Individual Details


(1767 - 1825)

I have found numerous conflicts about John Harmon and his family. The birth year often seen as 1767 cannot be correct if he is the man of that name who served in the Revolution from Montgomery Co, VA. The existence of a middle name is questionable - he is often cited as being John "Lincoln" Harmon. [I have found deeds with a middle initial of "L" but no evidence of what is stands for.] His place of birth as most often given is questionable. Some, probably all, of the citations for his service in the Revolution are questionable as he likely was not old enough to serve. Siblings and parents attributed to him are contradictory. The places he lived and the dates he moved are contradictory, particularly when the actual records are examined. I do believe he was married to Elizabeth Bird/Byrd in Montgomery Co, Virginia in 1787 and they lived for a time in Russell Co [late 1790's] before moving to Pulaski Co, Kentucky. They apparently went to Ohio for a short time before settling in Indiana.

Y-DNA of various Harmon/Harman descendants has shown conclusively that he is not the son of Jacob Harmon & Sarah Lorton. He is apparently not related at all to the various German families found in western Virginia - the Peaked Mountain or the New River Harmons. Instead, John L. Harmon's descendant is a Y-DNA match to descendants of a Patrick Harmon who married Polly Melton, 26 Dec 1822, Grayson Co VA. It is speculated that Patrick was the son of a Joseph Harmon, taxed in Grayson Co beginning 1798 and still there for the 1820 census. A widow, Sarah Harmon, died in Grayson Co - her inventory reported in 1818. Her relationship unknown, but speculated as perhaps Joseph's mother. Administrator for the estate of Joseph Harmon was named 24 Jan 1826 - he was William Evans, a son-in-law. William Evans had married Elizabeth Harmon, 5 Oct 1806, Grayson Co. Patrick Harmon is in the 1850 census, Carroll Co VA, age 60, born Maryland. Patrick is buried Melton Cemetery, Carroll Co, with the dates 1790-1857 on his grave marker. A William Harmon was also present in this western Virginia area - it's possible he was father or older brother to John L. Harmon as the tax records suggest John L. was living with William just before turning age 21.

A migration website gave the following data about John Harmon - all of which is doubtful if not absolutely incorrect. Born "England" [I very much doubt this part - it would seem much more likely he was born in some area of Maryland or Virginia but living in the area of Montgomery Co, VA in the 1780's]. Said to have married in Grayson Co VA in 1787 - but, no that's wrong too, it was Montgomery Co because his marriage record is there in Dec of that year. Pulaski Co KY in 1800 - wrong, he wasn't there that early. Clermont Co (probably Hamilton Co instead) Ohio about 1811. Franklin County IN in 1812 [no proof at all that John L. had yet moved to Indiana quite this early]. Marion Co IN 1820 [probably not - cannot be found in census].

An article about a "Backyard Grave" found at Traders Point, the old Cotton Cemetery on an Internet post, tells the story of find this old cemetery. Most of the stones were broken and hidden, but they found two that were readable:
John Harmon, Born 1767, Died 1825
James Harmon, Born Feb 7 1797, Died April 11, 1847
No pictures were provided. It is true that in 1837, the Harmons sold John L. Harmon's homeplace to Cyrus Cotton, except for the cemetery. There is a picture online of the stone for James Harmon which says James Harmon, Died April 11, 1847, Aged 50 yrs 2 mo & 7 days - which translates to a birth of 4 Feb 1797 - this would appear to be his son.

The following email of 27 March 2014, tells an interesting little story:
I can help confirm John Harmon's burial in a little cemetery called Cotton, on the extream northwest side of Indianapolis what was once called Traders Point. Mr. Harmon's later family also left many notes at the Sullivan Library across the county line in Zionsville IN (Boone County).
This may help too. Philadelphia Dickerson who marries in to the Harmon family owned the farm. John Harmon's wife Elizabeth Bird is the daughter of Edward Smith [this is an error - Elizabeth Bird's sister Mildred was the one married to Edward Smith) who had a farm in Hamilton county Ohio. His son William Smith lives with Philadelphia while William and father clear enough of the land to support a farm. They travel back and forth until there is enough tillable land. William Smith launches a successful family just over the creek fromm the Harmon's.

