Individual Details

Alice Maurine Dixon

(11 Mar 1901 - 23 Jun 1987)

1910 Census. Upper Township, Ft. Smith City, Sebastian Co AR. Sh 14A Hh 287
Frank Dixon, age 48, married 13 years. Born Ohio, father's birthplace unknown, mother b. Maryland. Employee for music dealer.
Mattie, wife, age 38. 2 children. Born Ohio as were her parents.
Marguerette, daughter, age 11, b. Indiana
Marine, daughter, age 8, b. IN
Forge Dury, boarder, age 23, b. VA, Park manager

Marriage license dated 28 Apr 1917. Issued in Crawford County, Joseph Chaberlain, age 21, Miss Maurine Dixon, age 18, both of Ft. Smith.

Maureen and Joseph Leroy Chamberlain were married April 28, 1917; Joe was born 2 Mar 1918 and adopted by Paul & Ida McKim when he was still an infant. The story told by Joe McKim was that Maureen's husband had gone off to the war and deserted her - the baby was sickly and she couldn't care for him. The Dixon's lived just down the street from the McKims and Maureen was friends with their daughters, so they agreed to take the baby and adopt him.

The adoption papers give Maurine's name as Maurine "Dickson" as though she were not married - however I found the marriage record in Crawford Co. She was also using her maiden name at the time of the 1920 census.

1920 Census. Fort Smith Ward 1, Upper Township, Sebastian Co, AR, Sheet 20b, Hh 236
297 Elm Street [the same street the McKims lived on]
E. E. Rooney, age 23, b. MO, switchman for the railroad
Margaritt, wife, age 21, b. IN, parents b. Ohio
Mildred, dau, age 1 year, 6 months, b. AR
Maurine Dixon, sister-in-law, age 18, b. IN, parents b. Ohio [she was using her maiden name.]

Marriage License issued Crawford Co, AR, to Louis Jones of Ft. Smith, age 26, and Maurine Dixon, age 20, on 22 Oct 1921. They were married 4 by Rev. E. Rawlings, First Baptist Church, Van Buren, Crawford Co.

Daily Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, AR, 5 Nov 1921, Saturday, p.11
Fort Smith, Nov. 4 - Louis Jones, Twin third baseman and favorite with baseball fans, Wednesday was married to Miss Maurine Dixon. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Ed Rooney, Waldron Road, the Rev. E. W. Pawlings officiating.

Post Card dated 19 Mar 1925, and postmarked Newark [Licking County], Ohio. Addressed to Master Eugene McKim, c/o Paul McKim, Electric Park, Fort Smith, Ark.
"Hello Nookie - All the boys back here hare flying kites too - Jonesy misses your little dog --Maurine.
Maurine & Louis had quite possibly visited Ft. Smith, and had seen my dad, who did not know at this time that Maurine was actually his mother. He thought she was a close friend of his older sisters'.

Maurine applied for her Social Security number on 6 Feb 1940. She was then living at 9 Court St in Ft. Smith and signed her name as Maurine Jones.

My sister JoAnn told me that Louis Jones was killed in a train accident - perhaps crushed between two cars.

Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, Arkansas), Sunday, August 4, 1929
Former Baseball Player is Killed
Louis Jones, Ex-Western and American Leaguer, Run Down by Train.
Fort Smith, Aug 3. Louis W. Jones formerly one of the best known baseball players in the Western Association and one time American Associaion player, was killed instantly here this afternoon, when he was run down by a Missouri Pacific freight train in the yards. Jones, who had retired from baseball two season ago, was a brakeman on the train.
Jones was one of the most popular players on the Fort Smith club in 1921. Since that year he had played on five different teams in the association, and was one of the oldest players in the circuit when he retired.
Jones was walking down the track and did not hear the train backing down upon him. He fell beneath a boxcar, the wheels cutting across the body, killing him instantly.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Maurine Jones, Fort Smith; his mother, Mrs. Maggie Jones; two sisters, Mrs. Art Comer, and Mrs. Leo Selix, and a half brother, Elmer Dillard, all of Newark. The body will to sent o Newark for burial.

Then Maurine's third husband, Eugene Redmond, was said killed in a car accident near Christmas - with a $100 bill in his pocket as her Christmas gift.

11 Sep 1940 - Marriage License for Mr. Eugene W. Redmond of Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co, AR, age 44 to marry Mrs. Maurine Jones, also of Ft. Smith, age 39.

SS Application gives day of birth as Mar 11 - information given by Maurine in 1940 and again when she changed the name on her Social Security account to Maurine Jones Redmond. Her death certificate gives Mar 10. She gave her name as Alice Maurine on the application; later records, funeral home, etc. give her name as Maurine Alice.

Survivors were her sister, Mrs. Marguerite Rooney, two nieces (one named as Mrs. Bud Corbin], 3 granddaughters (they would be Sandy Jones, JoAnn & Laurie McKim]. Burial at Forest Park Cemetery in Ft. Smith, AR.


Birth11 Mar 1901Vincennes, Knox County, Indiana
Marriage28 Apr 1917Crawford County, Arkansas - Joseph Leroy Chamberlain II
Marriage22 Oct 1921Crawford County, Arkansas - Louis Wetzel Jones
Marriage11 Sep 1940Sebastian County, Arkansas - Eugene William Redmond
Death23 Jun 1987Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas


SpouseJoseph Leroy Chamberlain II (1896 - 1967)
ChildJoseph Eugene McKim (1918 - 1979)
SpouseLouis Wetzel Jones (1895 - 1929)
SpouseEugene William Redmond (1895 - 1943)
FatherFrank E. Dixon (1861 - 1914)
MotherMattie B. Smith (1870 - 1919)
SiblingMarguerite Crosby Dixon (1898 - 1993)
