Individual Details

Robert Hallom Sr.

( - Bef 1638)

Robert came from Burnham, County Essex, England to Virginia, Aug 1620 in the "Francis Bonaventure" [the same ship Ann Price came on]. He was living at Neck of Land in Charles City in the Muster as were John and Ann Price. Luke Boyse claimed him as a headright and he was listed as his servant.

Robert had three brothers still living in England. John who lived in London, a poulterer, William of Burnham, County Essex who was a salter; and Thomas who died in 1644 and whose widow married (2) William Mason. Thomas Hallom, Jr, son of Thomas came to Virginia about 1655 bringing power of attorney from the England Halloms. He gave Daniel Llewellyn receipt in full in 1657.


MarriageAbt 1630ANN [Price]
DeathBef 1638


SpouseANN [Price] (1603 - 1666)
ChildAnn Hallom ( - )
ChildSarah Hallom ( - 1690)
ChildRobert Hallom Jr. ( - 1691)
