DB M
William Fox, son of Thomas, witnessed the following deeds:
22 May 1789 Jos Brock Jr intending shortly to go to the State of South Carolina, power of attorney to George Stubblefield to sell and convey 600 acres in Caroline Co. Wit: Wm Fox, Jno Herndon Jr, Bev. W. Stubblefield, Wm Herndon. Rec. 2 Jun 1790 DB M
7 Sep 1790 John Holladay & Martha his wife to Robert Hart. 97 acres in Berkely Parish, part of land lately belonging to estate of Benj. Hollaand dec'd and divided among his children. Wit: Lewis Holladay, Benj Holladay Jr, Wm Fox, Wm Holladay Rec 2 Nov 1790. DB M
4 Dec 1790 James Young & Edwd Hyde to John Chandler, 100 acres purchased of Thos Brooks. Wit: Wm Fox, Turman Lewis, Claibourn Chandler. Rec. 7 Dec 1790. DB M
John Wigglesworth was indebted to his brothers-in-law, Nathaniel & Joseph Fox:
2 Mar 1791 John Wiglesworth to Nathaniel Fox of Stafford Co [this explains why there are so few records in Spotsylvania for Nathaniel] To indemnify Fox who stands security for Wiglesworth. In trust, 200 acres purchased of Robt Lewis. Wit: Wm Fox, Joseph Fox, Thomas Wiglesworth. Rec. 1 Nov 1791 DB N
4 Mar 1791 John Wiglesworth to Joseph Fox. Mortgage. Four Negroes. Wit: Wm Waller Jr, Geo Cammack, R. Frazer. Rec. 1 Nov 1791 DB N
22 Mar 1791 John Wiglesworth to indemnify Joseph Fox who stands security for Wiglesworth to Neil McCoul. Conveys to Fox his household & kitchen furniture, livestock, etc. Wit: Jno Herndon, Geo Cammack, Wm Waller Jr. Rec. 1 Nov 1791 DB N
27 May 1791 Joseph Fox & John Wiglesworth. to Thomas Montgomerie of Dumfries, Prince William County, Negro slave. Wit: John McCoull, James Johnston Rec 3 Jan 1792 DB N
This is the last record in the book of Thomas Fox, still living.
22 Dec 1791 Thomas Fox and Delphia his wife and William Fox his son, all of Spotsylvania Co, to Stephen Johnson. 150 acres. Wit: Thomas Strachan, Geo Wm Spooner, Jos. Brock. Rec. 3 Jan 1792. DB N
Records of sons William and Joseph:
4 Feb 1792. William Fox to William Bronaugh to indemnify sd Bronaugh. Two slaves. Wit: Austin Sandidge, Wm Bronaugh, Jr. Rec. 4 Sep 1792. DB N
17 Oct 1796 William Phillips & Ann his wife, of Hanover Co, to Reubin Cason of Spotsylvania. 70 acres in Spotsylvania, part of a tract divided by the Spotsylvania County Court among the orphans of John Zachary Lewis, dec'd one of which was the sd Ann Phillips. Wit: Jas. Wiglewsorth, Benjn Waller, Thomas Wiglesworth, Joseph Fox, John Cason. Rec 7 Feb 1797. DB O
The Will of Thomas Fox is not dated and no probate is listed or bond indexed. Thomas stated that on the 27th of Jan 1765, he had conveyed his estate to Oliver Towles in trust which trust is now null and void. Thomas owns land in King William Co, "Fox's Ferry" for which there is a suit pending between Frazer and himself - if he recovers of Frazer the money is to be used to discharge a debt Fox owes William Reid, with the balance divided between sons Nathaniel & Thomas. The executors are to sell 73 acres bought of Nathaniel Fox and the money to be divided between sons Stephen, Edmund and James. Son Joseph is to have 200 acres, part of land called "Seaton's" but if he dies without issue then it falls to son Stephen. Son John is to have 200 acres of the same tract and son William the remainder. During wife's natural life, the lease lands [here the wording is confusing]. Then to sons Nathaniel, Thomas, William & Joseph and if Joseph dies without issue to the children of John Wiglesworth & Philadelphia his wife, to dau Betty and her children, dau Philadelphia & her children [this seems repetitious], grandson Thomas Frazer, dau Ann and her children. Wife Philadelphia to have slaves & after her death to be divided among children John, Stephen, Edmund, James, Barbary & Molly. Estate to be kept together for support of wife and youngest children, John, Stephen, Edmund, James, Barbary, Molly. Names dau Ann Chew, Molly Allen, dau of Elizabeth Allen. Wit: Charles Pilcher, William Riaden, Charles Oliver. Exec: Wife, Col. Joseph Brock, Nathaniel Fox, Thomas Fox, and William B. Wallace
In the 1765 Trust, these children had been born: Nathaniel, Thomas, William, Joseph, Philadelphia [married John Wiglesworth], Ann [married name was Chew], and Polly [quite possibly married to a Frazer and dec'd by the time of the writing of the will]. Quite likely the trust was set up at the time of the death of the first wife. It is evident from the will that son Joseph is the only one of these older children without issue. Children that are still at home were sons John, Stephen, Edmund & James, and the daughters Barbara and Molly. The daughter Elizabeth, or Betty, married to an Allen, is not mentioned in either category so was probably the eldest child of the 2nd wife and has married and has children of her own.
Thomas Fox was deceased by May of 1797
16 May 1797. William Brown Wallace, Executor of Thomas Fox, Dec'd and Joseph Fox, devisee of sd Thomas Fox, dec'd, and Philadelphia Fox, widow of sd Thomas Fox dec'd to Spencer Coleman. The sd Thos. Fox died seized & possessed of a tract of 337 acres and by his will devised 225 acres thereof to his son Joseph Fox, the remainder to be sold, and the afsd Philadelphia Fox is entitled to dower therein; therefore the sd Wallace, Joseph Fox and Philadelphia Fox convey to Coleman the above sd lands. Wit: Wm Cason, Rebecca (x) Cason, Bradley (x) Matthews, Jno N. Whitlock, Lee (X) Jones, Wm Cross, Rhodr. Hord, Jno Cason. Rec. 5 Sep 1796. DB O/P
Here is additional information about "Fox's Ferry" in King William Co. From VA COLONIAL RECORDS, 1600s-1700s, online subscription. VA COLONIAL ABSTRACTS, VOL II, King & Queen Co.
Petition of Anne Fleet, widow. Journals of the House of Burgesses, Vol 8, p.33, 14 Mar 1752. Anne Fleet, widow, praying that a Ferry may be appointed from her land, in King & Queen Co, across Mattapony River, to the land of Thomas Fox opposite thereto. Approved 20 Mar 1752.
Birth | Abt 1705 | King William County, Virginia | |||
Death | Abt 1792 | Spotsylvania County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Philadelphia CLAIBORNE |
Spouse | Philadelphia CLAIBORNE ( - ) |
Father | Thomas Fox (1686 - 1749) |
Mother | Mary Tunstall ( - ) |
Sibling | Joseph FOX (1702 - 1749) |
Sibling | Nathaniel FOX (1720 - 1793) |
1. Lora B. Tindall, Fox family research. She is a member of the National Society of Colonial Dames and the DAR through ancestor of this line..
2. Lora B. Tindall, Fox family research. She is a member of the National Society of Colonial Dames and the DAR through ancestor of this line..