The following items found online certainly seem to be questionable for John's Revolutionary service:
John L. Harmon of Fincastle, Montgomery Co., VA, served as a soldier in the American Revolution from Nov. 1776 to Feb 10, 1778, when he was discharged. [This would be sort of the right place, although "Fincastle" was the earlier name of the area of Montgomery Co and was not a town - Fincastle was basically western Virginia, and what is now West Virginia and Kentucky.]
John served in the 9th Virginia Reg. during the Rev. War. [This last citation is certainly in error - that particular John Harmon was from Accomac Co. VA, and filed for pension, still living in that place]

Possible, but unlikely, Revolutionary Service, accepted by DAR:
Source: Montgomery Co., VA the First Years, by Crush & Ingmire, 1986, pg. 60. - John Harmon swore Allegiance, Capt Daniel Trigg's Company, 13 Sep 1777.
DAR #610043, Virginia Alice Buckles
This is the accepted service for John L. Harmon by NSDAR. If it is John than his accepted birth year of 1767 as found in many places online cannot be correct. My accepted application came back from NSDAR with an approximate birth of 1750 written in. I would think that would be much too early. Although this service is accepted, I very much doubt it is the right man - John L. may not have been involved in the Revolution in any capacity, given his age. This is much more likely to have been the John Harmon who was a younger brother of the Jacob Harmon who married Sarah Lorton - he was probably born about 1748 and was the right age and in the right place to serve with Capt. Daniel Trigg. A Peter Harmon served in this same unit and Jacob & Sarah had no son of that name. There are numerous records containing evidence of Daniel Trigg as an associate of the New River Harmons, all in the time period that Jacob & Sarah's children were too young to have been involved.

Probable father of John:
A William Harmon was taxed on Crooked Creek in Montgomery Co VA from 1782 to 1789.
Notable is that a Tax list from Montgomery Co, 1787, lists William Harmon & John Harmon one after the other, the only entries on the page dated Aug 7th. William has a horse and a cow; John is marked as being between the ages of 16 and 21, and had a horse. His name is smeared in the "Tithable above 21 years" column where he had first been written, as was a young James Howell Jun further up on the page - they appear to have been marked out possibly because they were not yet 21. Whether William Harmon was John's father or some other relation cannot be determined, but it would seem that young John was living with an older William.
1788 Tax list on the same day - May 12th - William Harmon and John [with a possible faded middle initial] Harmon, both presumably tithables over the age of 21 - each listed with a single horse perhaps. There are no headers on the copy.
In 1789, only William Harmon was listed in Montgomery Co. - still with a single horse.

Found in the Register of Marriages, Montgomery Co, VA, p.21. Dec 16th, 1787. John Harman to Elizabeth Byrd. Her parents are listed as William & Sarah Burch. [Burch was her stepfather] John's are not listed suggesting he was age 21. Security and witnesses were James Newell, Robert Warrick and Edward Smith [a brother-in-law married to Elizabeth's sister].

Immediately following the listing for John is the marriage of Adam Harmon to Anne Gardiner. Henry Harmon, father, of the groom. Susanna Gardner, mother of the bride; Henson Gardner, her guardian. Henson Gardiner was also security. This seems to be a copied Marriage Register and likely not the original.
Note: Adam was a grandson of the Adam Harmon who settled along the New River in Virginia prior to 1745, a son of old Adam's son Henry. They are part of the family of Jacob Harmon & Sarah Lorton, who are often seen as John L. Harmon's parents, but Y-DNA studies have indicated they were not kin to John L. Harmon.

The 1782 Montgomery Co VA Personal Property Tax List has the following names of interest: William Burch [probably Elizabeth Byrd's stepfather]. Several Byrds - George, Richard, Samuel & William. Several Harmans to include Daniel, Jacob, Jacob Jr, Matthias, Peter & William, but no John Harmon. Jacob Waggoner was on the list - possibly another brother-in-law of Elizabeth Byrd, or that brother-in-law's father of the same name. The Land Tax list for 1782 lists John Byrd with 150 acres, Jacob Waggoner with 400 acres. Harmans listed with land are Jacob, Henry, Daniel, Mathias, William.

