Individual Details

William Archibald "Arche" Poindexter

(1 Dec 1842 - 28 Feb 1930)

William Arche Poindexter's application to the Eastern Cherokee Rolls, Case #7282, stated he was born Dec 1843 in Crawford Co, MO, placing this family in Missouri some earlier that 1850.

Married Mary Orleana Harrell on 23 Dec 1864, Grayson Co TX.

1870 Census. East Waco, McLennan Co, TX, Hh 95
William Poindexter, age 27, b. MO
Mary, 26, b. MO
Children born in Texas: Rebecca 6, Narcissus 3, James, 1 month, born in May of 1870
Hariett Howard, age 47, Black, domestic servant, b. AL

1880 Census. McLennan Co, TX, Hh 79
A. Poindexter, age 36, b. MO, parents b. KY
Mary, age 36, b MO, father b. TN, mother b. KY
children all born in Texas: Rebecca 15, Carry 13, Willis 10, Parilee 8, William 6, Rosa 3, and Minnie age 3 months, b. Feb 1880
Sarah Thompson, mother, b. KY
Mac VanHook, age 36, employee, b. MS

There is an Index to the Indian Enrollment of 1896 and the Poindexter names indicate they may all have been descendants of Zadock & Sarah Anderson Poindexter. The file #5565 is missing from the documents filmed. William A. Poindexter is in the index.

William A. Poindexter, son of Zadock & Sarah Jane, applied for enrollment under the Mississippi Choctaws, as well. Case #5937, 28 Jun 1902
William A. stated that his father Z. W. Poindexter was deceased. He was born in Kentucky, died in Missouri, would be about 82 or 83 if living. His mother, Sallie, age 83, lived with William A. Poindexter. William was age 59, living in Sayre, OK. This was Greer County, Texas when he moved there but is now in Oklahoma; he was born in Missouri. William claims through Rebecca Flynn his grandmother. She might already have been dead by the time of the Treaty of 1830. He knows his grandfather was in the War of 1812. He claimed only for himself but listed his children as James Willis, age 32, single; Sarah P. Tidwell, husband J. D. Tidwell, children Roy and Rosa; William Thomas, single; Rosa L. Rogers, husband James M., children Bessie & Joe; Minnie F. Murphy, husband Stonewall, children Gussie & Bobbie D.

William tried very hard to collect his Indian rights - as late as 16 Oct 1908, still living at Sayre, he applied to the Guion Miller Commission, Case 664, through both parents. His father's ancestor was Bettie Pledge and mother's ancestor was Sarah Anderson. He did not mention Rebecca Flynn in this deposition. He did say that Sarah had died two years previously at the age of 87, in Sayre. She was born in NC and lived in Cumberland Co KY. His mother had told him she was enrolled with her mother's family in 1835 or 1836 and she had the number of it. He says he has seen the number himself on the Tahlequah books. The Council only half passed her case, the Dawes Commission refused. He and his mother lived near Vinita, IT, where there were a lot of Cherokees. Her Indian name was "Sa-lee". William had brought an affidavit from John N. Jones which said he had known old Sallie Anderson in the Cherokee Nation and she got her rights under the old settler roll. He was there when she got her land and money. She was a child of his great uncle [Jones], coming down from old George Anderson who was a Cherokee Indian that served under Washington. George being a brother to his great grandfather, John Anderson.
Note: this is obviously NOT Sarah, mother of William.

I found him in the following two censuses:
1900, Berlin Twp, Roger Mills Co, OK Territory, Hh 422
William Poindexter, b. Dec 1844, age 55, married 36 years. Born in Missouri; he was a farmer
Mary O., wife, b. Jul 1844. She has had 9 children, 4 are living. Born MO
Sally, mother, b. Dec 1818, age 81, Wd. b. KY. 8 children, 2 living.

1910, Sayre Twp, Sayre City, Beckham Co, OK
William Poindexter, age 67, married 47 years. b. MO, parents b. KY. Prop. of the Poindexter Hotel
M.O., wife, age 67, 9 children, 3 living. She was also b. MO, father in KY, mother, TN.

1920 Census
Sayre Twp, Beckham Co, OK
Mack A. Jeffries, age 38; his wife Dollie age 47; Nancy Neikirk, 77, mother-in-law
William A. Poindexter, age 78, wd, Lodger. But strangely shows him born in MS, his father in GA, mother in AL. Of course, it's likely he did not give the information.

I believe the Poindexter book has confused the William A. Poindexters. William Anders Poindexter made application for the Mississippi Choctaw Rolls from Nacona, Montague Co, Texas. [He was denied, too.] He gave his wife as Nannie J. It's most likely he is the William A. Poindexter that died there, as listed, not this William Archibald Poindexter.


Birth1 Dec 1842Dade County, Missouri
Marriage23 Dec 1864Sherman, Grayson County, Texas - Mary Orleana Harrell
Death28 Feb 1930Sayre, Beckham County, Oklahoma


SpouseMary Orleana Harrell (1843 - )
ChildRebecca Love Poindexter (1866 - )
ChildCarrie Narcissa Poindexter (1868 - )
ChildJames Willis Poindexter (1870 - )
ChildSarah Parilee Poindexter (1872 - 1904)
ChildArchie Poindexter (1874 - 1875)
ChildWilliam Thomas Poindexter (1874 - )
ChildRosa Poindexter (1877 - )
ChildMinnie F. Poindexter (1880 - )
ChildEddie L. Poindexter (1882 - )
FatherZadock Wright Poindexter (1820 - 1859)
MotherSarah Jane "Sallie" Anderson (1819 - 1906)
SiblingMary Jane Poindexter (1838 - 1933)
SiblingJames Robert Poindexter (1840 - 1870)
SiblingRichard James Poindexter (1842 - 1864)
SiblingRebecca Flynn Poindexter (1846 - 1866)
SiblingZedock Wright Poindexter (1847 - 1887)
SiblingZebedee Poindexter (1850 - 1930)
SiblingAlexander Poindexter (1854 - 1854)
