Individual Details


( - 21 Dec 1696)

Robert and Ann Wilson were original members of the Perquimans MM established about 1680. They were witnesses at a wedding in 1683. They later belonged to the Pasquotank Meeting organized in 1698. At least three of their children appear in the minutes, Jesse, Isaac, and Sarah.

The Quaker movement in North Carolina began independently in 1672, a decade prior to the coming of Penn to the Delaware, with the itinerant preaching of William Edmondson and George Fox on Albemarle Sound. It was the second generation of Penn's colony that began the invasion of the Tar Heel State about 1735. Pryor Williams's ancestors were intimately connected with both elements of Quaker beginnings in North Carolina. Robert Wilson, John Belman, Jacob Overman, and Samuel Pike (all direct relatives: Wilson, Belman, Overman, Pike) were disciples to the preaching of Fox. William Williams and his children, descendants of Richard, the Penn colonist, followed the Quaker migration southward. The two elements united at Cane Creek in Orange (now Alamance) county, North Carolina. Robert and Anne Wilson were original members of the Perquimans Meeting, established about 1680. They lived south of the Sound, opposite Perquimans. Their names appear as witnesses at a wedding as early as 1683. Scant records of this and Pasquotank Meetings, set up in 1698, indicate that they had at least three children, Jesse, Isaac, and Sarah (my ancestor.) Robert was dead by 1699, for when Thomas Story visited in Carolina that year, he left a record of an enthusiastic meeting at the home of the widow Anne Wilson on the southern side of the Sound. The fourth wedding recorded in Perquimans minutes, 19 Aug 1687, was that of Sarah Wilson and John Belman. Among the witnesses were Robert, Anne, and Isaac Wilson. Records of Perquimans and Pasquotank supply data on several Belman and Wilson descendants, among whom was Sarah Belman, born 28 June 1688, who married Ephraim Overman in 1708. Ephraim was the son of Jacob and Hannah (Dorthea/Dorothy was Jacob's second wife - they had no children) Overman. Existing records have much to say of this family. On 25 February 1694, Governor Thomas Harvey qualified Jacob Overman for a land grant of 400 acres. Two daughters of Ephraim Overman and Sarah Belman married sons of Samuel and Jane (Nixon) Pike. These also belonged to the Perquimans-Pasquotank Quaker community. Abigail Overman, the oldest child, born 1709, married John Pike in 1731; Sarah married a younger brother, Samuel Pike, Jr. When Joist Hite of Pennsylvania opened up the Shenandoah Valley to settlement on this huge 120,000-acre grant, he started a flood of migration. John and Abigail Pike soon found their way to Winchester, Virginia, where six of their nine children were born, including John, 1741, and Rachel, 1746. The Pike's removed to Orange Co., North Carolina and were members of the Cane Creek meeting, established in 1751. Three Pike children, John, Rachel, and Nathan married children of William and Margaret Williams of Cane Creek.
Source for some of the information above: The Adamson source book : a genealogy of the descendants of Rachel Williams Adamson (1776-1850) of Surry County, N.C., Jefferson County, Tenn., and Lawrence County, Indiana : with an addendum of miscellaneous historical material on the name Adamson. Dixon, Ben F.. San Diego, Calif.. unknown. 1960. Published by the compilers for the Adamson reunion at Bedford, Ind., June 28, 1942.

Perquimans County, North Carolina 1681-1729 Book 1, by Weynette Parks Haun
p.4, No.20
William Earl of Craven is Majesties Lord Lieutenant of the County of Middlesex & Burrough of Southwick Pallatine & the rest of the true & Absolute Lords and Proprietors of the Province of Carolina . . . in the County of Albermarle in the Province afsd, to Francis Toms of sd County, Planter, 578 acres English Measure lying on the West side of Perquimans River & in Perquimans Prct, Co afsd bounded begining at a Marked Pine Standing by the side of a Pocoson or Swamp & line drawn down sd River South South East 320 perches till it entersects the line of Robert Willsons lands & then through the sd Pocoson 36 Perches South West to a marked White Oak it being the Southermost Bounded Tree of a tract of land of Robert Wilsons & from the sd White Oak with a line drawn Southwest into the Woods for length 284 Perches to a Marked Hickery & from thence with a line drawn North North west 320 Perches and from the end of sd Line with a line drawn North East 284 Perches to the 1st bounded pine, sd land being due to sd Francis Toms for the true Transportation into the Country afsd 11 Persons whose names are upon record under this Patent . . . he paying yearly every 29 Sept according to the English account 1 farthing Lawfull English money . . . land to be settled within 1 year or patent to be Void . . .GIVEN at Mr. George Durants house 6 Feb Anno Do.. being the 20th. Year of our possession of our Province of Carolina . . .
No. 22
Francis Toms, Perquimans River, Albemarl Co., Province of Carolina to Daniel Charles & Samuel Charles the two Brothers of above sd William Charles, in consideration of an Plantation with all houses, etc. lying on the East side of Perquimans River to me delivered by William Charles … a plantation on the West side of Perquimans River, 300 acres English Measure now in Possession of sd Daniel Charles, being so much taken out of my Dividend of 587 acres as by my patent … to be equally divided betwixt sd two Brothers joining & butting Eastward upon Perquimans River & Southward upon lands of Robert Wilson & Northward upon the remaining part of said Dividend & Westward on land not yet laid out … all houses, etc…
XXVI March 1687. Delivered … Turf & Twigg Livery & Sesin to above sd Daniel Charles
With: John Stepney, Anthony (AH) Heathcott. Edward Mayo, Secr. Ex & Entered 1 April 1687.
Page 9
No. 44
25th day 8th month called October 1687.
John Belman, Albemarle Co Province of Carolina to Richard Byar, all my houses, clear Ground & other Labour done upon my Land lying in Tanks Creek in Perquimans River, the same lying on the North side of sd Perquimons River (excepting to myself all Nursery Trees both Peach trees and Apple trees, with all other such trees as are not planted out at standing distance & as much Timber as will make four hundred Clap boards & to have all or what part of the TImber is already fallen upon sd Graound & to have liberty to carry it off the land when I please ….
With: Peter Gray, Robert Wilson. Ackd. April 7, 1690. Regt. Oct 10, 1690. Saml. Pricklove, Register.

