Individual Details

William W. Harmon

(5 Dec 1788 - 1 Apr 1866)

1810 Tax list - Pulaski Co, KY
John Harmon was still there on Pitman Creek, but in an adjacent entry to John was William Harmon - no land. This is the same year the William Harmon signed as surety for Henry Harmon to marry Agnes Green in Pulaski Co KY.

The pension application below states that William Harmon & Nancy were married on 15 Dec 1814. There is said to be a Bible record. The state website has the date of 23 Dec 1814. However the marriage book from Franklin Co, image on FamilySeach, states they were married by John Muget of Dec 15, 1814. The date for his return is shown as 23 Dec 1811, but plainly should have been 23 Dec 1814, since he couldn't have returned the information before he married them.

1820 Census. Brookville, Franklin Co, IN
William Harmon - 1 male age 26-45. 1 female 26-45. 1 female, over 45.

History of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana. Sulgrove, B. R.. Philadelphia. L.H. Everts & Co.. 1884. On
Assessors, Pike Township, Marion Co IN
William W. Harmon, Jan. 2, 1832 to May 5, 1835
William W. Harmon, Jan. 2, 1837 to Jan. 1, 1838

DB B, p.70
20 Feb 1827 James Harman & Philadelphia his wife of Marion Co to William Harmon of the same. $4500. Piece of land on North end of South half of the 80 acres of the NW quarter & West half of S14, T17, N Range 2, E. Bounded at section line bet 14 and 15 on the bank of Eagle Creek. 20 acres. Signed: James Harmon, Philadelphia Harmon
Wit: Jacob Sheets, Andrew Sheets
Ack & relinquished to Jacob Sheets, JP 20 Feb 1827. Rec. 12 Jan 1828

1830 Census. Pike Twp, Marion Co. He should be there, but the only William Harmon in the census was age 10-15. Also in the household was a female child age 5-10, one age 10-15, and a woman age 50-60. It's possible this could be the family of Agnes Harmon, widow of Henry, but Agnes wasn't quite that old.

Marion Co IN
Deed Book C, p.105
William Harmon to John M. Frazee Commissioner of School Lands. 20 acres North end of South half of West half of NW quarter S14, T17, N of Range 2 East. Section line between 14 & 15 on bank of Eagle Creek. $40 Signed: Wm Harmon
14 Jan 1831 Wit: Wm Eaglesfield
Rec. 27 Jan 1831
DB D, p,382
6 Jan 1834 William Harmon to Thomas H. Sharpe Commissioner of School lands for the use of School Twp No. 17 in Range 2, the following: the North half of the South half of the East half of the NW quarter of S14, T17N, R2 East. 20 acres which land I declare to be in Mortgage to secure the payment of $50 in three years from date with 10% per annum interest payable in advance. All title may be exposed to sale if the money not be paid at maturity. Wm. Harmon
Ack by Harmon on 6 Jan 1834. Rec. 6 Jan 1834
Received payment in full of the within mortgage March 2, 1837. Wm. Hannamon
The description of this tract appears to be the 20 acres deeded to William from his brother James in 1827.

Marion Co DB H, p.149
13 Mar 1837 William W. Harmon & Charles Harmon to Cyrus Cotton. $800. All that tract: south half of NW quarter of S14, T17, N R2 E; district of Indianapolis Land Office, 80 acres according to the GLO Survey. William W. & Nancy his wife and Charles Harmon & Elizabeth his wife. Signed: William W. Harmon, Nancy (x) Harmon, Charles Harmon, Elizabeth Harmon.
William W. & Charles acknowledge; wives relinquished 13 Mar 1837
Rec. Apr 22 1837

1 Jul 1848 US Land Patent to William W. Harmon Carroll Co. IL. The SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Section 27, Township 24, Range 4, for sale at Dixon, IL. 40 acres.

Found in Carroll County, IL, in 1850. William was 60, Nancy, age 57.

2 Dec 1854 US Land Patent to William W. Harmon. Carroll Co., IL. Warrant #2151 for 40 acres to Thompson Javine, private in Capt Sumner's Co of Virginia Militia, War, 1812. NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Section 34, Township 24, Range 6, lands at sale at Dixon, IL. Note written across page: Cancelled see letter to office at Springfield, ILL, 22 Sept 1858.

1860 Carroll Co IL Census at Mt. Carroll. Household 1977. Wm W. Harmon age 70, born Virginia. Nancy age 67, b. TN.

2 July 1860. US Land Patent. Carroll Co, IL Twp 24-N, Range 4-E, Section-34. The NE 1/4 of the 1/4 of Section 34. 40 acres to William W. Harmon.