Found on GenForum Foley Family Message Board, posted 20 Jul 2002. From a book by Netti Schreiner Yantis, 1972 re Montgomery Co VA - Circa 1790, Survey Book D [the part of Montgomery Co that became Grayson Co]. Surveys for one Jacob Surgioner shows his neighbors at the head of Nob Fork of Elk Creek, Turkey Fork of Elk Creek, Beaverdam of Elk Creek, on 19 Oct 1790 to include William Burch, Samuel Byrd, William Byrd, George Eller, John Harmon, Timothy Roark, Jacob Rudy, Edward Smith, Christopher Stailey, Jacob Stailey, Jonathan Thomas, William Vaughan, Isham, Wright, Richard Wright, Richard Wright Sr, and William Wright.
This effectively places John with his stepfather-in-law, two Byrd brothers-in-law, and Edward Smith, another brother-in-law married to his wife's sister. I also believe it likely that the survey was for Jacob Waggoner, rather than "Surgioner" and has been transcribed wrong.
After looking at the above book, it is noted that both William and John Harmon were on the 1793 Tax List in Wythe Co, the first year of existing recorded taxes for Wythe, but not on a 1795 List for Grayson Co - the same applied to William Burch & Edward Smith. Everchanging county boundaries make research in this area challenging - it was probably challenging for those living there, as well.

The formation of the counties was the following:
In 1776, the enormous county of Fincastle was divided - among the counties pending were Kentucky [what would become the state] and Montgomery County which became effective in 1777.
In 1786, Russell was formed out of northern Washington Co and was adjacent Montgomery Co. to the west
In 1790, Montgomery Co was split and Wythe was formed out of the western half.
1792 - Grayson Co was formed in the very southern end of Wythe and bordered North Carolina, between the counties of Washington and Patrick.
Wythe Co VA, Personal Property Tax List - 1793
Three sections - 1st is present day Wythe & Smyth Counties, 2nd section became Grayson Co in 1793, 3rd section, north of Walker's Mountain.
Tithes - Blacks 12-16 - Blacks +16 - Horses
First Section had no names of interest
Second Section:
Bryd, Samuel 1-0-0-2
Birch, William [next to Samuel Byrd] 1-0-0-2
Byrd, Henry 1-0-0-1
Byrd, William 1-0-0-2
Harmon, John 1-0-0-3
Harmon, William [right next to John] 1-0-0-1
Smith, Edward 1-0-0-2
Note: No Busters were listed, but there were Burtons - could have been misread - and there was a John Burton 1-0-0-3 [Another Byrd sister married a William Buster]
Third Section
Waggoner, Jacob 1-0-0-12
Waggoner, Daniel [next to Jacob] 1-0-0-5
Herman, Mathias, Jun. 1-0-0-3
Hermon, Henry, Sen 1-0-3-9
Hermon, Prilby, 1-0-0-6
Hermon, Methias Sen. 2-0-0-14
Hermon, Henry Jun 1-0-1-4
Hermon, Adam 1-1-0-6
The German Hermons in the third section seem to have favored a slightly different spelling of "Harmon"

Grayson Co - Surveys 1793
Oct 2 John Harman, assee of P. Gaines, assee of William Kidd, etc., enters 50 acres of land to join his other survey & running so as to include a small improvement for quantity

