Individual Details

Charles Massie

(1686 - 14 Jun 1749)

Charles Massie had a brother Thomas. There are two Thomas Massies of record in Goochland Co and one is mentioned as deceased before the marriage of Thomas to Susanna Holland. Thomas who married Susanna, mentioned land in his will that had been given to him by his uncled Thomas Massie.
p.458 20 Nov 1744 Wm Matlock to Henry Nash ...Tract on North side James on branches of Byrd. Corner pine thence on Arthur Hopkins ...John Coles ...Thomas Massie decd ...on Richard Brown 100 acres Signed: William Matlock. Witness: John Hunter, Richard Brown, George Payne Junr

Other Massies in Goochland Deed Book 5:
p.129 17 Jun 1746 Henry Parish of St. James Northham to Thos. Bryant 100 acres on branches of Little Byrd. Begin on PETER MASSIE's line ...John Smith's Corner on Peter Massies line crossing branch of the Little Byrd ...along William Bankes line crossing the same branch ...John Smith's line
p.331 15 Sep 1747 DAVID MASSIE of Parrish of St. Peters in New Kent to WILLIAM MASSIE of same. 45 £ 350 acres in Goochland adj West side of Little Byrd Creek which was granted to his father, Charles Massie Senr by patent 20 Mar 1745. Devised to sd David Massie. Running on Thomas Massie Dec'd …John Cole dec'd the Little Byrd thence up the Little Byrd. Signed: David Massie. Witness: Henry Martin, Giles Letcher, GIDEON MASSIE. Ack 17 Sep 1747 by David Massie.


Marriage1705New Kent County, Virginia - Ann Macon
Death14 Jun 1749Virginia


SpouseAnn Macon (1684 - )
ChildThomas Massie (1725 - 1756)
ChildDavid Massie ( - )
ChildCharles Massie ( - )
ChildGideon Massie ( - )
ChildNathaniel Massie ( - )
