Individual Details

ANN [Wilson]

( - )

Joyce Overman Bowman Jan 2002
Ann's surname is often seen as Ann Blount. Ms. Bowman has a copy of a letter from William Perry Johnson to a Mrs. Brimley for whom he was researching. It states the following:

"As to Ann, wife of Robert Wilson, being a BLOUNT, this is not true. Her maiden name is unknown. Robert Wilson married about 1670 (the 2 children were married 1687 & 1689 respectively). James Blount married around 1660 & left a will dated 1686 (Grimes p. 35) and named among others, son THOMAS BLOUNT and grandchildren James & Sarah Blount. Thomas (son of James of the 1686 will) married (first) about 1681 to have had 2 children--James & Sarah--born by 10 March 1685 (date of the James Blount will, which was probated 1686); name of first wife of Thomas unknown. Thomas married (second) 13 May 1685 (Hathaway, 30202) Mary (____) Scott, widow of Joshua Scott."

"Thomas Blount, s/o of James of the 1686 will, in his will, 1701-1706, Albemarle Co., NC (Grimes, p. 36) named, among others, wife Mary & daughter, Ann Wilson. Grimes shows William WILLSON as a witness. However, the original will (here in the Archives) gives William WILKINSON."

"It is my current opinion that Robert Wilson was married to wife Ann in England, and came to southeast VA, then into NC. Robert's widow, Ann, left a will in Surry Co., VA (c. 1701, as I recall). Ann (Blount) Wilson was much too young to have married c. 1670, since her father, Thomas, did not marry until 1681."

WILLS & ADMINISTRATIONS OF Surry Co. Virginia 1671-1750 page 144
WILSON, Anne: Leg.-- To Robt. Bootman & Anne Bootman, son and daughter of Jno. and Sarah Bootman, all my possessions in Carolina except cows and sheep. They go to Robert Willson and Ann Wilson, son and daughter of Isaac Willson and his first wife, Ann. Jno. Tooke and Sam. Cornell, Exers. Wit: Richard Smith, John Phillips. 21st day of 5th mo. 1702. Book 5, p. 248.


SpouseROBERT Wilson ( - 1696)
ChildSARAH Wilson (1668 - 1707)
ChildIsaac Wilson ( - )