Russell Co VA has a few records for a John Harmon whose wife was Elizabeth. Russell formed from Washington Co in 1786. This location further south and west in Virginia. These deeds indicate that John & Elizabeth did not go to Kentucky until at least 1803, if this is the same couple as it seems to be. They were living in Russell Co prior to July of 1796, on the Sinking Creek, tributary of the Clinch River.
Russell Co VA DB 2, p.147
20 Jul 1796 John Buster & wife Jane to John Harman. 40 acres above the spring where John Harman now lives & from there down the spring branch to John Buster's pasture fence; to a conditional line between John & William Buster; to tract occupied by John & William Buster. Signed John & Jane Buster. No witnesses. This is apparently part of 379 acres, both sides of Sinking Creek waters of Clinch River patented to John Buster on 22 Mar 1785, when this area was still Washington County.
Russell Co DB 2, p.543
20 Jul 1796 [same day as above deed] William Buster & Mary to Jacob Waggoner. 40 acres on the line of land occupied by William & John Buster. Signed by William & Mary Buster. No witnesses.
It is likely that Jacob Waggoner was married to Jane Byrd, a sister to Elizabeth Byrd Harmon and William Buster's wife, Mary, was another sister, so these transactions were "all in the family".

Probably John's wife's stepfather and mother:
Grayson Co DB 1, p.501
26 Jan 1802 William Burch of Russell Co and Sarah, his wife, to Archelous Vaughn of Grayson Co for 50#'s, tract in Montgomery Co on waters of Elk Creek, granted to the said William Burch by patent 21 Jul 1794. Bounded by a high rideg, hillside, branch, 100 acres by Survey.
Signed: William Burch, Sarah Burch
Russell Co Court, 26 Jan 1802, ack by William Burch and Sarah, his wife. Henry Dicksonson, CRC. Exhibited Grayson Co Court, Nov 1802, ordered recorded.

Russell Co DB 3, p.407
23 Aug 1803 John Harman and his wife Elizabeth sold 40 acres on the spring branch below the spring to Peter Powers. The deed also mentions the conditional line between John & William Buster, as in a previous deed. Signed: John Harman, Elizabeth Harman
Russell Co DB 3, p.513
23 Jul 1804 Jacob Waggoner & wife Jane to Harry Smith. 32 acres on Sinking Creek, on a line of Peter Powers. Land conveyed to him from William Buster by deed 20 Jul 1796; land conveyed to William Buster by deed 16 Dec 1789 by John Buster; granted to John Buster by patent 22 Mar 1785. Signed: Jacob & Jane Waggoner.

In 1796, Jacob Wagoner appeared on the Russell Co Personal Property Tax List. In 1798, both John Harmon & Jacob Wagoner were on the Personal Property Tax List; they were also there in 1799. They were in the Upper District, which is missing for 1800. They were on the list for 1801 and 1802.

26 Jun 1798. John Harman appeared on a jury list for the Court of Quarterly Sessions. Russell Co Order Book 2, p.467.

Russell Co DB 4, p.351 - here is a deed showing that John Harmon, Jacob Waggoner & William Buster lived near each other as in the above deeds - all married to Byrd sisters.
Deed dated 4 Jun 1810. Peter & Elizabeth Powers to Harry Smith. 30 acres on waters of Sinking Creek begin west side of Harmans Spring Branch below the spring to an old line of a survey granted John Buster, corner to tract Smith bought from Abraham Crabtree [which Crabtree bought from John Buster], down the Spring Branch to the east side ...corner to a tract Smith bought from William Buster ...corner to a tract Smith bought from Jacob Waggoner. Part of a 379 acre tract granted John Buster 22 Mar 1785 and conveyed to John Harman from Buster 20 Jul 1796, conveyed to Peter Powers from John Harman by deed 23 Aug 1803. Signed: Peter Powers. Elizabeth Powers.

The Pulaski Co KY 1810 census does have on p.537 a John Harmon, age 26-45, with lady of the same age. 3 males 16-26 [William & Richard fit here so possibly there were another son - but it seems that either John B. or James was counted here], 1 male 10-16 [John B. & James would work, maybe one of them was counted as over 16 which would make the count correct]; 1 female 10-16 [Jane], and 3 females -10 [Mildred, Mary & Elizabeth] There is not a 4th daughter to be the Emilie suggested - another reason to believe that Emilie & Mildred have been confused and are actually the same lady [Milly would be a nickname for either]. Another John Harmon is in the same census - his children aren't a match and he was a slave-owner which I doubt this John ever was. Jacob Waggoner & Jacob Waggoner Jr. are also found on this same Pulaski Co KY census.

