Individual Details


(7 Jul 1740 - 1805)

John moved to Goochland Co VA in 1735, along with members of the Daniels & Flemings families. James Daniel & John Williams later moved to Amelia, the part which became Prince Edward. John then settled in Orange Co NC, now Caswell between 1768 and 1772.

John, along with his brothers Nathaniel & Joseph served in the Hillsboro Provincial Congress. John served in the French & Indian War and was appointed Lt. Col. in the Revolution, promoted to Colonel in 1776. He served under Georeg Washington Nathaniel Greene.

Probably Col. John's NC grants form Caswell DB B, p.136 & 144
29 Oct 1782 Grant #381 to John Williams. 500 acres on Country Line Cr adj former corner of Frank Triplett, Nathl. Hart, Hart's Chapel Tract, Williams' line, Geo Foot, Hay.
29 Oct 1782 Grant #382 to John Williams. 243 acres both sides Hart's road adj Williams' former line. Triplet, David Hart, near Country Line Cr., Matt Jewit, Nathl Hart, Nathl Hart's Chapel Tract
p.257 & 258
13 Oct 1783 Grant #413 to John Williams, 200 acres on Horseley's Cr adj Hart, Geo Foot. and Grant #484 to John Williams, 110 acres on Hogans Cr on the bridge path and county line adj Edmond Adcock. [another grant shows a property that is on both Hogans & Horseleys so they were not far apart.
DB D, p.383
18 Aug 1787 Grant #955 to John Williams, 22 acres at head of Rockey Br of Stoney Cr adj Jeremiah Williamson, Nokes & Sorrell corner, George Oldham, David Hart, Haggard

DB E, p.24
11 Jan 1786 John Williams to Jeremiah Williamson, for 1000£, 200 acres on Country line Cr on east side of Hart's road adj Hart, Jouett, Matlet's corner, Chapple tract.
16 Jul 1787 George Oldham to John Williams, 150 acres on Country Line Cr adj Abner Powel, William's' line, tract Oldham was granted by State.
21 Dec 1787 George Foote Sen to John Williams of Granville, 608 acres on Country Line & Hogans Cr being 300 granted Foote by State and 308 acres purchased of David Hart adj the county line at br of Hogan's Cr, Newton Foote. [this sale may be to a cousin of the same name, Judge John Williams, that lived in Granville Co]

Caswell DB J, p. 97
20 Oct 1795 John Williams of Caswell, atty at law to Elijah Brown for 55 £, 110 acres on Hogans Cr adj Edmond Adcock. Wit: Lewis Pike, John Dill See Grant 484.
19 Oct 1795 Lewis Pike of Caswell to John Williams of same, atty at law, for 95£, 100 acres on Horseley's Cr of Country Line Cr adj the Chapel Tract, Williams' mill pond. Wit: Jno Dill, Ezekiel McCallester
DB J, p.358
21 Dec 1787 John Williams to Jethro Brown, 618 acres on Country Line, Horsley, & Hogan's Creeks adj Rice, the county line, Elisha Paskel, said tract conveyed to Williams by George Foote Senr. Wit: J. Charters, John Brown

DB K, p.44
6 Feb 1797 Hall Williamson of Rockingham to Azariah Graves, 231.75 acres on Horsely Cr adj Col. J. Williams, tract Hall purchased of Jacob McCraw. Wit: John Williams., Robt Mitchell
p.47 6 Feb 1797 Hall Williamson sold to John Williams, 36 acres both sides Horsely Cr, tract Williamson purchased of Jacob McCraw. Wit: Azariah Graves, Robt Mitchell

Caswell DB L, p.53
10 Jan 1799 John Lenox of Rockingham Co NC to Richard Simpson [son-in-law of Col. John Williams], 167 acres on a side road from the Chapel to Mrs. Brown's, adj Cobb old line, still pond of Col. Williams. Wit: John Williams, Junr [nephew] and Jno. Brown.

DB L, p.139
28 Feb 1799 John Williams to Azariah Graves for 1000£. 243 Acres on Country Line & Horsley's Crks adj Goodlow & Robt Borwn. Wit: John Yancey & Duke Williams. See Grant #382.
4 Mar 1800 John Williams to William Simpson of Fairfax Co VA for 662 Spanish dollars, 662 acres surveyed by Robt Mitchell on Stoney & County Line Crk of High Rock Road adj William Dickson, Atkinson, & Capt. Simpson. Wit: Richd Simpson, Thos. Jouett.

1800 Census. Hillsboro, Caswell Co NC
The only John Williams was listed with only himself, over age 45. Duke was only a few lines away. Apparently failed to count Elizabeth who appears as Elizabeth Williams [of Jno.] in 1810. Richard Simpson also counted nearby.

Will Book E, p.168; Caswell Co NC. Dated in 1805. Mentioned wife Betsy and children Duke Williams, Betsy Graves & Henrietta Simpson and her children.

