Individual Details


(1 May 1755 - 20 Dec 1841)

John Reynolds Pension Application of 1 Jun 1818, Pickaway Co, Ohio, states that he was born in Ireland on the 1st day of May, 1755 and landed at New Castle in Delaware in September of 1775. He enlisted at Cumberland Co, PA about the first of Febuary 1776, for one year in the company of Capt. Abraham Smith, Col. Irvine's Regt. Two soldiers that had served with him, testified - James Crawford of Fleming Co KY and Benjamin Ismael of Nicholas Co KY. A letter in the file stated that Reynolds had made the journey both ways to Kentucky to obtain the dispositions. In 1824, he had to apply to have his pension reinstated. He noted at that time that he was a weaver, but now too infirm to follow that trade. He and his wife Sarah were supporting a bound girl and a young boy, orphaned during the War of 1812. He had apparently let the pension lapse because he felt able to support himself [actually I believe he was declared to not be indigent] He had deeded his property to his four sons that same year - the Pension board may have felt this was an impediment. Reynolds claimed the sons had labored for the property, but could not produce any written contract. In 1832, he applied again from Fairfield Co, Ohio and was placed on the pension rolls of Ohio at the rate of $40 a month, retroactive to 4 Mar 1831. He also claimed additional service - Capt Thomas Latta's Company of Pennsylvania, 1777, and another term of service in 1780 with Capt Mackey. The amount was amended to $80 in 1833.

After the war he moved from York Co PA to Winchester VA, thence Chester Co PA, then to Col. Zane’s Iron Works above Winchester, then to Ligonier Valley, PA. From there to Kiskiminetis, PA, then to Loyal Hannah PA. [Loyalhanna ,Ligonier Valley & Kiskininetis are all in Westmoreland Co PA] He lived in KY for ten years in Boone & Clark Counties. Then moved to Fairfield Co Ohio.

Pension Roll of 1835, Fairfield Co, Ohio
John Reynolds, Private, annual allowance - $80, received $240; Served in Penn. Continental army; Placed on the pension roll, 21 Sep 1833, with commencement date of 4 Mar 1831, age 79.

References to four sons are in the pension file. Stuart was the oldest who was a soldier in the U.S. Armey in 1808 - he served five years [served in the War of 1812]. A son William died September of 1825. In 1825, a son Thompson lived in Fairfield Co, Ohio, unmarried. Son Francis also lived in Fairfield, 1825. John referred to a brother who was a resident of York Co, PA, in a Quaker settlement, during the Revolution, but did not name him.

GenForum posts suggests that John Reynolds married Sarah Thompson on 11 Oct 1782 in Frederick Co VA and that he died 20 Dec 1841 in Clear Creek Township, Fairfield Co OH.
DAR Application for Member #687383 states that his last pension payment was in March of 1834, which would certainly indicate that the above date of death is an error. Moreover, John Reynolds IS in the 1840 census, Clear Creek Twp and was listed as "Revolutionary Soldier age 89". He was apparently counted by both Stewart and Thompson in this census as aged 80-90 and does not seem to have his spouse living by this date. The same application gives no date for the marriage nor a surname for Sarah but does state that they were married in Winchester, VA [Frederick Co].

The above marriage as 11 Oct 1782 is also in the book VIRGINIA MARRIAGES TO 1800 in Frederick Co VA [Liahoma] and does give the couple as John Reynolds and Sarah Thompson. Also found listed in FREDERICK COUNTY MARRIAGES, 1738-1850 by John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr.:
John Reynolds & Sarah Thompson 11 Oct 1782; minister - John Montgomery

Possible Census entries for John Reynolds:
In Westmoreland Co PA in 1790 were two men named John Reynolds. One lived in Derry Twp and was still there in 1800 by which time I believe this John had gone to KY. The other John Reynolds lived in Washington Twp and enumerated as 1 male over 16, 1 male under 16 [should have been two, Stewart & William] and 4 white females [Sarah, daughters Sally & Polly, maybe Margaret]. Several of the locations of residences for John following the Revolution were located in Westmoreland Co PA.

There is a John Reynolds on the Clark Co KY tax list for 1800. He stated in his pension app that he had lived some 10 years in Clark & Boone Counties in Kentucky.

Since daughter Sally married Abraham Wishard in 1806 in Fairfield Co Ohio, the family would have been there in 1810. That census is lost.

1820, Fairfield Co, Ohio, Richland Twp, p.96 has John Reynolds:
1m -10; 1m 10-16; 1m 16-18 and 2m 16-26, one of whom would have been the same boy - these may be Thompson & Francis; 2m 26-45 [Stewart & William] and 2m over 45 [there is no son known to have been this old but one of these would be John who was about age 66 at this time.
1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26, and 1f over 45 [Sarah], Daughters Sally & Mary long since married and living with their husbands. Daughter Margaret was still at home & likely 16-26.
The presence of several younger children in the household indicates there may have been some grandchildren living with John - or the chidren in his household mentioned in his pension in 1824. There's the possibility that another couple was living with them - the female over 45 would not have to be Sarah, she could have been already deceased.]

