Individual Details

Jonathan Langley

(1787 - 1856)

Records of Jonathan found in family tree on Ancestry.
1823, June 04: In the book "First Land Entry Book of Wayne County, Indiana" Jonathan Langley is listed as purchasing 80 acres of land in Township T17, Range R12E, Section S 1/2 NW 3.
1830, January 02: In the book "First Land Entry Book of Wayne County, Indiana" Jonathan Langley is listed as purchasing 80 acres of land in Township T18, Range R12E, Section E 1/2 NW 35.
1830 Census: Perry township, Wayne County, Indiana, page 123. Census list 2 males 10 - 15, 1 male 40 - 50, 1 female under 5, 1 female 5 - 10, 2 females 15 - 20, and 1 female 40 - 50.
1830, December 8: Jonathan Langley and wife Hannah of Wayne County, Indiana sold 80 acres of land at E 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 20 North, Range 8 East in Madison County, Indiana to Curtis Langley of Wayne County, Indiana. Witness: R. N. Williams, Recorder.
1831, September 10: Jonathan Langley is listed in Madison County Land Records as purchasing 80 acres of land in Township 20, Range 8E, Section NW 22.
1831, September 10: Jonathan Langley is listed in Madison County Land Records as purchasing 160 acres of land in Township 20, Range 8E, Section SW 22.
1831, November 14: Jonathan Langley is listed in Madison County Land Records as purchasing 80 acres of land in Township 20, Range 8E, Section NE 22.
1835, October 30: Jonathan Langley is listed in Madison County Land Records as purchasing 40 acres of land in Township 20, Range 8E, Section NE 22.
1836, April 11: In the book " History Of Delaware County, Indiana", Jonathan is one of the first settlers in Delaware County. Records show that Jonathan bought land in Township 21, Range 8, section 24 on Aprill 11, 1836. He purchased more land on August 29, 1836, Township 21, Range 9, Section 30.
1837, February 20: Jonathan Langley and wife Hannah of Delaware County, Indiana sold about 120 acres of land at E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 20 North, Range 8 East and SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 20 North, Range 8 East in Madison County, Indiana to Jonathan Dillon of Madison County, Indiana.
1840 Census: Delaware County, Indiana, page 310. Census lists 1 male 50 - 60, 1 female 15 - 20, and 1 female 50 - 60. Jonathan bought land in Russiaville, Honey Creek Township, Clinton County, Indiana on June 7, 1843. This was in Section 23, which was the town itself. It appears that he sold the land, or it was sold after he died, to a Jonathan Hosdon.
1850 Census: Honey Creek Township, Howard County, Indiana, page probably 388. Census Date: September 13, 1850. Dwelling / Family Number: 055. Farmer with property worth $1700. Langley, Jonathan 63 Born in North Carolina Langley, Hannah 63 Born in Virginia Jonathan's will was proved April 11, 1856. Jonathan may be buried at Pioneer Cemetary, Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana.


Birth1787North Carolina
Death1856Clinton County, Ohio
MarriageHannah Smith


SpouseHannah Smith (1787 - )
ChildJohn Calvin Langley (1816 - 1873)
ChildRebecca Langley (1820 - 1909)