Land Grand Record Books of early NC state that Thomas Clark received 640 acres, Chowan Precinct on 10 Jul 1701. Survey 23 Oct 1697. For the importation of Jno Willson, Robt Willson twice [he had entered the colony twice], Jno Gillcrest, W. Hambleton, Peter Bassett, his Wife, His Child, Agness Willowby & her Child, Tho. Clark, his wife and 1 Negro.
In the Albemarle Records, Thomas Clark grant for 1400 acres. Date: 10 May 1697. Includes the same name as above with the addition of others.

Found in the Albemarle Records: Certificats of Rights: Perquimans Precinct Court, 9 Jul 1694. Robert Wilson proved one right for John Walbee a freeman that died at his house.
Perquimans Precinct Court, 2nd Monday in April, 1694. Robt. Wilson proved 8 rights [headrights] Robt. Wilson and Anne his wife, Isaak Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Isaack Wilson and An his Wife, David Sherwood and his Wife. Assignment by Robt. Wilson of the 3 last rights to John Pricklow, 14 Jul 1694. [A later entry for John Pricklove listed An Wilson, junior, David Sherwood and Wife as by assignment from Mr. Robert Wilson.]

[I think it's possible that Robert Wilson had a brother and a son named Isaac, since there seem to be two of them.]

That Isaac was a son of Robert Wilson is proved by the following. In the Albemarle Records: Daniel Akehurst was entitled to 500 acres for the transportation of 10 persons on 6 Feb 1693. He assigned those to Robt. Wilson on 16 Feb 1693/94, but Robert then assigned the headrights "unto my son Isaak Wilson" There is a survey and return for Isaac Wilson, 490 acres, on 30 Apr 1694. Granted 22 May 1694. In January of 1705/6, Isaac proved rights to 1200 additional acres by importation of 23 persons to include "my Wife Rebekah Ratcliffe".

Robert had died by 1699. Thomas Story visited Carolina that year and left a record of an enthusiastic meeting held at the home of the Widow Anne Wilson on the southern side of the Sound.
Found in Perquimans MM records:
Robert Wilson departed this Life the 21 of 10th mo, 1696
page 76 Chictuck in Virginia ye 28th of the 2nd mo 1693
Will of Robert Wilson of Pequimans Prect. To son Isaack Wilson all my apparel. To my grandchildren Robert Wilson, An Wilson, Sarah Belman and Hester Belman livestock. To my well beloved wife An Wilson the remainder of my personal estate and my plantation of 300 acres for her natural lifetime. To son Isack Wilson 150 acres: the land his house stands on, and land on the other side of the swamp from his house, from the middle of the vally on reedy Branch next to his house to the bridge on to the head of my line, and it is to be his wife's dower if she lives after him. My plantation to fall to on Isaack after my wife's death and then to his son Robert. If Isaack and Robert should die without male heir, then plantation to be divided equally among Isaack's children and the heirs of my daughter Sarah Belman. Wife An Wilson appointed sole executrix. Wits: John Copeland, Rich. Ratclif, Eliz. Ratclif.
page 77
Will of Robert Wilson proved 1-7-1696 before the Governor and council. w. Glover
Widow An Wilson appointed executrix of will of Robert Wilson 2-25-1697 before Saml. Swann. Hender, Walker, Tho. Harvey, Danl. Akehurst, ffra. Tomes.


Death21 Dec 1696Perquimans County, North Carolina
MarriageANN [Wilson]


SpouseANN [Wilson] ( - )
ChildSARAH Wilson (1668 - 1707)
ChildIsaac Wilson ( - )