Caswell County, North Carolina
Book E
pp. 168-171
In the name of God Amen I John Williams of Caswell County, in the State of North Carolina, having been for some past in a declining State of health but of perfect Mind and Memory And Knowing that it is appointed for all men to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament - - - -
Imprimis - I lend to my beloved Wife Betsy Williams during her Natural life or Widowhood the plantation I now live on With the Dwelling and other Houses Orchards Etc including a Sufficiency of wood Land adjoining that is to Say Beginning on Horsley's Creek at Nashe's Line Thence an Easterly Course until it intersects with Triplets Tract Thence along the Several lines and boundaries to the beginning. Also the following Negroes To Wit Betty Barbary Tillar; Doll, Milley, Rose, Jimmy, Charles, Jack, Frank, Clabourne, Moses, Cate, Settle, Betty, and Phillis also all my Household and Kitchen furniture Together With all my Stock of every kind waggon and guns, chair and harness and plantation utensils without interruption dividing the terms aforesaid after which the lands aforementioned to descend to my son Duke to him and his heirs forever on his relinquishing all and any claims he may have against my Estate.
Item -- I give to my grand Daughter Betsy Williams Simpson to take possession of when she arrives to the age of twenty one years or marries one negro girl named Genny but in case my said Grand Daughter should die before she becomes of age or marries as aforesaid the said negro is to descend to her Brother John Kincholow Simpson.
Item -- I give to my grand Daughter Betsy Williamson Williams to take possession of when she arrives to the age of twenty one years or marries one negro girl named Cate but in case my said grand Daughter should die before she becomes of age or marries as aforesaid the said negro is to descend to her Bro John Williams.
Item -- I give to my grand daughter Nomey Lea Graves to take possession of when she arrives to the age of twenty one years or marries one negro named little Bett but in case my said grand daughter should die before she becomes of age or marries as aforesaid the said negro to descend to her Bro John Williams Graves.
Item -- It is my will and desire that all the negroes before lent to my wife except the three given to my grand children as aforesaid after the term of my Wife's life or Widowhood together with every Thing lent to her the land excepted be allotted off by [illegible] man to be appointed by the Court and equally divided between my son Duke and my Daughter Betsy, Wife of Azariah Graves and I lend to my Daughter Henrietta Simpson Wife of Richard Simpson an Equal distribution of the property lent to my Wife during her life or Widowhood to her my said daughter Henrietta during her natural life and at her Death to be equally Divided amongst all her Children and it is also my Will and desire that she my said daughter shall at any time she may think proper have the liberty of giving up said property to be divided between her children aforesd.
Item -- I give and bequeath to my Daughter Betsy Graves the following Tract of land (To Wit) Beginning on Horsley's Creek at the Mouth of Dill Branch running up said branch to the head thence a Southwestwardly course till it intersects Tubbs Branch - Thence Westwardly until it intersects my son Duke's Branch crossing the same and Running so as to include an improvement made by Thomas Nance there on until it intersects Browns line near Simpson's on Foot's road Thence North with said Browns and Goodloes line to Horsleys Creek Thence down the Creek to the beginning to her and her Heirs forever - -
Item -- I give and bequeath to my son Duke the Tract of Land I purchased of Homes together with all the land lying between it and the land bequeathed to my Daughter Betsey and the Tract lent to his Mother to him and His Heirs forever --
Item -- I lend to my Daughter Henrietta Simpson the Tract of Land I purchased of Lewis Pike and also the Small Tract I purchased of Hall Williamson including the Mill seat during her Natural life and at her Death to be equally Divided between all her Children, it is also my will and Desire that she my said Daughter shall at any time she may Think proper have the liberty of giving up the said property to be equally Divided between her Children as aforesaid on Condition she annually renders to my beloved Wife one Third part of the said Mill --
Item -- I give the Several Negroes now in possession of my son Duke to him and his Heirs forever --
Item -- I give the Several Negroes now in possession of Azariah Graves to my Daughter Betsey Graves and her Heirs --
Item -- I lend the several Negroes now in possession of Richd. Simpson to my Daughter Henrietta Simpson during her Natural life and at her Death to be equally divided between all her Children and it is also my will and desire that she my said Daughter Shall at any item she may Think proper have the liberty of giving up The said property to be Divided between her Children as aforesaid.
Lastly I nominate and appoint my son Duke Williams, my son in law Richard Simpson And Azariah Graves Executors to this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand & Seal this 31st day of May A.D. 1798.
John (his X mark) Williams (Seal)
Signed, Sealed and Acknowledged
In the presence of
Signal X mark
Jere Williamson
N B my Desire is that my son Duke shall have my Negro man Frank at the Death of my Wife to be valued to him & received by him as part of his Share of the Negroes left to my Wife.

State of North Carolina)
Caswell County)
The Execution of this Will was duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of Jeremiah Williamson One of the subscribers thereto and on motion ordered to be Recorded - at The Same time Duke Williams and Azariah Graves Qualified Executors and letters Testamentary issued Accordingly.
A. Murphey C.C.

The will was presented January Court 1805


Birth7 Jul 1740Hanover County, Virginia
Marriage9 Mar 1767Charlotte County, Virginia - Elizabeth Williamson
Death1805Caswell County, North Carolina


SpouseElizabeth Williamson (1744 - 1831)
ChildMarmaduke "Duke" WILLIAMS (1768 - 1834)
ChildHenrietta WILLIAMS (1774 - )
ChildElizabeth "Betsy" WILLIAMS (1773 - 1841)
FatherNathaniel WILLIAMS (1712 - 1766)
MotherElizabeth (Williams) (1720 - )
SiblingRobert WILLIAMS (1738 - 1790)
SiblingElizabeth WILLIAMS (1739 - )
SiblingNathaniel WILLIAMS (1741 - 1805)
SiblingJoseph WILLIAMS (1748 - 1827)
