Individual Details

Hannah ?Crewes

( - )

Hannah is most often seen with this surname. However, James Crewes's will was revoked in London because he had no "lawful child". A niece inherited most of his estate. Several explanations have resulted, some are almost ludicrous. Hannah was the child of James and an Indian woman. Hannah was the child of a common law wife [not tolerated in this time period]. James was Quaker and his marriage not recorded traditionally [nothing in the records suggest he was Quaker]. Others simply believe Hannah was not his daughter. There is the suggestion she was Hannah Rowen, sister to John & Henry Rowen, but if so she was older than usually seen.

If Hannah was not the lawful daughter of James Crewes, I believe he himself considered her almost as a daughter. There is simply too much evidence of his regard for her to ignore.

Here is a copy of the Will which gives no relationship to the Carter family.
From: "Karen Wood"
To: "Kay Haden"
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003
" In the name of God Amen, I James Crewes of Turkey Island planter in Henrico County being of sound & perfect memory praysed be God doe make and ordaine this my last will testament in manner & forme following first & principle I committ my soule into the hands of Almighty God my creater hoping & assured by beleiving through the merritts death & passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to have & obtaine free and full remission & pardon for all my sins, as touchinge concerninge all my worldly estate, either here in Virginia in England or elsewhere dew either by bill bond or accoumpt. Imprimis.
Item I give & bequeath unto Mary Carter daughter to Giles Carter tenn thousand pounds of tobo: & cask one feather bed two blanketts & one good rugge, this to be payd in three years after my decease, the interest hereof to be towards her clothinge. Item I give unto Susan Carter tenn thousand pounds of tobo: & casq: one feather bed two blanketts & one rugge to be payd as above said. Item. I give unto my man Tero his freedome he servinge three years after my decease, and at the expiracon on the said tyme I give unto him one Cow, one sow if I have any left, and as much land as he shall tend for him & another during life.
Item. I give unto Hannah Carter wife to Giles Carter my negroe maid Keate for ever and her increase. Item. Item. I give unto Daniel Price my best suit and coat and hat. I give unto Giles Carter what he owns me by bill or book and further the plantacon which I have formerly lett him that he & his wife Hannah Carter shall have it during both their lives rent free, only paying one Graine of Indian Corne when demanded and further it is my will that what I have given to the said Giles Carter's children, that if either of them should dye that it should come to the rest of his children. It is further my will that when the said Hannah Carter wife to the said Giles Carter shall died, then the said negroe wench returne to Theodrick Carter her son and if shee hath any children them to be at her disposing who she will give them too.
Item. I make my loving Cozen [nephew] Mr. Mathew Crewe my sole executor of all my lands here in Virginia, or else where & all the rest of my estate to him or his heirs forever, my just debts being payd. Item. It is my desire that my loving friend Giles Carter shall live here in my said house & comand my servants & make crops or any other thinge as shall be convenient & necessary for the said plantacon, and soe to give an account yearly as my said Executor shall order. James Crewes . . " "

21 Dec 1680. Petition to Court that Capt James Crews, deceased, left no widow or lawful child. The attorneys for Matthew Crews, nephew of James & son of his brother Francis, and for Sarah (Crews) Whittingham, niece of James & daughter of the older brother Edward, made suit that administration be granted them. [The fact that this order states "lawful child" has been cited as indication that Hannah was not born in wedlock. Yet the bequests to Hannah, her husband, and her children are that normally found in the relationship of father to daughter and the grandchildren.]

My opinion and thoughts: It seems to me that James Crews' relatives in London had good lawyers and likely robbed Hannah of her rightful inheritance as designated in the will. Many have interpreted this to mean Hannah's mother was Native American. Certainly the bequests, the fact that Giles Carter was "loving friend" and had the will in his possession, indicates a very close relationship. Some think the relationship was actually that of good friends, that Carter was taking care of Crewes property as he joined in Bacon's Rebellion - there is some evidence that Giles Carter was an overseer for others before he purchased his own lands. Did Hannah as the overseer's wife nurse and take care of Giles Carter in his last illness, thereby receiving his good will and appreciation via his last will & testament?


SpouseGILES Carter (1635 - 1701)
ChildTheodorick Carter (1669 - 1737)
ChildSUSANNAH Carter (1671 - )
ChildMary Carter ( - )
ChildAnn Carter ( - )
ChildGiles Carter (1682 - )
FatherJames Crewes ( - 1677)