Individual Details

ANN [Price]

(1603 - Bef May 1666)

Ann came in the "Bon Aventure" in 1620; she gave her age as 21 when Capt John Harvey took his account of the citizens of the Colony of Virginia in 1624/25, commonly referred to as "The Muster".

There have been claims that Ann's surname was Matthews and she was the daughter of Samuel Matthews, however, the records show that Samuel Matthews did not arrive in Virginia until 1622.

Ann married Robert Hallom after the death of John Price. On 6 May 1638, a patent was issued to Ann Hallom, widow, and the heirs of Robert Hallom, dec'd for 1000 acres in Henrico. Northeast by the woods, southwest by the river, northwest by Bremo & land of Mr. Richard Cocke, & southeast toward Turkey Island Creek adj land of John Price. This would later become William Randolph's plantation known as Turkey Island.

Robert Hallom came from Burnham, County Essex, England to Virginia, Aug 1620 in the "Francis Bonaventure" [the same ship Ann Price came on]. He was living at Neck of Land in Charles City in the Muster as were John and Ann Price. Luke Boyse claimed him as a headright and he was listed as his servant.

Robert had three brothers still living in England. John who lived in London, a poulterer, William of Burnham, County Essex who was a salter; and Thomas who died in 1644 and whose widow married (2) William Mason. Thomas Hallom, Jr, son of Thomas came to Virginia about 1655 bringing power of attorney from the England Halloms. He gave Daniel Llewellyn receipt in full in 1657.

A patent to Matthew Price referred to land granted to his late father John Price and now in possession of his mother Ann Hallom.

Ann had at least three Hallom children: Ann, Sarah, and Robert Jr.

Ann Hallom married John Grundy of Elizabeth City County, VA.

Sarah Hallom married in 1654 to Samuel Woodward of Charles City Co VA who died about 1659, and then married (2) John Sturdivant.

10 Aug 1654 Samuel Woodward and Sarah his wife sold to William Edwards, cooper, one third of 1000 acres purchased of Mr. Richard Cocke and given to Sarah by the will of her deceased father Robert Hallam. That part next to the land purchased by sd Edwards of our brother John Gundry [husband of Sarah's sister Ann].

Sara Woodward, relict, received letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Woodward, 3 Feb 1659.

Samuel Woodward was the son of Christopher Woodward who came to Virginia in the "Tryall" in Jun of 1620. He was listed as dead in Martin's Hundred but a year later he was named in the Muster at West & Shirley Hundred. He represented Westover in the General Assembly of 1629. He had a grant of 300 acres on 9 Nov 1635, increased to 350 acres on 8 Mar 1637 and then renewed and increased on 24 Aug 1637. Some of this land eventually found it's way into the hand of William Williams who left it to his daughter Leah, wife of Ralph Jackson Sr.

Before 14 Sep 1660 Sarah had married John Sturdivant. In 1673 he received permission from the county court to "entertain Indians" and was apparently an Indian trader in the employ of William Byrd I of Westover. William Byrd wrote, 29 Apr 1684 to Thomas Grendon in England that "old Sturdivant, his son, Milner, Shipy, Womacke & Hugh Cassell were killed by the Indians in their returne from the westward".
Letters of administration were granted at January Court 1691 to Daniel Sturdivant on behalf of himself and his brothers, on the estate of their mother, Sarah Sturdivant, deceased.

Robert Hallom Jr never married. He was sent to England to live with his aunt Margaret, widow of Thomas Hallom, and her husband William Mason and was apprenticed to learn the trade of salter. He died without issue and his 1/3 of the Turkey Island tract of his father was inherited by nephews Samuel Woodward & John Gundry who sold to William Randolph. Robert was last mention in the will of his uncle William Hallom in 1657 which was to give him 100£ on his coming of age.

Probably Robert had died and Ann married Daniel Llewellyn by 1640. He was in Virginia before 19 Sep 1633 when he was claimed as a headright by Capt. William Perry.

Daniel Llewellyn was in Virginia by 19 Sep 1633 when he was claimed as a headright by Capt William Perry. Daniel Llewellyn, Gent. received a patent on 27 Oct 1642 for 856 acres on the Upper branches of Turkey Island Creek, adjacent to Mr. Aston. He claimed 17 headrights including Robert and Frances Hallom.

By 1646 he had taken over the management of the Hallom family affairs in Virginia. He served as a Burgess from Henrico and Charles City; he was a justice and sheriff of Charles City.

The will of Daniel Llewellyn Sr was signed 6 Feb 1664 and proved 11 Mar 1664 in England. He stated that he was of Chelmsford, Essex, England, planter and bequeathed land in the upper part of the James river area to Virginia to wife Ann for life. He named a son Daniel Llewellyn Jr, a daughter Martha Jones, and a daughter Margaret Cruse and his step-son Robert Hallom Jr in that will.

Daniel Llewellyn Jr married Jane Stith, daughter of Col. John Stith and was referred to in her father's will of 13 Nov 1690 as "daughter Jane the now wife of Capt Daniel Luellin".

Margaret Llewellyn is thought to have married James Crews sometime between 10 Aug 1654 when she witnessed a deed as Margaret Llewellyn and before 1 May 1662 when she witnessed a will "Margaret Crewes". There was no spouse indicated in the will of James Crews in Jul of 1676, indicating Margaret had likely died if she is the same lady.

After Ann married Daniel Llewellyn he undertook the management of the Virginia interests of the Halloms still in England which produced a considerable correspondence and is recorded in the court records of Charles City County.


MarriageBet 1620 and 1623Virginia - JOHN Price I
MarriageAbt 1630Robert Hallom Sr.
DeathBef May 1666
MarriageBy 1640Daniel Llewellyn Sr.


SpouseJOHN Price I (1584 - 1628)
ChildMary Price (1624 - )
ChildMatthew Price (1626 - )
ChildJOHN Price II (1628 - 1662)
SpouseRobert Hallom Sr. ( - 1638)
ChildAnn Hallom ( - )
ChildSarah Hallom ( - 1690)
ChildRobert Hallom Jr. ( - 1691)
SpouseDaniel Llewellyn Sr. ( - 1664)