Tax records from Pulaski Co include the following
1797 - In Lincoln Co on Dick's River [Dix] was a Jacob Harmon Jr & Sr - Pulaski Co was formed from Lincoln, 1798
1799 - Jacob Jr/Sr on Dicks River, Lincoln Co
Stephen Harmon, Lincoln Co - no land
Jacob Sr/Jr in Pulaski Co on Sinking Creek, 100 acres originally entered & surveyed for Wm Harmon 2 polls over 21, 2 polls 16-21
1800 - Jacob Harman, Pulaski, same polls as in 1799
1801 - Jacob Sr, Jacob Jr, Stephen Harmon all listed on Dix, Lincoln Co but no Harmons in Pulaski
1803 - Stephen Harmon, 100 acres on Fishing Creek, Pulaski Co
Note; recently discovered baptisms by proxy in the LDS church indicate that Stephen was a grandson of Jacob, son of his son Israel & his first wife Jenny Gibson. This is the Jacob Harmon who married Sarah Lorton - Jacob Jr. a son.
1804 - Stephen, the same.
John Harmon with 90 acres on Fishing Creek - his first appearance in Pulaski Co
1805 & 1806 - Stephen, the same.
John listed on Pitsman Creek, 90 acres
1807 - Stephen had two tracts, 100 & 50 acres.
John had his 90.
1808 & 1809 - Stephen with 100 & 66 acres.
John with 90 acres.
1810 - No Stephen Harmon listed.
John Harmon there with 90 acres on Pitman. William Harmon next to him but owns no land [John L.'s son William was age 21 by 1810].

In the Pulaski Co KY records there is a marriage from Henry Harmon to Agnes Green. Bond 26 Jul 1810. Surety: William Harmon, Thomas Green. Many have tried to make Henry a son to John L. Harmon, but he wasn't. No son Henry, nor his heirs, was indicated in the estate settlement deeds of John L. Harmon. There are records of a Henry in Indiana - there is evidence Henry's widow Agnes and three children may have been in Marion Co IN in 1830 - and one of John L. Harmon's sons aided in some of the settlement of Henry's estate. The same baptisms in the LDS church as mentioned earlier, suggest Henry was likely a younger half-brother of the Stephen of the Pulaski KY records. These families would likely have been acquainted with each other, but not related.
Another marriage Bond in Pulaski Co, dated 18 Feb 1801 from Sally Harmon to John Taylor is interesting in that she married with "consent of Grandfather, Jacob Harmon". Sally was a daughter of Israel & Jenny Gibson. Jenny died leaving several children, some of whom may have stayed with their grandparents rather than living with Israel & his second wife Keziah Thompson.

One of the databases on line gives a birthplace for John Harmon's youngest child Charles as Hamilton Co Ohio in 1811. This doesn't agree with the migration record found above and Hamilton was a county of its own by this year. However, I do believe Hamilton Co is the correct place for their time in Ohio, see next.

I found a Kentucky Land Grant reference from Kentucky Land Grants by Jillson which is online at Ancestry by subscription. John Harmon received one of the grants, referred to as one of those "South of Green River", in Pulaski County. The survey was made 26 Aug 1807 and mentions Hickman Creek [Pitman/Hickman was misunderstood in one or the other of the documents] as the Watercourse. The grant was for 90 acres and is recorded in Book 10, p.478.
Papers ordered from the Kentucky Land Office
Certificate #608, Pulaski Co KY, December court 1803. The said John Harmon is entitled to 90 acres of land in the county aforesaid on waters of Pitmans Creek by virtue of his having improved the same [Green River Grants specified residence for one year]. Begin white oak & chesnut on William Wilkersons line [remaining description is degrees and directions, no markers] 16 Dec 1803. Signed: Will. Fox
On back: entered 16 Apr 1807.
Surveyed 26 Aug 1807. 90 acres by virtue of Certificate #608, Pulaski Co, waters of Pitman Creek. Begin white oak & chesnut on William Wilkersons line, red oak & hickory, Spanish oak, double poplar and chesnut on George Taylors line, hicory & black oak, corner to sd Taylor, double polar & hicory on sd Taylors line, post oak & hickory on James McCowns line, thence his line to four hickorys corner to McCown, Hickoy corner to Malcum McCown, black gum and hickory stand on an old military line, thence to the beginning. James Hargrove, Surveyor. No Chain Carriers listed.
Receipt. 17 Dec 1811. Received of John Harmon, $16.24, balance on 90 acres of land. Signed: George Madison.
Grant Book 10, p.478-9 Granted to John Harmon by virtue of Certificate Number 608, granted by the Pulaski County Court in December of 1803, a parcal containing 90 acres by survey dated 26 Aug 1807 on waters of Hickman's Creek [sic - it was Pitman's - see survey]. Copied from survey to include neighbors William Wilkinson, George Taylor, James McCown, and Malcum McCown. 31 Dec 1811.

