Individual Details


( - Bef May 1690)

Viginia Land Patent, PB 4, p.565
15 Jan 1662 1680 acres to John Lewis & Thomas Mitchell in county of New Kent. Spanish oak in line of Mr. Mitchell; hickory by the Westover path; to Lt. Col. Gooch, his line. Given for transportation [individuals not listed]. Entry of Survey 30 Oct 1662.

CAVALIERS & PIONEERS; Vol II, p.253 Thomas Mitchell, Planter of New Kent Co., 2436 acs. in sd. Co. being the land he lives on; 28 Feb 1682/3 PB 7, p.232. Beg. at Mr. Robert Jarrett, by Westover Path; by an Indian field, to line tree in the bounds of the County line, neere a branch of the Skimino; by Mr. Lancelett Bathurst's fence; by Towwink Sw., by the Rotten Br; by the horse roade, etc. Bounded on all sides by marked lines. Part of sd. land granted to Thomas Mitchell by patent dated 15 Jan 1662 and the other part granted to John Lewis & the said Thomas Mitchell on the same day, which sd. Lewis sold his title to sd. Mitchell & acknowledged same in the Co. Ct. of New Kent on 18 Feb 1672.

The extant Vestry records in St Peters Parish, New Kent Co begin in 1685. Thomas Mitchall is on p.2 of these records - he was paid 500 #'s of tobacco for keeping a bastard child of the Parish. He was serving as a Vestryman at that time and was elected to Church Warden. As Church Warden, Thomas Mitchell was assigned as collector of the Parish levy in 1686 and was to prosecute any persons found guilty of fornication. In Oct of 1687, he was ordered to prosecute a woman servant belonging to Capt Jos. Foster for having a bastard child and then be cleared from the office of Churchwarden. In May of 1689, Mr. Mitchell Senr was named as a processioner to remark the bounds of each man's land. He continued to serve as a Vestryman until the meeting of May, 1690, when George Poindexter, Senr was elected in the place of Thomas Mitchell, dec'd.
An entry in the Parish Register is as follows: "Mary the daughter of Robert Sperill & Ann Butterfield baptized the 20 day of September 1686, being aged according to the testemony of Mr. Thom. Mitchell & others 4 years the 5 of Octo. [Is this the bastard child in his care?]
[I am assuming Thomas is the earliest ancestor of this family in New Kent Co.]


DeathBef May 1690New Kent County, Virginia


ChildTHOMAS MITCHELL ( - 1736)
FatherMITCHELL ( - )
SiblingStephen MITCHELL ( - 1715)