1830, Fairfield Co, Ohio, Clear Creek Twp, p.272
Stewart "Runnels" with 1m 10-15, and himself 40-50 [he was abt 45]. A female age 40-50, presumably his first wife.
Enumerated on the next line is Thompson "Runnels". 1 m age 30-40 [Thomspon was about 34], 1m age 70-80 [his father John], 1 f age 30-40 [presumably Thompson's wife]

1840, Fairfield Co, Ohio, Clear Creek Twp, p.247
Stewart "Runnels" 1m age 15-20, 1m 50-60, 1m 80-90; 1f age 50-60. This matches the census from 1830 with the exception of Stewart counting his father.
Thompson "Runnels" 1m age 40-50, 1m 80-90; 1f 40-50. Again this is a match for 1830. Apparently both sons had counted their father.
Then there is a William Runnels. This census has been listed in alphabetical sequence so that all Reynolds families appear together; they would not necessarily be neighbors. William, son of John had died about 1825, so this is not the son. There is other evidence there was another William Reynolds, a younger man, living in Fairfiled County. He was age 20-30 with a female of equal age, 1 male child 5-10 and 2 females under age 5. The possibility exists that he was a grandson of John - he could not have been a child of Stewart who didn't marry until 1825. However, the son William married in 1812 and could easily have fathered a William Jr who was approximately 25 years old in 1840; however such a connection is not known and is doubtful given the deed of sale when the heirs of John Reynolds made title to Thompson. This William listed in 1840 is apparently unrelated.

Also in 1840 in Clear Creek Township, p.251 is a notation concerning two Revolutionary Soldiers living in the Township. One was Peter Wotring, age 83, noted as insane & indigent. The second was John Runnels, Revolutionary, age 89.

In 1850, Stewart and Thompson were still living in Fairfield Co, Ohio. Both living with their wives and no one else in their households.

Here is the proof for the children of John Reynolds:
Fairfield Co Ohio, Deed Book P, p.227 (LDS #0295279)
Whereas John Reynolds of the county of Fairfield and State of Ohio did convey one hundred and thirty-eight acres of land to William Reynolds & Thompson Reynolds by deed bearing date the twentieth day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four and the said Wm has since deceased and the legal heirs of the said dec'd being willing to convey their part of said land to Thompson Reynolds; therefore This Indenture made this sixth day of September one thousand eight hundred and twenty six between Stewert L. Reynolds and Elizabeth his wife, Francis G. Reynolds and Jane his wife; Samuel Owen and Margaret his wife, Abraham Wishard and Sarah his wife, John Drury and Mary his wife of the first part and Thompson Reynolds of the second part. Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of one dallar to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold remised and quite claimed and by these presents doth bargain sell remise & quit claim unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever all our right to that parcel of land lying in the county of Fairfield and State of Ohio and is known and distinquished by being a part of the west half of section number twenty six, Township number twelve and Range number twenty containing one hundred and thirty eight acres be the same more or less (reference being had will more fully appear) Together with all and singular the hereditaments and apputinances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions remainders & profits thereof and also all the Estate right title interest claim or demand whatsoever of them the said parties of the first part either in law or equity of in and to the above bargained premises and every part and Parcel thereof to the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns to the only use benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever.
In witness whereof the said parties of the first part hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.
Signed: Francis G. Reynolds, Jane Reynolds, Stewert L. Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds.
Signed and delivered in the presence of Samuel Spangler, Barbara Spangler.
The words "willing" and the words "our right to" interlined before signed.
State of Ohio, Fairfield County
Before me the subscriber one of the acting Justices of the peace in and for said county personally appeared Francis Reynolds and Jane his wife and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the within written Indenture to be their act and deed and desired the same might be recorded as such She the said Jane being of lawful age seperately and apart from her said husband by me examined and she hereunto consenting In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of September AD 1826. Samuel Spangler, JP
State of Ohio, Fairfield County
Before me the subscriber one of the acting justices of the peace in and for said county personally appeared Stuart L. Reynolds and Elizabeth his wife and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the within written Indenture to be their act and deed and desired the same might be recorded as such she the said Elizabeth being of lawful age seperately and apart from he said husband by me examined and she thereunto consenting. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eight day of February AD 1827. Nehemiah Coldren, J.P.
Rec'd & Recorded Feby 26th, 1827
Alten Hugh Boyle, RFC


Birth1 May 1755County Tyrone, Ireland
Military1776 - 1780Pennsylvania Line, Revolutionary War
Marriage11 Oct 1782Frederick County, Virginia - SARAH Thompson
Death20 Dec 1841Fairfield County, Ohio


SpouseSARAH Thompson ( - )
ChildSARAH "SALLY" REYNOLDS (1783 - 1848)
ChildMary "Polly" REYNOLDS (1784 - 1870)
ChildStuart Levi REYNOLDS (1785 - 1856)
ChildWilliam REYNOLDS (1788 - 1825)
ChildThompson REYNOLDS (1796 - 1857)
ChildFrancis G. REYNOLDS (1796 - 1875)
ChildMargaret REYNOLDS ( - )