1865 Illinois State Census. Mt Carmel, Carroll Co. (Ancestry has chosen to call this Rock Island - but it says Carroll plainly on the second page.)
W. W. Harmon

Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 13:50:06 -0500
From: Neil Reed
Subject: Nancy Harmon died January 14 1873 at her home in this city--- Yours
truly C.B.Smith

War of 1812 Pension Application of William HARMON; Carroll County, IL
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[Cover page] War of 1812 Soldier: Harmon, William Widow: Harmon, Nancy Service: Pvt Capt Shultz' Co 7 US Inf Enlisted: July 17, 1813 Discharged: July 18, 1814 Bounty Land: 8211 160 50 Residence of Soldier: 1850 Carroll Co Ill Residence of Widow: 1872 Mt. Carroll Carroll Co Ill Maiden Name of Widow: Nancy Campbell Marriage of Soldier and Widow: Dec 15 1814 Brookville Ind Death of Soldier: Apr 1 1866 Mt. Carroll Ill Death of Widow: Feb 14 1873
[page 1] State of Illinois ] County of Carroll ] SS On this fourteenth day of December, AD 1850 personally appeared before me a notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, William Harmon aged sixty one years a resident of Carroll County in the State of Illinois, who being duly sworn according to Law, declares that he is the identical William Harmon who was a private in the Company of Mounted Rangers commanded by Captain Frederick Shults in either the 5th or 7th Regiment of (what affiant does not remember) commanded by Colonel Russell in the was with Great Britain declared by the United States on the 18 day of June 1812, that he enlisted at Brookville in the State then Territory of Indiana on or about the 6th day of July 1813 for the term of twelve months and continued in actual service in said war for the time of twelve months and was honorably discharged at Vincennes said Territory above named, on the 6th day of July AD 1814 as will appear by the Muster Roster of said Company. No written dishcarges given, so far as this affiant had any _____. He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the Bounty Land to which he may be entitled under the "Act granting bounty Land to certain Officers and Soldiers who have been engaged in the Military Service of the United States ____ September 28th 1850.
William Harmon
Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written, And I hereby [page 2] certify that I believe the said William Harmon to be the identical man who served as aforesaid and that he is of the age above stated.
Geo. W. Harris Notary Public for Carroll County Ill
[page 3] War of 1812 Declaration of a Widow for Pension State of Illinois ] County of Carroll ] SS
On this 16th day of November, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy two, personally appeard before me, R. M. A. Hawk, Clerk of the County Court, a court record in and for the county and State aforesaid Nancy Harmon, aged 82 years a resident of Mount Carroll, county of Carroll State of Illinois, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of William Harmon, who served the full period sixty days in the Military service of the United Stated in the war of 1812; and who was the identical William Harmon who, Enlisted in Captain Nat. Sholtz or Shults company Indiana regiment or Militia brigade at Brookville, Indiana, and was honorably discharged at, she thinks Vincennes, Ind. on December 1814; that the said William Harmon, as she has frequently heard him say, acted as ranger a portion of the time of his said service and was also stationed a part of said time at Vincennes Indiana. ________ an honorable discharge from said service, and ____ discharge to the land office at Washington some 12 or 15 years ago and ____ a Land warrant for 160 acres of land, but his discharge ______. That she was married under the name of Nancy Campbell to said William Harmon on the fifteenth day of December A. D. 1814 by John Stevens or Stephens J. P. at Brookville, Indiana there being no legal barrier to such marriage; that her said husband died at Mount Carroll Ills. on the first day of April A.D. 1866 and she has not rmarried since his death.
[page 4] Hon. Comm. of Pensions Washt D.C.
Dear Sir - I herewith enclose afft of Nancy Harmon, widow of Wm. Harmon Soldier of 1812 for Pension under act Feb. 17/71. We are not sure that we could find any one now living who was present at their marriage. I can prove by witnesses here that they have lived together as man and wife since a period reaching back 40 to 45 years - and by a number that they lived here over 30 years ago as man and wife. The old family bible Register in Mr. Harmon's hand writing gives the date of their Marriage Dec 15th 1814 - Mrs. Harmon says they were engaged before he entered the service, and were married as soon as he got his discharge at the close of the War. Yours Respectfully C. B. Smith
[page 5] State of Illinois ] Carroll County ] SS
Amos Shoemaker and Adam Bohn of Mount Carroll in said County being first duly sworn depose and say that they were personally well acquainted with William Harmon, late of said county, deceased, and that they were his neighbors and acquaintances - the said Shoemaker from the year 1825 up to his death and the said Bohn from the year 1851 up to his death - and they know of their own knowledge that the said William Harmon died on or about the 1st day of April A.D. 1866.
That they were also personally acquainted with Nancy Harmon, his wife, from the same dates aforesaid up to the day of her death and know of their own knowledge that she remained a widow and unmarried from the said date of her said husband's death until her own death which occurred on the 14th day of February A.D. 1873.
And affiants further declare on oath that they were both familiar with the hand writing of the said William Harmon deceased from having frequently seen him write when he was tax assessor of said city of Mount Carroll and at other times.
And the said Amos Shoemaker swears that he has ____ the family bible of said William Harmon deceased. ___ since about March 1st 1829 - which bears the imprint of Matthew Cary Philadelphia 1817 -
And affiants both swear that in said bible are entries which they verily believe to be in the hand writing of said William Harmon deceased, in the words and figures following to wit: "William Harmon was born December the 5th 1788" "Nancy Harmon was born December the 15. 1791" "Married December the 15th 1814." All of which entries are closely connected on the top of the same page. There are also a large number of other entries of the names, dates of birth and death of relatives and friends of the deceased - all of which are in the handwriting of the said William Harmon deceased as they verily believe -
And that they have no interest _____ in said claim for pension.
Amos Shoemaker Adam Bohn
[page 6] C. B. Smith Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office in Keystone Block, Mt. Carroll
Mount Carroll, Ill., Jan 20th 1873
Comm of Pensions Washt D.C.
Dear Sir - Nancy Harmon died January 14 1873 at her home in this city. Can the claim be completed for the benefit of her representatives? I can prove the hand writing by ther adopted daughter (in the Bible) who was intimate with them for over 40 years - Yours truly C. B. Smith
[page 7] C. B. Smith Mount Carroll, Ill., March 27th 1873
Com. of Pensions Washt D.C.
Dear Sir - Enclosed show affts. and complete the proof in case of Nancy Harmon. It will be seen that she is dead. It is probable that an adminstrator will be appointed upon her estate as there are some claims against it. I suppose the administrator will be entitled ______ if the claim is allowed. Yours Respectfully C. B. Smith
[page 8] C. B. Smith Mount Carroll, Ill., April 4th 1873
To the Coms. of Pensions Washington D.C.
Dear Sir - In reply to the enclosed communication from your office of date Mch. 22n 1873 in claim of Nancy Harmon. Act Feb. 14/71 No. 9634. That [crossed out] I have to state that I have made inquiries of those best knowing the fact, particularly of the man at whose house she died and am informed and believe that Nancy Harmon died leaving no money, property or effects whatsoever except a little clothing of no particular value. And nothing whatever to pay expenses of her last sickness and funeral.
Respectfully yours C. B. Smith

