Individual Details

Henry B. Bowman

(Jan 1820 - 1900)

Married Rachel Plummer.
There was a Henry Bowman both in Clay Co and Breathitt Co KY, in 1850, but the one in Breathitt is surely this Henry. Page 19b, Household 34.
Henry Bowman, age 34, Farmer worth $500, b. KY; Rachel age 27, Permelia age 10, E. Green age 8 [male], Amanda G. age 7, Greenbury age 5, Malvina age 4, James or Jonas age 3, Lucinda age 9 months. Then on the next line is a very cryptic note "at Wm Gamble's ...1 year old female".

1860 Census. Owsley Co, KY, Hh 668
Henry Bowman, 40
Rachel, 35
Permelia, 18. Elihu, 17. Green, 15. Amanda, 13. Melvina, 11. Geniva, 9. Lucy Ann, 7, Lewis, 6. Curtis, 5. Zachariah, 3. Nancy, age 1. Bluford, 4.

1870 Census. Booneville, Owsley Co, KY, Hh 182
Henry B. Bowman, 50
Rachel, 47
Lucy A., 21. Curtis, 17. Bluford, 15. Zachariah, 14. Nancy, 11. Landon C., 5.


BirthJan 1820Clay County, Kansas
MarriageAbt 1840Breathitt County, Kentucky - Rachel Plummer
Death1900Booneville, Owsley County, Kentucky


SpouseRachel Plummer (1823 - 1900)
ChildGreenville Boone Bowman (1842 - 1926)
ChildNancy Bowman (1859 - 1935)
ChildAmanda Bowman (1844 - 1913)
FatherELIJAH BOWMAN (1773 - 1840)
MotherELIZABETH GENTRY (1778 - )
SiblingNicholas BOWMAN (1797 - 1861)
SiblingSARAH "SALLY" BOWMAN (1798 - 1886)
SiblingMahala BOWMAN (1801 - )
SiblingElijah BOWMAN Jr. ( - )
SiblingNancy\Ann Elizabeth BOWMAN ( - )
SiblingHannah BOWMAN (1807 - )
SiblingJoseph BOWMAN (1808 - 1863)
SiblingDeborah BOWMAN (1810 - 1884)
SiblingElisha Williamson BOWMAN (1815 - 1910)
SiblingIsabell "Ibby" BOWMAN (1820 - 1885)
