Individual Details

George Russell

( - )

William Russell, LR3G-CTB,

19 Sep 1754 William Russell is appointed Constable from Banister to Stanton (Roanoke) River and it is ordered that he appear at next court to be qualified in the said office according to law. (Halifax Co., VA, court records,)

2 Nov 1755 William Russell purchased land from James Wood & John Philpot of Antrim Parish, Halifax Co., VA, "tract of land where said William Russell now lives...being the land granted by patent 10 July last (1754)..." (Deed Book 1, Page 146, Halifax Co., VA)

19 Mar 1761 William Russell, Sr. of Antrim Parish, Halifax Co., VA, conveyed 107 acres of land on Terrible Creek to his son, William Russell, Jr. (Deed Book 3, Page 73, Halifax Co., VA)

1773 William Russell, Sr. conveyed to his son, Buckner Russell of Halifax Co., VA, 100 acres of land on Tobys Creek which was a part of the land William, Sr. purchased in 1755 from James Wood & John Philpot. (Deed Book 9, Page 82, Halifax Co., VA)

7 Mar 1775 The will of William Russell wherein he leaves, Anna, the use and benefit of the plantation she "now live on with thirty acres of wood land with the labour of my negroe fellow Dick". He also leaves to his son, William, one shilling sterling, his daughter, Anne Light, one shilling sterling, his daughter, Sarah Walters, one shilling sterling, his daughter, Lucreasy Dodson, one shilling sterling, his son, Buckner Russel, one shilling sterling, his daughter, Elisabeth Russell, fifteen pounds, his daughter, Judith Bennett, one shilling sterling, and to his two sons, George and Absalom Russell, " also the land I am possessed of to be equally divided between them, my said sons reserving to my wife the plantation with the thirty acres wood land during her widowhood...her death or marriage...". He appointed his wife, Anne, and his son, George, executrix and executor of his estate. The will was witnessed by John Pulliam, Mary Watkins and Micajah Watkins. William Russell was living in Halifax Co., VA, at the time he wrote his will. (Will Book 1, Page 174, Halifax Co., VA)
15 Apr 1775 William Russell wrote a codicil to his will stating that, in the event of the death of either George or Absalom, the surviving son was to inherit the other's portion of the estate. In the event of the death of both George and Absalom, their portion of the estate was to be left to Sarah Walters, Lucretia Dodson, and Judith Bennett. It was witnessed by John Pulliam, Mary Watkins and Micajah Watkins. (Will Book 1, Page 174, Halifax Co., VA)
20 Mar 1777 William's will is probated. (Will Book 1, Page 174, Halifax Co., VA)


SpouseMargaret Walters (1778 - 1843)
ChildThornton Russell (1798 - 1870)
ChildJudith Russell ( - )
ChildLucy Russell ( - )
ChildNancy Russell (1807 - 1855)
ChildMary Mann Russell (1808 - 1832)