There may be a will dated Oct 1866. No children or descendants of children listed. Note: the date in Oct was probably the probate date. There was apparently an adopted daughter, Catherine, who perhaps married a Smith.

This is what Wikipedia has to say about the Col. Russell that William Harmon served under:
Colonel William Russell III (March 6, 1758 – July 3, 1825) was a soldier, pioneer, and politician from Virginia and Kentucky.
He was born in Culpepper County, Virginia to William Russell and Tabitha (Adams) Russell. William Russell, Sr., was a prominent citizen of southwestern Virginia and a colonel in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. In 1773, the elder Russell took his family, including William Jr., westward in the first attempt by British colonists to establish a permanent settlement in Kentucky. The expedition, guided by Daniel Boone, was abandoned after an attack by American Indians. Boone's son James and Henry Russell, brother of William Russell, Jr., were captured and tortured to death in the attack.
During the Revolutionary War, William Russell, Jr., fought as a captain in the Virginia militia, taking part in the Battle of Kings Mountain as an aide to Colonel William Campbell. After the war he relocated to Kentucky, settling in 1783 in Fayette County on land that had been granted to his father for military service.
He served as a colonel of Kentucky militia in the Northwest Indian War. During the War of 1812, he was colonel of the 7th Infantry Regiment, taking part in the Siege of Fort Harrison and the Peoria War.
Russell served in the Virginia state House of Representatives in 1790 and 1791 and in the Kentucky house in 1792, 1796-1780, 1802, and 1823.
Russell County, Kentucky is named for him, but Russellville, Kentucky and Russell County, Virginia are named for his father.

There is a list online of the Franklin co Muster Rolls, War of 1812, Indiana Milita. Capt. Frederick Shults, succeeded by Capt Joseph D. Clements ...but there is no Harmon listed in the four companies that are there.


Birth5 Dec 1788Virginia
Marriage23 Dec 1814Franklin County, Indiana - Nancy Campbell
Death1 Apr 1866Carroll City, Carroll County, Illinois


SpouseNancy Campbell (1791 - 1873)
FatherJOHN L. HARMON (1767 - 1825)
MotherELIZABETH BYRD (1771 - 1869)
SiblingHenry Harmon (1790 - 1826)
SiblingRichard Harmon (1793 - 1860)
SiblingJohn Bird Harmon (1795 - 1860)
SiblingJAMES HARMON (1797 - 1847)
SiblingNancy Jane Harmon (1799 - 1872)
SiblingMildred\Emeline Harmon (1801 - 1838)
SiblingSarah Harmon (1803 - )
SiblingMary Harmon (1805 - 1880)
SiblingElizabeth Harmon ( - )
SiblingHiram H. Harmon (1810 - )
SiblingCharles Harmon (1811 - 1883)