Found Online:
The Harmons had left Pulaski County, Kentucky in 1810, and settled in Hamilton County, Ohio, where their youngest son was born. John and Elizabeth returned to Pulaski County in 1812 and sold the land they had entered in 1803. This transaction was signed by both of them. Note: they wouldn't have had to move back to do so, but they were certainly present at the signing of the deed in 1812.

Here is the deed of sale of John Harmon & wife Elizabeth in Pulaski Co., KY, Deed Bk 2, pp 264-265. It is dated 16 Sep 1812. John Harmon and Elizabeth his wife of Hambleton County, State of Ohio to Ezekiel Cox of Pulaski Co KY. For $216.20 sell Cox a tract of ninety acres by survey dated 26 of Aug 1807, granted to said Harmon by virtue of a certificate #608 granted by Pulaski Co Court in 1803. On the waters of Pitmans Creek; chesnut standing on William Wilkersons line; Geo. Taylor's line; James McCowns line; Malcum McCowns line, an old military line. Signed by John Harmon, Elizabeth Harmon. No witnesses
William Fox of the County Court certified that John & Elizabeth Harmon and produced the deed on 16 Sep 1812, acknowledged by John Harmon; Elizabeth was examined separately and released her right of dower.

Son James was married in Franklin Co IN in 1816, so the family had by then perhaps moved to Indiana.

Son John B. Harmon had land patents in Jackson Co IN where he married in 1818. Then in the early 20's both James & John B. were in Marion Co. I found no U.S. patents for their father, but he could have bought his land from an individual.

I find no one of any name similar to John Harmon in Indiana in 1820 that has the right family makeup to be John L. There was a John Harmon in Anderson, Hamilton Co, Ohio that had one son age 5-10 [John L. should have had two - both Hiram & Charles], 1m over 45, or born before 1775 which he undoubtedly was, 3f 5-10, 2f 10-15,[John L. did have 5 unmarried daughter in 1820 between the ages of about 21 and 12] and 1f age 26-45 [Elizabeth Byrd born ca 1771 so she was also over 45]. So this census does not fit John L. very well, but it's not completely wrong either. It is possible that the parents did not go to Indiana as early as some of their sons.

There is a John Harmon in Jackson Co, IN in 1820 - he had one male under 10, one male age 26-45, one female under 10, and possibly others but the page is faded and perhaps torn. Likely John Bird Harmon since he married there in 1818.

Marion Co Deeds:
DB A, p.379
11 Feb 1825 Chesley W. Ray and Nancy his wife of Marion to John L. Harmon of the same. $18 paid by John L Harmon. North end of the West half of the SW quarter of S14 T17 Range 2 East. Middle stake between section 14 & 15 on the Bank of Eagle Creek. High bank on the north side of Wrays Branch, along said branch. Six acres. Signed: Chesley Wray, Nancy Wray. Presence of John C. Hume. Chesley & Nancy ack & relinq. Rec. 22 Feb 1827
This is John L. Harmon's son-in-law and his daughter.

