Individual Details
George Thomas
( - Abt 1770)
1755-1759 Gravely researcher noted records for a George & John Thomas found in Bedford Co which was formed 1753 from Lunenburg & Albemarle Counties. It's possible that this is "our" George but later records suggest it was not. And what happened to this John? Probably died if he was a father or brother since William becomes "sole heir" of George in 1770. Names such as Talbot and Walton do appear in conjunction with these Thomas men - names which also appear later in Halifax Co, All of these Bedford records are from a court Order Book. Geo and John are appointed to road crews as though they were landowners but Gravely made no mention of deeds. In 1759-60 there are records of a George Thomas of Bedford in Halifax Co, and by 1761 George has bought land on Cain Creek from Samuel Harris. We know this last record to be our George, the brother of William Thomas. There is no mention of John after he is added to a List of Tithables in Halifax Co in 1759.
First appearance of George in connection with William would dispute the above that George, brother of William, was the man in Bedford County:
8 Aug 1754 Lunenburg DB 4, pp.358-9 William Thomas of Halifax Co to John Fore of Cumberland Co for £80, 500 acres in Lunenburg begin at Dugon's corner on the creek, along his line ...up creek to start. Signed: William Thomas. Wit: John Woodson, Charles Hudspeth, George Thomas, Hickenson (X) Cox. Rec. 3 Sep 1754.
1757/58 HISTORY OF PITTSYLVANIA CO by Maud C. Clement
p.78f George Thomas gave deposition re Indian activities & damages. This was during the Cherokee Wars. On 1 Jun 1758, at Mays's Ferry on the Staunton River, the State took depositions regarding three Engagements between parties of militia of Halifax & Bedford Counties and the Indians. George Thomas deposed in reference to the second Engagement. The Indians had stolen a stallion from John Echols, who then bought a horse from George Thomas to exchange with the Indians for his Stallion but the Indians had taken this horse from Echols as well, along with several pack horses. Thomas was sent by Col Talbot for relief of some of the men and had found several houses empty with things missing and strewn about; he was then induced to join Capt Hawkins and his troops. That they did engage the Indians. when they visited the field the next day, there was one dead Indian, 19 horses and much plunder. These were not the same Indians as had been involved in the first Engagement.
1759 Hx. Pl. 2, p.500 John & George Thomas were added to the List of Tithables.
1760 Hx Pl 3, p.112 Suit of Robert Hill et al vs. George Thomas abates. Thomas is an inhabitant of Bedford Co.
[This is apparently the last mention of George Thomas in Bedford Co. But do we know if Gravely continued researching in Bedford after this date. Did the George Thomas of Bedford leave there? Or are there two Georges???]
19 Mar 1761 Samuel Harris of Halifax Co to George Thomas of same, for £40, 112 A both sides Cain Creek, beginning at his upper corner white oak ...Byrd's line ...all houses, gardens, etc. Signed: Samuel Harris. No wit. Rec. 19 Mar 1761
[Later William Thomas will make a gift of this land to Nathaniel Thomas. See 17 Apr 1784. He must have inherited the bulk, if not all, of George's property in spite of the lawsuit. This land adjoins that of William Thomas that he bought of Stanfield, Smith & Byrd.]
Halifax Co VA Will Book 0 [Zero]; p.151
Appraisement of estate of Cornelius Short, dec'd. by Francis Luck, George Thomas, & James Collins. Exhibited Sep 1762.
4 Aug 1764 Lunenburg DB 8, p.248 George Thomas of Halifax to Stephen Fore of Lunenburg. £50. 400 Acres in Lunenburg Co. adj Wm Davis and Nathaniel Barksdale. Part of tract bought of William Randolph. Wit: Peter Fore, Wm (X) Davis, Mary (X) Fore, William Davis Junior. Rec. 9 Aug 1764.
[What land is this? When was it bought? Is this another tie to the Randolphs of Goochland? Later some of the Barksdales will be neighbors of Philip Thomas in Halifax Co on the Double Creek. There is an entry in Stith's Entry Book, dated 13 Dec 1763 - George Thomas, 400 acres, South side Stanton adj Jeremiah Ward - doesn't seem to be the same land.]
16 May 1765 William Byrd of Charles City Co to Geroge Thomas of Halifax for £9. 216 acres on Country line, beg at Byrd's corner in the line thence north ...all trees, woods, etc ...David Caldwell by power of attorney for William Byrd. Signed: WByrd. No wit. Rec. 16 May 1765
[This 216 acres will also be gifted by William to his son Nathaniel on 17 Apr 1784.]
First List of Tithables of Pittsylvania Co in THE HISTORY OF PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY by Maud Carter Clement includes: George Thomas, taken by Thomas Dillard Jr. in June of 1767. William Thomas, Arthur & Janny [Negroes], taken by John Dix in 1767
Pittsylvania Co Court Records, Book 1 1767-1772
24 Jun 1768; p.58 Leonard Hall, overseer for George Thomas, proved a Certificate for 6243 #'s of Grass Hemp
25 Jun 1768; p.68 William Grayham, overseer for George Thomas, proved a Certificate for 3562 #'s of Grass Hemp.
Pittsylvania Court Record Bk 1, p.211
Jul 1770 Motion of William Thomas Certificate granted for Letter of Administration of George Thomas, the Widow and relict of the said George relinquishing her right of Administration. Security with Peter Perkins & Henry Dickson.
