Individual Details

John "Durkham" Baker

(Abt 1770 - )

[This could be this John, or his father....]
Extract of Goose Creek Salt Works, Nov & Dec 1807, Order Book for Accounts, Clay Co KY,
Ky Historical Society, Mss. Reel 43, Item #649
Nov 1807 John Baker: traded 21 raccoon skins and 1 fox skin for Salt
12 Dec 1807: John Baker got 1 pair of Leggings per order of Christopher Bolin by certificate for $16.50. John paid Wilson Moore 3lbs.

Although online databases give a birth of about 1770 - it seems to be some 10 years later - or the following is a different John Baker. It also seems to me that researchers have confused James "Claybank" Baker and John "Durkham" Baker because Adoniram & Job are shown as sons of both.

He is also seen with assorted wives - Hannah perhaps the most consistent - but that was the name of Job's wife.

1840 Census. Clay Co KY
John C. Baker: 1m 50-60; 1f 20-30, 1f 30-40. This older John is next to Job Baker and family - Job is age 30-40. Adoniram Baker, also age 30-40 is on the same page - and the West families as found living near Job & John in 1850
and another John Baker....
John Baker, 1m under 5, 2m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 40-50. 1f under 5, 1f 5-10, 2f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40. On the same page with Robert Baker, Jr., Andrew Baker, Cornelius Bowman, Henry Gabbard Sr, John Gabbard, Henry Gabbard Jr. and Isack Gabbard

1850 Census. Clay Co KY, Hh 405
John Baker, age 70, b. NC [he has a middle initial and it's not a D - looks more like an H or C]
Job, age 40, b. NC, has property worth $1000 [would seem to be his household....]
Hannah, 36, b. KY
John 13, Lydia 12, Sarah 17, Morris 8, Jefferson 5, William 17.
continuing on the next page as Hh 405 is Sarah Harris age 34, and Eliza A. age 2.

In household 400 is Jacob West, age 40, and wife Catherine, age 39 - living with them & three West teen-agers are two young children, Sally Baker, age 6, and Henry H. age 4.

By 1860, John may have died, because neither of the John Baker's I found seem to be right - Job was still in Clay Co.

1860 Census. Clay Co, Hh 475
Job Baker [indexed as John] age 50, b. NC
Hannah, 43, b. Clay Co as were the children.
Morris 17, Jefferson 15, America 10
Amelia Lundy, age 22, servant

This John Baker is said to be a son of Robert "Juder Bob Baker...
1860, Owsley Co., Hh 718
John H. Baker, age 66, Farmer, b. NC, no property listed
Lucinda, age 55, consort.
Wiley 28, School Teacher, Robert 26, Farmer, Catherine 25, Esther 23, James 21, Granville 19, Isaac 18, Sarah 14, Massie 12, Maryann 17, Margaret 8, Andrew 5, Maretta 3, and Mary age one month [Some are obviously grandchildren - the only John Baker noted in the state of Kentucky, age 80, b. NC was living in Lincoln Co in the household of Nancy Pointer, age 57, and children John M. Carnister 10, Jas. Anderson Hall age 8, and Mary E. Pointer also 8.]


BirthAbt 1770


ChildMary Baker (1812 - 1860)
ChildAdoniram Baker (1805 - 1875)
FatherJOHN "Renta" BAKER (1744 - 1831)
SiblingAndrew BAKER (1765 - 1842)
SiblingJames "Claybank" BAKER (1768 - )
SiblingRobert Julius "Juder Bob" BAKER (1774 - 1859)
SiblingNancy Baker (1777 - 1849)
SiblingGeorge Washington BAKER (1779 - 1846)
SiblingBoling BAKER (1784 - 1840)
SiblingIFFA BAKER (1790 - 1866)