1830 Census. All on the same page in a row, Pike Township, census not alpha but presumably in order of the enumerator's visit, John B. Harmon, Richard Harmon, James Harmon, William Harmon, Chesley Ray. All except William were age 30-40. William was listed as age 15-20 and he had in his household a female age 5-10, one 10-15, and one age 50-60 [this would be Elizabeth Byrd Harmon's age but she's elsewhere and her son William was much older - John B. had an older son William who does not seem to be in his own household so that could be this William] John L. Harmon had purchased land from Chesley Ray/Wray in 1825 but he does not seem to be on this page.
However, on the next page of the census was Elizabeth Harmon with 2 males age 15-20 [Hiram & Charles], 1f age 10-15 [daughter Elizabeth - the only unmarried dau], 1f age 50-60.
John L. is not there and likely deceased.

There was said to be an estate record, Monroe [sic - Marion] Co IN, recorded 15 Aug 1837 which names Elizabeth and lists all children. I finally found this reference - it was a Deed, not an estate record, in Marion Co Deed Book I [the letter, not the number 1], p.353-354. It effectively proves a number of relationships and was the same tract deeded by Chesley Ray to John L. Harmon in 1825.
13 Mar 1837 Between Elizabeth Harmon, widow of John L. Harmon deceased, late of Marion Co IN, and William W. Harmon, John B. Harmon, Alexis Jackson [married to Mary Harmon], Charles Harmon, Hiram Harmon, Chistly Ray [Chesley Wray, married to Nancy Jane Harmon - her 3rd husband], James Harmon, Hiram H. Lewis [husband of Mildred Harmon], Nathaniel P. Walter [2nd husband of Sarah Harmon Adams], Richard Harmon, all the legal heirs of the said John L. Harmon, deceased, to Cyrus Cotton. Consideration of twenty [presumably dollars since this statement seems unfinished], for six acres.
The description of the tract: Begin the middle stake of the section line between sections 14 & 15 on the West bank of Eagle Creek, then South to a stake, then East until the line strikes the high bank on the North side of Wray's Branch, along said bank, across the half quarter of land to the line of Charles Harmon's 40 acres which he bought of Alexis Jackson, then West to the beginning. It is the North end of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 17 North, Range two East. Except for a small piece of ground, fenced in as a grave yard, where John L. Harmon and [ there seems to be a missing word and clerk's do make errors - is this the daughter Elizabeth?] is buried.
Signed: Elizabeth (x) Harmon, Wm. W. Harmon, John B. Harmon, Alexis Jackson, Charles Harmon, Nathaniel P. Walter, Chesley Wray, James Harmon, H. H. Lewis, Hiram Harmon, Richard (x) Harmon.
Wit: Smith Isaac, John C. Hume.
13 Mar 1837, the following appeared before Smith Isaac, JP to testify to the deed: Elizabeth Harmon, the widow, William W. Harmon, John B. Harmon, Alexis Jackson, Charles Harmon, Nathaniel P. Walter, & Chesley Wray
4 Apr 1837, the following appeared before Isaac: James Harmon & Hiram H. Lewis
18 Apr 1837, In Hendricks Co before Joel Hodges, JP, Hiram Harmon & Richard Harmon acknowledged the deed
It was recorded 15 Aug 1837
There is one problem with this deed. There are usually 11 or 12 children cited - only 10 are represented in this deed. The daughters' names were added by me in italics and are not recorded in the deed - but they are proved by Indiana marriage records. There was said to be a daughter Elizabeth who is not named in this deed - was she perhaps buried with her father in the family grave yard noted above? I never found any marriage record, etc. to prove a daughter Elizabeth. There was also the Henry who married Agnes Green back in Pulaski Co KY, which many have linked to this family, but that name does not occur again in connection with John L. Harmon's family - DNA has proved Henry does belong but was deceased before the date of this deed.

John Harmon's father is so often said to be a Jacob Harmon. I have found records of at least two Jacob Harmons living in old Augusta Co [parent county of most of western Virginia and Kentucky] very early, and each of them apparently also had a son named Jacob. They can be differentiated as Jacob Harmon of Peaked Mountain and Jacob Harmon of New River. I have documentation of both families, although online databases have the two families horribly confused and sometimes welded together. Some descendants of both Jacobs lived in Rowan Co NC which has added to the confusion. One of the younger Jacobs, and his sons did live near the Lortons in the New River settlement and later in Pulaski Co KY and he is surely the Jacob Harmon who married Sarah Lorton. I have found no proof of a link between any of the Jacobs and John Harmon, and Y-DNA studies indicate there was none.

