Individual Details

George Courts

(6 May 1767 - 25 May 1847)

George Courts was a son of Elizabeth Ridings who d. 10 May 1779, and Robert Henley Courts who d. 1775. He serrved in the Revolution as a Soldier in the Infantry and is listed on the Pay Rolls in the VA State Library.

John Hudnall and wife Jemima of Culpeper Co VA for love and affection towards our step-son [son by law, not to be confused with the present meaning of the term] George Courts, a tract of land on north fork of Rappahannock River, 215 acres, that John Hudnall purchased from Wm Mitchell. 9 Dec 1801.

In 1806, George and Hannah moved from Culpeper Co VA to Rockingham Co NC.

George Courts wrote his will 9 Feb 1828; probate Aug court 1847. Codicils dated 30 Apr 1839, 22 Feb 1842, & 24 Sep 1842. Wife to receive balance of property during her widowhood and then to be divided among my four land named children. Son Robert H. Courts, balance of tract I bought of John Allen, 1/2 profit of the cotton gin, 1/2 profit of the grist mill provided he pay one half of expense in repair. Dau Elizabeth R. Brooks, 100 acres ad the Mr. John Hudnal gave her, & slaves. Son Jnnings H. Courts, land I bought of Robert H. Courts & Wm Burnes on the Sate line, about 200 acres, slaves. Son Daniel W. Courts, slaves, tract I bought of Cantrell & Smith Executors, and live in the house I build for Hosford and at the decease of my wife the tract of old John Smith, 218 acres where my house now stands. Dau Lucy Ann Williams - the money that her husband John M. Williams got for the land on which they lived when they went to TN, slaves, & property that has been given her. Executors: wife, Jinnings H. Courts, Daniel W. Courts
Wit: Carey W. Allen, D. A. Allen, Thos. G. Wisdom, Aaron P. Robertson
Codicil: 30 Apr 1839. In the absence of my two sons, J. H. & D. W. Courts from the State, I appoint Robert H. Courts & Wm J. Gilliam, Executors.
Codicil: 22 Feb. 1842. My son D. W. Courts having returned to the U.S., I appoint him my sole Executor.
Codicil: 24 Sep 1842. I give my son Robert H. Courts my negro girl Ann, daughter of Esther.
Daniel W. Courts qualified as Executor Aug Court 1847.


Birth6 May 1767Charles County, Maryland
Death25 May 1847Rockingham County, North Carolina
MarriageChloe Tolson
MarriageZippora Cooper
MarriageHannah Hudnall


SpouseHannah Hudnall (1769 - 1842)
ChildLucy Ann Courts ( - )
ChildElizabeth Ridings Courts (1792 - 1871)
ChildJennings Hudnall Courts (1798 - 1867)
ChildDaniel Williams Courts (1800 - 1883)
SpouseZippora Cooper ( - )
SpouseChloe Tolson ( - )
ChildRobert Henley Courts (1790 - 1870)
ChildJohn Courts ( - )