Benjamin Lankford, William Collins, John Vaughan, & William Chick sworn as appraisors of the personal Estate and Negroes of George Thomas dec'd and return an Inventory and Appraisement to the Court.
Pittsylvania Co VA Deed Books p.65: DB 2, p.67
23 Oct 1770 Inventory of the Estate of George THOMAS deceased appraised by Benjamin Lankford, William Collins, and William Chick: Negro man Isham, Negro woman Patt, Negro girl Amey, Negro boy James, Negro boy Isaac, mares, colts, cattle, sheep, bed, rug, bolster and sheet, parcel pewter, small iron pott and hooks, frying pann, axes, parcel old Iron, Drawing knife, claw hammer, meal Sifter, Water pail and Piggian, mans saddle, Womans Saddle and Bridle, Rifle Funn, chest, small Juggs, 2 old spinning wheels, hoggs, tobacco, 2 old Chizawell, shott bag, powder horn, Bullett mould, flat Irons, Looking Glass, stone plates. Valued at 256#'s 9sh 4p. Rec. 29 Nov 1770
Pittsylvania Court Record Bk 1, p.265
Nov 1770 James Harrison granted judgement vs. William Thomas Admin. Of George Thomas dec'd.
Mar 1771 Pittsy CR 1, p.276 Since William Thomas obtained Letters of Admin of Estate of George Thomas dec'd a Will executed by the sd George has been found. Demanded of William Thomas if he would allow the Will to be proved and recorded. Answered that he would not.
Sep 1771 - Mary & Edmund King brought suit against William Thomas over settlement of estate of George Thomas. This case is continued 25 Mar 1773, then there is no more action recorded until 17 Sep 1779.
Pittsylvania Co VA Deed Books p.145: DB 3, p.243
19 Oct 1772 James HARRISON and John HARRISON of Surry Co NC to William THOMAS, administrator and heir at Law to George THOMAS, Decd of Pitts in VA 105# 400 A Collings corner ...Cross a branch ...crossing said Creek. Signed: James Harrison, John Harrison. Wit: Anthony Hampton, Jos. Spearpoint, Wade Hampton. Cert. 26 Nov 1773 [prob should have been 1772]; Rec. 27 May 1773
Pittsylvania Co VA Deed Books p.131: DB 3, p.148
8 Feb 1773 I Sarah HARRISON do hereby Release disclaim and Surrender all Claims, Titles, intries or Right, or entry to William THOMAS in and for a certain Tract of land in Pitts ...400 A on a Creek. Signed: Sarah Harrison. Wit: Isaac Read, Francis Barnes, Charles Swillevant, R Williams. (No recording date)
Aug 1782 Pittsy CR 4, p.420 Account Current of Estate of George Thomas dec'd returned & ordered recorded.
18 Sep 1782 Pittsy CR 4, p.434 Court Case of King vs. William Thomas. Court decreed slaves & moveable estate be delivered to Edmund & Mary King but Thomas appealed.
19 Aug 1783 Pittsy CR 5, p.14 Court Case of King vs. William Thomas. Jury trial to be held May, 1784.
Pittsy DB 7, p.258
17 Apr 1784 William Thomas to Nath'l Thomas for love & affection [Did it say "son"?] 216 Acres ...begin at Byrd's corner white oak on Country Line. 320 Acres patented 22 Mar 1775 adj the first tract on branches of the Dan River begin at James Glasby's corner, adj Cargill, Glasby, Jno Owens. 112 Acres adj the other two, purchased from Samuel C. Harris on Cane Crk Halifax records. Rec. 19 Apr 1784.
[Both the 216 Acre tract and the 112 Acre tract belonged to George Thomas. See the Deed from Wm Byrd on 16 May 1765 and the deed from Samuel Harris 19 Mar 1761. Haven't found the 320 acres, nor any tract patented 22 Mar 1775.]
Pittsy CR 5, p.83
17 May 1784 Court Case of King vs. William Thomas. Trial. Depositions by Francis Shackelford, James Sounders (Sanders?), Ann Gill, James Gill, William Ramey, Elenor Bingham. Found in favor of King but Thomas again appealed which was granted.
1785 Hx P 11, p.196 Suit of William Thomas vs. Edmund King dismissed
[Why was William suing Edmund King? Why dismissed? What was the final outcome of the above appeal? I suspect Mary died and therefore both parties lost interest.]
Death | Abt 1770 | Pittsylvania County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Mary ?Woodson |
Spouse | Mary ?Woodson ( - 1782) |
Father | ??? Thomas ( - ) |
Sibling | WILLIAM Thomas (1719 - 1794) |