1800 Second Census of Kentucky Online at, which is actually a tax list since there is no existing census for Kentucky in 1800: Jacob Harmon was listed as paying tax in Pulaski Co, 28 July 1800.

Another researcher has suggested John's father was a William Harmon of Crooked Creek, VA. I find little to prove that either, although it is much more likely there was some sort of relationship to this William since John appeared to be his household for one tax record. To me, one of the most telling bits of evidence is that John & Elizabeth used names from her Bird family among their children [her father John Bird, mother Sarah, brothers William & Richard, sisters Mildred & Mary] - but they didn't use any of the given names found among the Harmons of old Augusta such as Jacob, Adam, Mathias or Mathew, Daniel, George.... John's son Richard did name a son Jacob in the next generation but the family had by then, a close relationship to Jacob Waggoner. John's son John B. did name a son George. It should be noted that are several Williams - John L. named his first son William, and several sons also named an older son William - that would suggest John L. had a father, brother, or maybe both of that name.
Also, associates of John Harmon, i.e. the Byrd/Bird family/Busters, Waggoners, Edward Smith, etc. do not seem to be associates of the other Harmon families found in Augusta Co, either. In other words, they just didn't move in the same circles.

There are records of a William Harmon, who lived near John L. back in Virginia, as noted earlier.
From 1782-1789 William Harmon on Personal Property Tax Lists, Montgomery Co VA.
26 Apr 1790. William Harman had 126 acres on Crooked Creek, Montgomery Co VA

This may or may not be the same William Harmon, it is the last time the name appears in these western Virginia counties.
Grayson Co VA WB 1, p.77 Will of Jacob Rector, whose wife was Mary. Dated 31 Jul 1802 - William "Harmen" was a witness along with John Robinson and Randolph Collins. Proved, Jul, 1811.

Recent Y-DNA studies show a very good match between a descendant of John L. Harmon's son Charles and a descendant of a Patrick Harmon whose father is speculated to be Joseph Harmon. Patrick and Joseph did live in Grayson Co, VA. Administration of the estate of Joseph Harmon was granted in February of 1828, Grayson Co. There was a Sally Harmon whose inventory was recorded in 1818 - she could have been Joseph's mother but there is no proof. Patrick later was in Carroll Co VA, then Mercer Co KY. Patrick Harmon married Mary Melton - bond dated 16 Sep 1822, marriage reported as 26 Dec 1822. The 1850 census shows Patrick to be age 60, born in Maryland. Joseph Harmon may also have had a daughter Elizabeth "Betsey" who married William Evans - Joseph Harmon was surety on the bond. There is also a Grayson Co court record from 1813 when Robert Smith was charged by the Overseers of the Poor with "being the father of a child begotten in the body of Mary Harmon, a single woman". In 1850, Mary Harmon is in the Carroll Co VA census, age 68, born in PA and has a much younger Joseph in her household.


Marriage16 Dec 1787Montgomery County, Virginia - ELIZABETH BYRD
Death1825Marion County, Indiana


SpouseELIZABETH BYRD (1771 - 1869)
ChildWilliam W. Harmon (1788 - 1866)
ChildHenry Harmon (1790 - 1826)
ChildRichard Harmon (1793 - 1860)
ChildJohn Bird Harmon (1795 - 1860)
ChildJAMES HARMON (1797 - 1847)
ChildNancy Jane Harmon (1799 - 1872)
ChildMildred\Emeline Harmon (1801 - 1838)
ChildSarah Harmon (1803 - )
ChildMary Harmon (1805 - 1880)
ChildElizabeth Harmon ( - )
ChildHiram H. Harmon (1810 - )
ChildCharles Harmon (1811 - 1883)
FatherWilliam HARMON (1735 - 1793)
